The Lives of the Saints, Volume III (of 16): March. Baring-Gould Sabine

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The Lives of the Saints, Volume III (of 16): March - Baring-Gould Sabine

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      The Lives of the Saints, Volume III (of 16): March

      March 1

      S. Hesychius, B.M. at Carteja, in Spain, 1st cent.

      S. Eudocia, M. at Heliopolis, in Phœnicia, 2nd cent.

      S. Antonina, M. at Nicæa, 4th cent.

      S. Domnina, V.H. in Syria, circ. A.D. 460.

      S. Simplicius, Abp. of Bourges, circ. A.D. 480.

      S. David, Abp. of Menevia, in Wales, A.D. 544.

      S. Herculanius, B.M. at Perugia, A.D. 547.

      S. Albinus, B. of Angers, circ. A.D. 549.

      S. Marnon, B. in Scotland.

      S. Siward, Ab. of S. Calais, in France, A.D. 687.

      S. Swibert, B. Ap. of the Frisians, A.D. 713.

      S. Monan, Archd. of S. Andrews, in Scotland, circ. A.D. 874.

      S. Leo, M. Abp. of Rouen and Ap. of Bayonne, circ. A.D. 900.

      S. Leo Luke, Ab. of Muletta, in Calabria, circ. A.D. 900.

      S. Rudesind, B. of Dumium, in Portugal, A.D. 977.

      B. Roger, Abp. of Bourges, A.D. 1368.

      B. Bonavita, C. Blacksmith of Lugo, in Italy, A.D. 1375.

S. HESYCHIUS, B.M(1ST CENT.)[Spanish Martyrologies. Not in the Roman.]

      Hesychius is traditionally said to have been one of seven apostles sent by S. Peter into Spain. He is supposed to have preached in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, and to have made Carteja, or Carcesia, the modern Algeziras, his head-quarters. Nothing authentic is known of this mission, or of his labours and martyrdom.


      [Greek Menæa, and Roman Martyrology. This saint does not occur in any of the ancient Latin Martyrologies. Her name was inserted in the Roman Martyrology by Baronius. She is called Eudoxia or Eudocia. Authority: – An ancient Greek Life which, however, from its using the word homo-ousios, and calling the Prætor, Count, proves to be later than the times of Constantine. The story has a foundation of fact, no doubt; but a large amount of addition to it has been made of fabulous matter, to convert it into a religious romance.]

      There was a Samaritan woman named Eudocia, of great beauty, who lived as a harlot, in the city of Heliopolis, in Phœnicia. She had amassed much wealth by her shameful mode of life, and she thought only of how she might gratify the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. But the word of God is like a hammer that breaketh the rocks in pieces.

      There was a monk, named Germanus, passing through the city, and he lodged with an acquaintance next door to the house of Eudocia. And in the middle of the night he arose, as was his wont, and sang his Psalms, and, opening a book began, by the light of his lamp, to read a spiritual lecture with a loud voice. And this happened to be its subject, – the coming of Jesus Christ on the clouds of heaven to judge all men according to their works, when they that have done well shall enter into life, and they that have done evil shall be cast into eternal fire. Now, it fell out that there was only a lath and plaster wall between the room where the monk was and that in which Eudocia lay. And when he began to sing she awoke, wondering, and listened, annoyed at first at the disturbance, but afterwards interested and alarmed. Then, when she heard him read the sentence of God on sinners, she was filled with remorse for the past, present shame, and fear for the future. And when morning dawned, she sent for the monk, and she asked him if that was true which he had read during the night. He answered that it was so. Then looking round, and wondering at the costly furniture and luxuries that abounded, he said simply, "What a rich man thy husband must be!" Then she reddened with shame, and said, in a low voice, "I have many lovers, but no husband." "Oh, my daughter," cried Germanus, "Would'st thou rather be poor now, and live in joy and glory hereafter, or be wealthy now and perish miserably in everlasting death?" Then Eudocia said, "How hard thy God must be to hate riches." "God forbid," exclaimed the monk, "it is not riches that He abhors, but goods unjustly gotten." Then he declared to her in order what she must do and believe to be saved. "And first, send for a priest of the city who may give thee proper instruction, that thou mayest be baptized, for baptism is the beginning and the foundation of the whole Christian life. And now, prepare thyself with fasting and prayer."

      So Eudocia bade her servants close the house, as though she had gone into her country villa, and should any one come to the door, refuse him admission. And she sent for a priest, and when he came she said, "Oh, sir! I am a grievous sinner, a sea of guilt." "Be of good cheer, my daughter," was his salutation. "The sea of guilt may be changed into a port of salvation, and the waves tossing with passion sink into an ineffable calm." Then he instructed her on the nature of repentance, and bade her wear a mean dress, putting away her trinkets and silk gown, and fast for seven days; and he diligently taught her what she must believe and do. And before he went on his way, Germanus visited her once again, to confirm the good work that was begun in her. Then she asked him why he lived in the desert, and in the practice of severe mortification. "Oh, my daughter," he said; "We monks labour incessantly to cleanse from every spot of sin the garments of our souls." And she said, "I have now fasted and eaten nothing for seven days. And I will declare to thee what befel me last night. In my exhaustion I sank into a trance, and saw, and lo! an angel took me by the hand, and led me into Heaven, where was unspeakable light, and there I saw the blessed ones in white, with shining faces, and all their countenances lit up as I approached, and they came running towards me, and greeted me, even me, as a sister. Then there came up a shadow, horrible and black, and it shrieked, saying, 'This woman is mine. I have used her to destroy many, she has worked for me as a bond slave, and shall she be saved? I, for one little disobedience, was cast out of heaven, and here is this beast, steeped from head to foot in pollution, admitted to the company of the elect! Have done with this; take them all, scrape all the rascals and harlots on earth together, and admit them into your society. I will off into my Hell, and grovel there in fire for ever.' And then I heard a voice from the ineffable light answer and say, 'God willeth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live.' And after that the angel took me by the hand and led me home again, and saying to me, 'There is joy in heaven over one sinner that repenteth,' signed me thrice with the cross, and vanished."

      Then Germanus rejoiced, and bade Eudocia be of good courage, and continue in the good path she had elected to walk in.

      Now, when the time of her preparation was over, Eudocia was baptized by the bishop, Theodotus, and when the sacrament of illumination had been administered, she went home and made an inventory of all that she had, and sent it to the bishop. And when Theodotus had looked at it he went to her house, and said, "What is this little book that thou hast sent me?" And she answered, "This is the list of all my precious things, which I pray thy holiness to order the steward of the Church to receive of me, and distribute, as seemeth fitting, to those that have need." Then the bishop did as he was desired, and the Church treasurer came, and collected, and disposed of all her costly things. It may interest some to know what these were. Besides money, and jewels, and pearls, of which there was great store, he carried off two hundred and seventy-five boxes of silk dresses, and four hundred and ten chests of linen, one hundred and sixty boxes of gowns embroidered with gold, one hundred and fifty cases of dresses with jewelled work, one hundred and twenty-three large chests of various garments, twelve boxes of musk, thirty-three of Indian storax, a large number of silver vessels, several silk curtains ornamented with gold bullion, satin curtains, and many other things too numerous to mention.

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In the reign of Trajan, says the Life, but this is very questionable. Monastic life was not developed then to the extent shown in this story.