Two Drops Of Water. Nicola Rocca

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Two Drops Of Water - Nicola Rocca

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words, but that was all that needed saying for now.


      AlfreDario77 10.22

      Sorry to hear that…


      SadChantal 10.23

      Tell me about it…:-(


      AlfreDario77 10.23

      Do you know what? I might be able to help you out...


      SadChantal 10.23



      AlfreDario77 10.25

      I run a B&B in Grosseto, Tuscany. It's mine, I own it. Last year, the girl that was helping me out decided to move on. So I'm looking for a willing replacement.


      AlfreDario77 10.26

      What do you think? Would you be interested? Do you know anything about the hospitality sector?

      Chantal stared at the monitor for ages. She couldn't believe it. She'd sent off dozens of copies of her CV without managing to get an interview. In fact, no one had even bothered to reply. And here she was, chatting with some guy she'd only met two days ago, and he was offering her a job.

      Hardly local though, was it? Tuscany, for goodness' sake.


      AlfreDario77 10.29

      Done another disappearing act, have you? If you're not interested, there's no need to turn off your PC! You can just tell me :-)

      Chantal chastised herself for taking so long to reply. She took a deep breath.


      SadChantal 10.30

      Sounds incredible! A B&B! I did some bar work for a few that any good?


      AlfreDario77 10.31

      Perfect. It's not quite the same thing but at least you wouldn't be starting from scratch.


      SadChantal 10.32

      If your B&B was in somewhere in the Brescia area, I could come for a trial. But Tuscany...blimey! That's a hell of a long way...


      AlfreDario77 10.33

      I know it's quite far. But it's not as if you'd have to go back to Brescia every night. You'd have board and lodging on top of your salary. A bedroom and bathroom all to yourself.


      SadChantal 10.35

      I'd have to drop everything...leave my hometown...

      Chantal realised what she'd written was total bollocks. It may have been a throwaway comment, but more likely she was lying to herself about the tragedy of the previous twelve months. Drop everything? She didn't have anything to drop.

      She wondered if he'd figured as much. Right from the off, she'd spilled her guts and basically let him know that she was on her own.


      AlfreDario77 10.38

      It might do you good. Draw a line in the sand, turn over a new leaf...

      Look, I don't want to pressure you. I know it's a tough decision. You'll need time.


      SadChantal 10.39

      You're's not an easy decision. Give me a couple of days, OK?


      AlfreDario77 10.40

      Take all the time you need.

      Chantal reflected on what had just happened. It was a great opportunity, but she'd need to be brave. Drop everything (even if it was nothing) and go to Tuscany.

      She had been on several trips with Giulio, all fairly far away. She'd been to some beautiful places, some on the other side of the world. But Tuscany, which was just down the road in comparison, was somewhere she'd never been.


      SadChantal 10.42

      I'll just say thanks for the offer at the moment. I'll have a think about it and let you know as soon as possible. Is that OK?


      AlfreDario77 10.44

      Like I said, there's no rush. Take as long as you need, within reason! The season gets under way in about a month's time. People start to arrive at the beginning of spring.

      Chantal closed the chat window and decided to treat herself to some peace and quiet and a smoke before heading to the shopping precinct to buy some lunch. Trouble was, there was no peace and quiet to be had: a voice inside her head kept asking the same questions over and over.

      Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I? Do I? Don't I?

      She may have told this guy she needed a few days to think it over, but Chantal knew deep down that she'd already made up her mind.

      CHAPTER 5

      The key turned twice in the lock and the door opened.

      She entered her flat, food shopping in one hand and purse in the other. She raised one foot behind her and kicked the door shut, before dumping her shopping bag in the kitchen and heading towards the bathroom. But as she walked through the living room, something caught her eye.

      She froze and stared at the photo.

      Her mouth turned down at the corners and she began to weep.

      She made no effort to wipe away her tears as she drew nearer the photo frame. Her stomach tightened.

      She took another two steps closer to the photo of the woman, who appeared to be smiling right at her, and swallowed tearfully. She raised her hand to her mouth and bit down on her knuckles.

      "Mam..." she sobbed. "Mamma."

      She sniffed and turned once more to face the woman in the photo, as if she could hear her.


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