Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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In the most compressed look we will state all necessary

      knowledge: mathematics, astronomy, medicine, biology, botany,


      – I am afraid that terrestrial botany, the zoology and geography are not enough there

      will be useful, – Dzhilber told. – On other planets you should create

      other botany and geography.

      – So, I suggest to capture with myself all “earth salt” in compact

      look, – Stormer continued. – Experts could order

      to make such abstracts, to everyone in the area and to print books

      the most small print on the thinnest, but strong paper or to take

      microbooks. I gave botany, geography for example. I think, however, as

      terrestrial botany, geography, history will not be superfluous. Unless to immigrants

      to Venus it will not be interesting to know about Earth But I pass to most important

      parts mine of the project. New mankind on the new earth, certainly, so

      it has to be divided into classes, as well as on our planet. But division

      it has to be sharper. People of our circle have to borrow there

      dominant position Descendants of any servants, mechanics and other

      service personnel which we will take with ourselves have to become

      our slaves We will create a caste “wise”, “devoted”, slaves have to

      to be illiterate, dark people. And we will rule over them therefore

      that without our knowledge they will be helpless and powerless Only we one

      let’s know how to build houses, cars…

      – Cars? Again cars? And there cars? – Shnirer screamed. – You want

      to ruin new mankind? To transfer this infection, this plague to new

      earth? Cars is a damnation of a Satan which finished terrestrial mankind

      before a real crash! By no means, not under any circumstances I not

      I will agree to this madness! Classes can remain – they are even necessary.

      Only slavery could provide leisure, necessary for reflections

      to philosophers of antiquity. Let there will be slavery, but the slavery softened

      patriarchal relations. Life close to the nature! Natural

      economy! Any cities! We, Germans, in the person of unnaturally expanded

      communities of Berlin created the tool which destroyed the state when it

      the tool – Berlin – fell into hands of extremists, that is antigosudarstvenno

      the adjusted people at large. Any factories and plants! Any cities!

      Farms, meadows, herdboys, streamlets… Philosophy of contemplation and morals…

      – Christian! – the bishop inserted.

      – Yes, Christian, – the philosopher agreed. – It is very convenient for us.

      And, you know, I would leave these terrestrial stories, geography on Earth. We

      would create a modern history – about the highest beings, nisshedshy from “sky” on

      earth. We would have an authority of divinity. We will be wisely and graciously

      to operate our slaves. They will graze our herds, to cultivate ours

      vineyards and on Sundays together with us to praise us and

      to supreme. Peaceful life on a nature bosom. Any working questions,

      strikes, revolutions! Golden Age! Paradise on the earth!

      – And – any banks, commercial affairs? Etto., boringly! – told


      – Without commerce life does not make sense. But we will bring this

      the amendment, the baron, – Stormer told, addressing Marshal, – and I hope that

      dear professor Shnirer will agree to this compromise. Private

      property, I hope, you do not deny, mister Shnirer? And if is

      private property…

      Between bankers and the philosopher the dispute erupted. Nobody noticed how

      Zander rose and left gallery of ancestors. Destiny of the future social

      the device on the new earth had no relation to rocket flight. Besides

      all these logomachies, in his opinion, were alien anything practical


      Chapter 7


      Hans left Vinkler’s house and went to a huge horseshoe. It

      it was visible from everywhere.

      Finger walked on the ice-covered road and thought:

      “The horseshoe is similar to a tuning fork. Yes, it is not lower than the Eiffel Tower, can

      to be above. The fork scratching clouds…”

      The dense cloud closed a horseshoe half.

      “Three hundred meters… The horseshoe costs on the mountain which has not less

      five-six thousand meters of height above sea level. Quite good tower. But for

      what is it built? Vinkler did not explain. I will try to guess…

      Maupassant once complained that the Eiffel Tower pressed his brain of the

      platitude. At that time it was, of course, a worthless construction. It

      built as “nail” of the World Parisian Fair. And still, if

      Maupassant was an engineer, he would like respect and respect to D’Eiffel

      to tower. For those times it was miracle of construction art. On

      To the Eiffel Tower astronomical and meteorological laboratories,

      physical office and powerful radio station.

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