Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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but on the new planet it would be among terrestrial

      settlers the real father – Christ’s deputy. And unless without

      Christianities, in general without religion it is possible to support a social order,

      which provided also to it and his “sheep”, similar ladies Hinton, them

      privileged position? But not only this “a high mission of the apostle”

      forced it to decide to participate in flight. The bishop was frightened quickly

      the developing events there is not less Shnirer and others. If revolution

      will win, at its dignity it is necessary to it. Especially. perhaps, these

      it was not necessary to tell sermons… And the prayer made by it about

      the fastest death of communism? It even, speak, was with corresponding

      with comments it is printed in their newspapers… No, to run, run… And it with

      diligence began to select books of spiritual contents from the enough

      big library. He put on a table already several big books when

      phone cracked.

      – Forgive for concern. Hallo! Yes! It again I, Pinch. I forgot

      to warn you that if you decide to fly, hurry up to select things,

      what you will find necessary to take with yourself, but it is no more than hundred kilograms.

      Such is the order of our chief engineer. In “ark” everything is weighed

      to the last gram.

      The bishop with disappointment hung up.

      It is no more than a centner. What complication! Except books, it is necessary to take

      it is a lot of other things. He thought of the habits. Iov Weller loved

      it is good to eat. What will feed in “ark” with? It will be necessary on everyone

      to take a case with itself something for emergency. Even more the bishop loved and appreciated

      thin wines and expensive liqueurs. They need absolutely to be taken. With the

      stomach he did not get on as well as his best “sheep” – lady Hinton. To it

      it was necessary to resort to laxatives, mainly to mineral

      to waters. It is necessary to take at least a box of Zaltsbrunnen.

      The bishop with despondency looked at the books which are spread out on a table and standing

      on shelves. They one, probably, weigh more than a centner. It is necessary to select

      the most necessary. The bishop called the housekeeper, ordered it to bring from the storeroom

      bottles, banks of canned food, cookies boxes, banks with the oil condensed

      milk also forced all this to weigh at itself. The housekeeper began to cry:

      really the bishop considers her the thief? But at heart she was delighted:

      the person who as she overheard, decided to depart, having thrown everything on

      a destiny arbitrariness, would not begin to be engaged in economic trifles.

      The hill with books on an episcopal table gradually thawed. At first it

      put aside commentators and interpreters of the writing, then decided that

      it is possible to do without history of ecumenical councils. Several tasty things and

      warm jerseys forced to remove back on the book shelf of also some

      Holy Fathers. Was already long after midnight when the bishop at last finished

      selection. The voluminous chest was full. On the top pocket lay

      Bible of the edition of the British bible society, and small breviary.

      Apostles – those did also without it…


      Dexterous agents of “Society of rescue from danger” hired all

      new and new investors clients, gold flowed a wide stream in pockets

      businessmen who had no objection to earn additionally and on rescue.

      Collecting went to the road in the different ends of the world.


      …There is such hour at dawn when the city polusmezhat tired for

      put eyes. Show-windows and wide windows of cafe, a window which reflect die away

      only gloss of streetlights. The movement of cars calms down.

      In this hour on the city with speed limit long rushed

      narrow brilliant limousine. It went to the building of the Central bank where

      treasures of the largest capitalists were stored.

      In a limousine sat, having leaned back on a seatback, Marshal de Terlonzh,

      squeezing a small suitcase of yellow skin in hands.

      The king of the exchange, obviously, waited in this inopportune for bank

      operations hour. The car did not manage to approach to the bank building as silently

      its side door opened. Marshal quickly went out of the car, almost

      ran space to a door and sliped in a lobby. Bald,

      the representative, stout man from the rest of curls on the head and humpbacked

      respectfully met by a nose the banker and said in low tones:

      – I ask you.

      And they went along a long corridor accompanied by armed


      They went down under the earth. The way went through the hugest fortress,

      which was constructed ever by the person. Any Pharaoh would not think up

      such unapproachable crypt in the depth of pyramids what these arches were

      bank, lit throughout strong opaque electric


      By the hoist engine they went down on two floors and appeared before


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