Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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word, everything that it took, going to ordinary “travel” —

      to the resort.


      The bishop Iov Weller got ready for a trip too. It should fly on

      unknown planet. With this thought he, could reconcile in any way yet

      to accustom.

      Once on Saturday he peacefully sat, having gone deep into drawing up

      the Sunday sermon, in the cozy apartment where lived two tens

      years when the housekeeper reported that some person wants to see it.

      Thinking that he is invited for execution of an occasional office, he told that

      the visitor was let in.

      The little restless person entered:

      – I have honor to be presented. I am Henry Pinch. Representative of joint-stock

      societies “Noah’s Ark” and personal secretary of the chairman of the board of Mr.

      Samuel Stormer.

      – This charitable society? – the bishop asked. He already forgot about

      conversation in salon of lady Hinton.

      – Not absolutely, – Pinch answered, taking seat in a chair and fidgeting in it. —

      Though in some way it is possible to call it and charitable. Rescue

      people from terrible death – whether this not good cause? You need to fly, the sir

      bishop, as soon as possible.

      – Where to fly? – Weller asked.

      – On the sky.

      The bishop was involuntarily removed to a chair back. That it, ridiculous joke

      or ravings of a madman?

      – I not absolutely understand you.

      – I believed that you are rather prepared for this offer, —

      Pinch answered, continuing to fidget in a chair. – Lady Hinton spoke…

      The bishop remembered everything. But really it is serious?.

      – I do not intend to fly on the sky! Perfect it intends! – the bishop told

      such tone as if to it suggested to die. – To me to fly? Agree,

      that it does not even match my dignity.

      Пинч shrugged shoulders:

      – I believe that it will not drop the advantage of your dignity. As

      there were precedents… The prophet Ilya, for example, made flight to the sky.

      Righteous person, prophet. On that time the prophet’s rank, I believe, meant not

      it is less, than now the bishop.

      – Yes, but., there was a God’s pleasure…

      – And this pleasure of lady Hinton.

      – I very much respect lady Hinton. This is the best sheep in my herd. But

      it at me not one. I cannot leave the flock on eating up predatory

      to wolves.

      – And if the flock leaves you?.

      The bishop sighed:

      – I agree with you. Temples are visited less. But, as it is told in

      the writing, “where one or two are brought together in my name, there and I in the middle of them”.

      – In “ark” there will be twenty people. And when we will land on

      some planet, to Mars or Venus, you will undertake a role

      the apostle, announcing Christ’s doctrine to Martians or educating light

      Gospel of inhabitants of Venus. Think only, you the first which will be with

      the sermon of Christianity on other planets of solar system! And to be

      can, god elects you for this mission.

      – The almighty Lord, if finds necessary, can make it and other

      in the way. But we will not concern so important theological questions, —

      the bishop answered.

      – Well, – continued Pinch, – it is admissible, you will refuse to fly,

      despite insistent desire of lady Hinton who does not think of flight

      without you. “The doctor is spiritual, – she says, – it is so necessary, as well as the doctor

      corporal. Who will give to me advice, to direct “and a virtue path?

      Who will make a ceremony of a wedding of lady Ellen with lord Henry Blotton?

      Who will christen the been born children who will bury me if I die?”

      Let’s say you will not obey these arguments and will remain. What waits for you

      here? Perhaps, martyr death…

      – I am ready to accept a martyr’s crown, – the bishop told, raising eyes to

      to the sky. – But “yes this bowl will pass me”, – he whispered about himself.

      – To remain on Earth, especially in your dignity, – Pinch was not appeased, —

      extremely dangerously. In the country a tense situation. It is already the day before

      revolutions, there is nothing to close eyes to it. – Пинч, having slid off on edge

      chairs, continued by confidential tone:

      – Lady Hinton received the most reliable news from the highest spheres that

      falling of the power is expected any day. We not in forces to fight. It is impossible

      to hesitate.

      The bishop felt that sweat covers his forehead and cold runs on

      to wide back.

      – I am ready to everything, – he told.

      Пинч took the leave and left.


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