Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev

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Classics of a fantasy - A. Belyaev

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with a gold stamping. Sharp eyes of Hans were read on backs

      covers of “Ziolkowsky”. On a table – the desk set, a lamp, a blotting pad – and

      anything else. Finger was a little disappointed. Vinkler subsequently

      explained to him that Zander usually works in an attic where at it

      the library and small laboratory are located. But in this sanctuary it

      lets nobody, and Vinkler managed to look only once

      the room and that in absence of the owner.

      The owner met them friendly, seated in chairs and, having had a talk about that,

      about this, suddenly asked Hans an unexpected question:

      – Whether you will tell me that such bipolar equation of a hyperbole?

      Finger studied mathematics and somehow answered. Zander nodded and

      asked a new question which nonplused Hans. Followed it

      others – from the field of chemistry, astronomy, biology. It was real

      examination. Hans was confused – he expected it least of all and therefore as to it

      it seemed, not always answered truly and it is sensible even on well familiar

      questions. Really it will fail at this examination? But Zander was,

      apparently, it is satisfied. He nodded meaning that test

      it is over, and told:

      – You know more, than I assumed. But you should know immeasurably

      it is more than what you know if you want to become my same assistant

      as Vinkler.

      Would he like to become! Hans was ready to work day and night that

      to seize all necessary knowledge.

      – You got used to be engaged independently? – the new question was asked. —

      Vinkler will help you, but he will not be able to devote to it much time.

      – And, addressing already Vinkler, Zander continued:

      – I think, to our Hans Finger will be reasonably useful to live

      month – another in a glass sphere. Observations will not take away from it too

      it is a lot of time, and there it will be able to increase the mathematical knowledge. Without

      mathematicians in our business it is impossible to step also to a step.

      Zander talked some more minutes to Vinkler about affairs and got up.

      The audience was ended.

      – Well? Did not expect such bath? – Vinkler when they left from asked

      houses. – You should sit in solitary confinement.

      Month-other in solitary confinement! This prospect at all not

      smiled to Hans. He wanted to get acquainted somewhat quicker with the city, from it

      strange laboratories, extraordinary constructions. It not all


      – To all time will come, – Vinkler consoled it. – Today you will carry out

      put more “on freedom”, tomorrow, well, since morning you will bypass, you will examine

      what did not see yet: laboratory where experience action of various

      substances, other laboratory in which ways of cooling are tested

      working part of the rocket – walls snuffled or дюз. For tomorrow it is enough.

      – What will I do in the conclusion?

      – Oh, your existence will be very peculiar! You on yourself have to

      you will be to test and on you it will be checked whether the person can exist

      in the conditions of artificially created circulation of substances. As soon as you

      you will enter a sphere and you will receive the necessary explanations, a hermetic door

      will slam for you. But there is phone, and we will be with you

      to keep in contact. You will take with yourself necessary books, textbooks,


      – But what I will eat there?

      – Perhaps, you should sit a little on vegetarian food. You

      you will eat those plants and fruits which grow in

      to sphere greenhouse. To your services there will be an electric stove, a teapot.

      – And water?

      – Tomorrow you on everything will receive the answer. All allocations of your organism

      will be processed. Allocations of intestines will go to fertilizers;

      allocations of a bladder, having passed through the soil, through plants, gases,

      refrigerators, filters, will turn into the purest water. Water will be given also

      the cooled breath gases emitted by you, plants and “companions on

      to the conclusion” – animals. You will have to look after and behind them – to feed,

      to give to drink. Plants will give oxygen, they will absorb exhaled by you

      and animals carbonic acid. In a word, if calculations are right, you will have in

      sphere all necessary. I will visit you. If you it is nasty itself

      you will feel, we will stop experience. Create to yourself the notebook or

      notebook in which write down the major formulas, data from the theory

      jet flights, help data, calculations. It is Zander’s council. Such

      the notebook very much will help you.

      Hans nodded and asked:

      – By the way, tell whose portrait hangs in Zander’s office? His father?

      Vinkler burst out laughing.

      – Yes, in some way father. It is also the famous scientist-self-educated person


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