The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost. Lim Word

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The Settlement Agreement. Make a repost - Lim Word

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Soviet military attaches arrive in Libya to create a full-fledged army there, and at the same time enlighten the leadership of the “Jamahiriya” about building the right socialism. The weapons purchased by the Arab Republic from the USSR on credit (and, therefore, free of charge, that is, for nothing) are so numerous that 300 aircraft of various types, dozens of helicopters, 4,000 tanks, antiaircraft complexes, etc., stand in the desert, just covered with pieces of tarpaulin.

      In this, absolutely non-democratic country, there are no legal norms or norms supported by the people’s charters and regulations. Everything depends, solely, on the leader of Moammar Gaddafi, his closest relatives, friends and, perhaps, the communicative skills of those who wish to somehow interact with them.

      Soviet military advisers isolate, prohibit any movement beyond 15 km. from the base, exclude communication with the highest officials of the state, if they suddenly themselves do not condescend to it. Higher officers huddle almost in the Bedouin tents, and, until then, they are eating what they have. The small print on the Libyan passports issued to military and civilian specialists is “Hired force – one of the varieties of slaves.” … In 1965, the USSR gave Poland licenses, a full cycle of production of the most popular aircraft AN-2 and Mi-2 helicopters. Of course, this is just one of a great many examples of not mutually beneficial cooperation. Most of the industrial production, transport, power capacity in the Eastern Bloc (Warsaw Pact, CMEA) was established by the Soviet Union. The essential difference between the organization of the Warsaw Pact (from 1955) and NATO, incidentally, is that a significant share of common arms is produced by Western European countries. This is their contribution to the North Atlantic Alliance… which can be replaced by resources, or simply (live) money. In the Eastern bloc, weapons for almost 8 million soldiers supply the industrial capacities of the Soviet Union. Or, the USSR has to purchase these weapons – paying, for example, for the Mi-2 mentioned above, with transferable (provided by real goods and resources) rubles to the socialist Poland. The assessment of general assistance to Cuba, the DPRK, China, Iraq, India, Egypt, Syria, Libya, Vietnam, Laos, Afghanistan, Algeria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Albania, Nicaragua and other non-European socialist (or simply “friendly”) countries is difficult, but on the basis of some data the number of “400 billion not devalued dollars” seems plausible. In order, at least approximately, to convert this amount into its modern equivalent, it is necessary to multiply 0.4 trillion by 4. And still, it would be somehow tolerable if from this donation there appeared at least some economic, even if only moral return. “Who feeds the girl at the restaurant, he dances with her” – this widely known, psychologically quite justified situation in this case does not work. The Soviet Union feeds its “girls” year after year, waiting for love, but they show some enthusiasm only with the next supply of weapons and food. At the same time, sometimes, the followers behave with respect to the “teacher” very aggressively, and in a boorish way. So, Albania simply selects four submarines from the USSR at the base in Vlora, Cuba physically prevents the dismantling of rocket launchers on its territory, etc. Two truly democratic countries never fight each other, autocratic or totalitarian – quite self. Everything depends on a whim that lacks a real connection with the people of the leaders: the degree of indigestion of their stomach, migraine, toothache, nighttime “prophetic” sleep, nervous illness, or middle-aged crisis. Undoubtedly, the Soviet people discourage such things as the war between the socialist countries: Ethiopia and Somalia, China and Vietnam, … the suppression by Soviet troops of speeches in Czechoslovakia, and, of course, almost resulted in the Third World Conflict of the USSR and the Maoist PRC.

      The assistance of the Union to African countries leads, in the end (in addition to other factors) to the collapse of the apartheid regime in South Africa, the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of European colonists from the developed lands; The immersion of once prosperous states in the abyss of chaos.

      …So, the countries of the socialist camp only say sometimes about sympathy for the Soviet Union – but more substantial evidence of this love is not provided. There are no Soviet, chic and very inexpensive resorts in the victorious Vietnam, Laos, Egypt, Syria… ocean tours to Cuba. These countries do not accept good Soviet rubles for payment… In the end, the understanding that mercantile “girls” are simply “dynamiting” their patron, reaches the consciousness of the entire Soviet people (even, it seems, its top leaders).

      The approach to the US business is completely different. If a certain country really wants to learn something, it must honor its teacher, pay it well, follow all instructions, and be ready (if something goes wrong at all) to take a refreshing dose of rods.

      Example: Soviet military attaches arrive in Libya to create a full-fledged army there, and at the same time enlighten the leadership of the “Jamahiriya” about building the right socialism. The weapons purchased by the Arab Republic from the USSR on credit (and, therefore, free of charge, that is, for nothing) are so numerous that 300 aircraft of various types, dozens of helicopters, 4,000 tanks, antiaircraft complexes, etc., stand in the desert, just covered with pieces of tarpaulin.

      In this, absolutely non-democratic country, there are no legal norms or norms supported by the people’s charters and regulations. Everything depends, solely, on the leader of Moammar Gaddafi, his closest relatives, friends and, perhaps, the communicative skills of those who wish to somehow interact with them.

      Soviet military advisers isolate, prohibit any movement beyond 15 km. from the base, exclude communication with the highest officials of the state, if they suddenly themselves do not condescend to it. Higher officers huddle almost in the Bedouin tents, and, until then, they are eating what they have. The small print on the Libyan passports issued to military and civilian specialists is “Hired force – one of the varieties of slaves. “The main occupation of the “slave” is simple – the maintenance of military equipment in good condition (the Libyans regard the TO as lower than their dignity), the training of servicemen for its proper operation and application. To order anything to any Arab, Soviet military advisers have no right. From political studies in the style of “Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided…” the Libyan officers silently leave.

      Americans, in turn, initially, without hypocrisy and hypocrisy, create a true picture of the situation in their chosen country, organize a civil society, put in place even elementary legal norms. Imagine the restriction of movements of the military attache, ambassadors in this case it is impossible. Moreover, to leave the territory of the military base, for example, for leisure, according to this request, it is not only the officer who is free, but also the most common soldier. The location of all US employees is furnished, certainly, with some comfort. American – it sounds proud. Noticing how the representatives of the superpower respect themselves, their fellow citizens, they honor the “convenient” laws invented by them, the local residents also penetrate to the guardians with piety …

      Relying on their civil society, American advisers can effectively influence the government itself. The government usually understands this, tyranny and autocracy tries to avoid – or receives mass actions of its, now quite fully conscious people.

      What is said here can anger a certain reader: “How so, the author clearly propagandizes US intervention.” Well, then, let’s sum up the results we selected as an example of Libya. The result of Brezhnev’s friendship with Gaddafi: 4, 5 billion dollars of written-off debts for the post-Soviet Russia, and an unknown amount of money “forgiven” the USSR. The humiliated dignity of Soviet citizens, disappointment in the socialist system. It’s all. Interaction with Libya of the USA and Western Europe: free access to cheap oil, honestly paid contracts, hiring various specialists and supplying equipment. In 2011, the US Air Force, France, Great Britain contribute to the defeat of the Gaddafi army by the rebel forces. By the way, the spark from which the flame of civil war is kindled is “just” the arrest

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