Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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you are covered already by an itch of the propagandist. Yes, here grateful

      the soil, it is also necessary to put not enough work that all this powder

      the cellar blew up. But, – it continued significantly, – endurance, Hans,

      and patience are so necessary for the revolutionary, as well as bravery. In total in

      the time. Here and our housing.

      They entered the small house put from crude logs of mountain


      Walls of the room of Vinkler were covered with plywood sheets. In a corner stood

      iron furnace. Two tables – lunch and working with phone and a lamp on

      it is mute, couple of chairs, a bed, a washstand and a small locker made

      all situation. A color carpet on a wall at a bed and a skin of a bear on a floor

      brightened up this just arranged room a little.

      – So you were not tired?

      – No, he is not tired, – Finger answered, undressing. – I would like somewhat quicker

      to get acquainted with the city and…

      – To learn the latest news?

      Vinkler took out an electric tile, cans from a locker,

      bread, plates also began to manage.

      – And so, listen. Now in Stormer-city it is constructed

      the first big rocket calculated on twenty people. Behind it have to

      to follow others. And finally to convince men of little faith,

      the hesitating, indecisive rich men, the small rocket is already constructed

      Pikkolo in which one person can be located. Trial flight in

      presence of “shareholders” Blotton will make – he wants to concede to nobody

      this honor. For this purpose it also arrived here. The lord cannot refuse in

      rash bravery, characteristic of the bourgeois champion. Rocket

      will make small take-off, will rise over a stratosphere – new laurels in

      rekordsmensky wreath of the lord – will also go down on the surface of the Great ocean,

      where we will also catch it. A lot of things depend on success of this first flight.

      Intensity of a gold stream can increase considerably if Blotton

      will appear after flight live and safe before kings of the exchange.

      – And you, Vinkler, trust in a possibility of rescue of capitalist

      tops in such unusual way?

      – Let will do some flying.

      – And., you promote it?

      – Not only that itself I promote, but also attracted you to “partnership

      in a crime against revolution”. Yes, yes. You will not only work

      on building, but also you will depart together with me and lords whom you are so

      fairly you hate, – certainly if only flight takes place.

      Hans, do not get excited. Listen to me quietly. I well know that you want

      to tell. We could upset all this music, certainly, very easily.

      We could cause a revolt, could blow up the rocket before most

      take-off. But what would be benefited by us from it? The idea we would not kill. Flight all

      could take place, but already in other place, without us. And it would be

      much worse. A starprobe vehicle – a dangerous toy. It can be used not

      only for shameful flight, but also for approach. Eventually we

      we are not down on to all plans of leaders of this business. And that they

      mean to use a starprobe vehicle and for a throwing of bombs in critical

      the moment of the last decisive battles, it is not subject to doubt. It already

      becomes in colonies – during war and at suppression of revolts. No,

      much more safely is also more practical if we with you on the rocket are. In

      the necessary moment we will always manage to appropriate whom follows.

      – If everything is and can be coming us more interesting and

      considerable work, than service of the capitalists trying to get away,


      – Isn’t that so, fascinating task? – Vinkler killed it. – But

      you should work, work hard terribly. All these

      starprobe vehicles., let they build them… After the world revolution all

      will get to us, isn’t that so? So why to us to exterminate rockets now?

      No, we will build them, to build for ourselves. Superfast means of communication

      will gain the huge and daily value. Will be necessary to us

      stratoplana first of all, and over time and starprobe vehicles. There now and

      it is ready. To pork I will make still fried eggs. You eat, be sated, gain strength.

      Hans with appetite of the young, healthy and got hungry man

      began to absorb both pork, and fried eggs, and beans in a tomato. Vinkler, tenderly

      smiling, watched it.

      – Whether Zander knows about the true purposes to which he serves now? – asked

      Finger, having satisfied the first hunger.

      – How to tell! Time “Noah’s Ark” does not pursue the military aims, for

      the naive pacifist engineer Zander of it is enough. And in everything

      the rest he is interested in affairs of shareholders a little. Society gave it

      an opportunity and huge appliances to develop work in such

      scales of which he could not dream. It for it the main thing. And

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