Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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wrote down on the sheet of paper.

      The door of an office was slightly opened, someone glanced through a crack.

      – You do not work, the father? – asked Amelie, entering the room. Amelie

      never entered to the father when that was busy. It were hours

      religious rites. The daughter of the philosopher was excited, her cheeks burned

      flush. Shnirer looked at the daughter over points and asked briefly:

      – Sport?

      – This time not. I saw Otto. The lieutenant Otto Ernst was

      Amelie’s groom.

      – Well and that? – Shnirer asked, weighing Descartes.

      – We with it had a conversation…

      – As I see, very hot.

      – Yes. I suggested it to take part in flight. He answered that with

      its parties it would be desertion. He told: “I have to remain

      here, to win or die!” Otto convinced me to remain with him.

      Descartes’s small volume trembled in Shnirer’s hand.

      – Well, and that you answered? – he asked, trying to hide alarm.

      – I answered it that I will follow you, the father. Shnirer frowned,

      to hide joy:

      – So. And Otto?

      – Otto speaks, as you have no need to fly… And all these books you

      you want to take with yourself? Whether you gather, the father to give lectures on

      philosophies to Martians or inhabitants of Venus?

      – If they exist and are rather developed for this purpose, then why to them

      and not to get acquainted with philosophers of Earth? – Shnirer answered. – And to fly to me

      it is necessary. And it for my part not desertion and not cowardice. On me

      the holy duty lies – to keep wisdom of Earth. True philosophy,

      thousand-year heritage of human culture. To all this, – he specified on

      books, – terrible danger threatens. Who knows what treasures of a thought

      were killed in fire at the fire of the Alexandria library? And now approaches

      world fire. If communism wins, I think, these barbarians will burn everything

      philosophical books, except books of the philosophers, – Shnirer was lop-sided on

      fireplace. – The mankind will run wild and eventually will die: the car will exterminate

      it. Around the world – understand, in all solar system, in all space! —

      treasures of the human genius will remain only in our “ark”. If

      we are not fated to return to Earth, we will land on some planet.

      We will put the basis to new mankind, true culture – without cars,

      without infection of materialistic philosophy, without policy and without workers

      questions. – Shnirer became straight and became similar to the bible prophet. —

      There, on new Earth, – it continued, having raised a finger up, – will be necessary

      these books. They will become our tables of the covenant. And I will teach people to the truth.

      Shnirer, this room scientist not capable to direct actions, all

      served the class till last days. However, at this philosopher were

      the scores with capitalism – cars. But also consisted in that

      originality of its philosophy that he tried to resolve a circle quadrature about

      capitalism without the equipment and machines. Generated by hopeless

      contradictions, its philosophy was quite confused, but it used

      success because carried out the social order of “Mohicans” and promised

      some “exit” from the deadlock. Shnirer looked at himself nearly as

      on the Messiah, designed to save capitalism from a loop and to remove it in

      promised country of cloudless eternal prosperity. He seriously considered

      itself the keeper of wisdom of Earth, that is that philosophy which is necessary

      was for an ideological justification and the statement of its class. And this

      to the idea it served selflessly. Only for the sake of it he decided to go in

      this extraordinary risky travel. Only for the sake of it it – passionate

      the opponent of cars – decided to resort to the help of the car, to send himself to it

      the order to entrust it the “precious for mankind” life.

      To escape from the car by car. He deeply and painfully felt it

      contradiction, but did not see other exit.

      – And if we return to Earth?

      – Ives this case needs to keep books in the reliable place. And that

      can be more reliable than “ark”? “They” can destroy books before

      your Otto and his colleagues will destroy “them”. And I will return to Earth of its treasure.

      I will bring these tables of wisdom from the sky and I will hand them to people as Moisey. I

      I will educate the saddened human consciousness this! – It solemnly lifted

      up a small volume of own philosophical treatise about malignancy

      materialism. – I have to keep myself for mankind! – solemnly

      he finished and already usual tone asked:

      – You kept within?

      – Still not. I go to gather, – Amelie told. She kissed the father in

      cheek, passed to the room, opened a trunk and one minute threw there

      volleyball, several tennis balls and rackets, two guns,


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