Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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magnificent designer and extremely modest person.”I

      only pupil of the great teacher Tsiolkovsky. It lit a flame, I

      only I support him until the dream of mankind is fulfilled” – so

      he speaks about himself. I would tell that Zander though he now and “out of

      politicians”, perhaps, belongs to that best part technical

      the intellectuals which can work well together not bad with us as it worked well together

      once it in the east. Here therefore we with you also helped Zander

      to run. Well, it is full? We go, I will show you an amusement park.

      – Here did not think in any way what in Stormer-city exists even

      amusement park! Perhaps, there is also a cinema, cabaret, taverns and these… “red


      – How the businessman will do without these institutions? Device

      pumpings out of a salary from pockets of workers works here excellently. But

      only amusement park here special… And, unlike other entertainments,

      even free. It has great success in the local population. And,

      it is necessary to tell, deserves that. It is very amusing and very instructive. Not

      I will mystify you more. Amusement park not entertaining

      attractions, and real city laboratory. In this laboratory

      those conditions in which there will be participants are artificially created

      flight on rockets – from start to the finish. Here influence of these is studied

      conditions: accelerations and delays of flight, increase in gravity,

      zero gravity and so on. Unfortunately, I am too busy that

      to accompany you. But you also will understand everything. Here to you “entrance

      the ticket” in an amusement park. According to this admission all will show you and all will explain.

      Chapter 6


      Members of Spaseniye joint-stock company, future participants of flight on

      to the first rocket, gathered in a country mansion of lady Hinton that

      to discuss important questions of the forthcoming travel.

      At a preliminary meeting scientists did not come to the full agreement.

      The general meeting was organized in the hall of ancestors. If severely looking

      from dark canvases proud knights could listen, they, likely, jumped out

      from the gilded frames also escaped, – about such wild, improbable for

      them things it was told here.

      Guests sat at the long oval table laid by a white cloth

      Elizabeth’s times. An ancient tea service with gold stains on blue

      background, color candles in bronze high candlesticks, roses in vases,

      gilded biscuit barrels decorated a table. As statues, stood at an entrance severe

      footmen in gray liveries.

      – It is given the floor to professor sir Abraham Kinbruk! – loudly

      Stormer who undertook duties of the chairman unusual announced


      The English astronomer, yet not the old, stout man similar in the

      tail-coat suit on the diplomat, slowly rose, softly smiled and

      threw a meeting an inquisitive look. For any audience, since

      the international astronomical congresses and finishing aristocratic

      salons, at it prepared different styles and methods of a statement

      material. “It is necessary to be at loss for words on ears, – laughing, he said in a circle

      friends. – Not any word will get into the ear aggravated by diamond


      – Lady and gentlemen! – there began Kinbruk and made a pause, once again

      checking mood of audience. – Responsibility of the task assigned on

      us, forces to be especially careful. I frankly have to tell,

      that our scientific knowledge about whether there can be a person on others

      planets, are very incomplete, limited. My scientific colleagues assume,

      that in solar system there are two planets available for

      human existence, is Mars and Venus. Alas, I cannot

      to divide with them this confidence. In comparison with our Earth the planet

      Mars receives twice less light and heat. If you landed on

      Mars, that Sun would seem to you rather small disk.

      The Martian day would seem you twilight of Earth. You would suffer from

      cold weather. Perhaps, you would pine from thirst because on Mars it is not enough

      waters. In eternal cold you would wander about fruitless sandy deserts

      continents and to hollows of the dried-up seas. However, I doubt that wandered

      .You just would choke with a lack of oxygen. It there very much

      it is not enough.

      If you want to present even more clearly living conditions on Mars, I will bring

      to you such example. The highest of the mountain tops, known on Earth, Everest

      rises by eight thousand eight hundred eighty two meters. Ours

      the English climbers, the best in the world, could reach only height

      eight thousand six hundred four meters. Any expedition did not reach to

      tops. Ice-covered steep slopes of mountains, furious mountain wind, a frost – everything was

      it is overcome. But people receded before a lack

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