Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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style="font-size:15px;">      he is grateful to professor Kinbruk who informed you in advance about

      some inconveniences existing on the specified planets. In

      astronomical questions your authority will be believed, certainly, more,

      than me.

      – But where you land us, devil take it? Forgive, the milady, for

      involuntary exclamation, – Stormer told.

      All waited with breathless attention that Zander will tell.

      – Anywhere. I believe that to us it is the more favorable and safest exactly anywhere

      not to land.

      – O… a ryzhok in anything? – Marshal with bitter irony which not asked


      – And therefore I also tried to create such interplanetary ship, on

      which there could be a circulation of substances. The rocket will have

      greenhouse in five hundred meters of length which has to give us necessary

      for food vegetable products and oxygen for breath.

      – To eat one wild strawberry? – asked Amelie. – I agree.

      – For fans to eat more densely we will take products of month on

      rub, on five. If I manage to carry out completely the invention,

      which I finish now, perhaps, these one three-months

      terrestrial stocks, apart from a greenhouse, will be enough for us at least for two-three

      ten terrestrial years.

      – You believe that you in the rocket to us will be sufficient for saturation

      homeopathic doses?

      – I am not going to cut off a ration on one gram.

      – Then, so you are going to repeat an evangelical miracle of saturation

      five thousand people five fishes and three bread?

      – Yes, if you want, a miracle.

      – But in what it consists?

      – In “extending” time in the rocket as rubber. While

      in the rocket there will pass days, on Earth – months and, perhaps, years.

      Round eyes of Stormer left orbits. That would be the last straw, that

      Zander went balmy from mind!

      – You, it seems., a little bit…

      – Went crazy? – Zander facilitated Stormer’s task.

      – I understand Mr. Zander, – Dzhilber told, rubbing the forehead. —

      Means to slow down a current of time really exists. It

      means – to accelerate the movement. But, Mr. Zander, to create

      such difference between a current of time on Earth and in the rocket, are necessary

      speeds close to velocity of light.

      Zander nodded.

      – I do not claim that I will manage to solve this problem, but, it seems to me,

      I am close to its decision, – he told.

      – Radiant energy? Radio waves? Intratomic energy? – threw

      Zander’s questions.

      – It is a secret so far, – he answered. – And if I manage to seize

      really huge speeds, then we will be able to visit even not

      on one planet and personally to be convinced whether life is possible on them.

      – Still! – Kinbruk exclaimed, derisively smiling. – Flying with

      velocity of light, you in one and a half seconds would fly by by the Moon, and eight with

      a half of minutes would be enough for you to reach the Sun.

      – Really, – Dzhilber started talking, – if you flew with

      speed a little smaller, than the velocity of light, that time in the rocket

      it would be slowed down in comparison with terrestrial. So far on our rocket will pass near

      years, on Earth there can pass ten or even hundred years.

      The conversation quickened. Except astronomers and Zander, nobody understood how

      time flow quicker, more slowly, but a thought extremely can

      interested all. Just imagine, so it is possible in some way

      to operate also terrestrial time, forcing it to flow quicker,

      more slowly.

      – When I return to Earth in one or two months, I will find my Otto

      the decrepit old man, and itself I will remain it is also young, isn’t that so, mister


      – And if terrestrial affairs develop adversely, we could put

      the basis on some planet to new mankind, – Shnirer told,

      the staying all evening in silence. – To create a new civilization, without

      cars, without the equipment.

      “Hundred years in two years! – Stormer thought. – During this time long ago will die

      all my envious persons, enemies and judges, and case of me will decay in archives

      vessels. Perfectly, devil take it! And if all this dies, we will slow down

      flight – we will accelerate a current of time not too to lag behind terrestrial affairs,

      also we will return to Earth to the most favorable to us the moment”.

      – I would prefer to return to Earth and to find there triumphing

      “Mohicans”, – he told. – But if, over expectation, it was necessary to us

      to land on some planet, it would be very clever to us to undertake for

      organization of this newest mankind. I offer such project.


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