A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing. Joan Johnston

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A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Joan  Johnston

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the hell do you think you’re doing, leaving the back door standing wide open? You’ll catch your death of cold,” he yelled, giving her shoulders a shake to make his point. “Of all the stupid, idiotic, greenhorn—”

      And then it dawned on him what he was doing, and he let her go as abruptly as he’d grabbed her. She backed up to the wall and stood there, staring at him.

      Harry Alistair had a death grip on the lamb in her arms. There were dark circles under her eyes, which were wide and liquid with tears that hadn’t yet spilled. Her whole body was trembling with fatigue and the aftereffects of the shaking Nathan had given her. Her mouth was working but the words weren’t coming out in much more than a whisper.

      Nathan leaned closer to hear what she was trying to say.

      “Get out,” she rasped. And then, stronger, “Get out of my house.”

      Nathan felt his heart miss a thump. “I’m sorry. Look, I only came over—”

      Her chin came up. “I don’t care why you came. I want you to leave. And don’t come back.”

      Nathan’s lips pressed flat. What will be must be. It was just as well things had turned out this way. It would have been a mistake to try to help her, anyway. But there was a part of him that died inside at the thought of not seeing her again. He wanted her. More than he’d ever wanted a woman in his life. But she was all wrong for him. She needed the kind of caretaking he’d sworn he was through with forever.

      It took every bit of grit he had to turn on his booted heel and walk out of the room. And out of her life.


      What is accepted dress-for-success garb for country women?

      Answer: Coveralls, scabby work shoes, holey hat and shredded gloves.


      I am not a failure. I can do anything I set my mind to do. I will succeed.

      Over the next two months there were many times when Harry wanted to give up. Often, it was only the repetition of those three sentences that kept her going. For, no matter how hard she tried, things always went awry. She had been forced to learn some hard lessons and learn them fast.

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