Band of Acadians. John Skelton

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Band of Acadians - John Skelton

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      Band of


      Band of


      a novel

      John Skelton

      Copyright © John Skelton, 2009

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise (except for brief passages for purposes of review) without the prior permission of Dundurn Press. Permission to photocopy should be requested from Access Copyright.

      Editor: Michael Carroll

       Designer: Jennifer Scott

       Printer: Webcom

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      Skelton, John, 1942-

       Band of Acadians : a novel / by John Skelton.

      ISBN 978-1-55488-040-9

      1. Acadians--Expulsion, 1755--Juvenile fiction. I. Title.

      PS8637.K45B36 2009 jC813’.6 C2009-900500-X

      We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council for our publishing program. We also acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and Livres Canada Books, and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit and the Ontario Media Development Corporation.

      Care has been taken to trace the ownership of copyright material used in this book. The author and the publisher welcome any information enabling them to rectify any references or credits in subsequent editions.

      J. Kirk Howard, President

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      For Brian and Hollyberry Oursie Bear with love


       4. To St. Peter’s

       5. Whycocomagh

       6. Westmount and Louisbourg

       7. Amazing Excitement

       8. War

       Selected Reading and Websites

      Fenced-in yard of Saint-Charles-des-Mines Church, Sunset, September 9, 1755

      “Courage, my dear, you must muster all of your courage,” Nola’s father said. “Your mother and I beg you to show your love by escaping Grand Pré this very night. Tomorrow will be too late. First thing in the morning the British soldiers will be shoving all men and boys onto those awful transport boats. That will be the end of our life here in lovely Acadia. We’ll be landless and treated like dirt wherever we go. But you, Nola, with daring and luck, can get away to start a new life. We want you to escape to become our beacon of hope. Get away, dear daughter. Go to Louisbourg, or somewhere else that’s safe.”

      “But, Papa, no! I want to help you and Mama here. I want us to stay together as a family.”

      “In a better world that would be the right thing to do, but we must accept that our life here is over. Be strong, my love. We’ve worked out a plan for you and fifty other girls and fifty boys to escape. You’re a leader. We’re depending on you to help lead those young people to a place where you can live free from these dreadful British soldiers.”

      “What about Mama? Will she stay with you?”

      “Yes, we’ll work together to survive as best we can. The plan is for you, as soon as it’s dark, to help our friend, Hector, and the others to escape from this church that’s become a prison. You and the girls must prepare hollows in the dikes by the west side of the Gaspereau River beforehand so the others have a place to hide from the soldiers. When the soldiers give up searching, the whole group is to scramble over to where our small fishing sloops are stored. Our hope is that those trusty shallops will carry you away from Grand Pré to a new life.”

      “Has Hector agreed to this? Is he ready?”

      “Yes, Hector’s very keen. He’s sick to death of being shoved around by the military.”

      “Papa, if I do this, I may never see you or Mama again.”

      Her father hugged her tightly, tears welling up. “Don’t despair, ma petite fille. We must hope that someday, somewhere, we’ll be reunited in a place that’s safer than Grand Pré has become.”

      Unable to stifle her own sobs, Nola mustered all her strength and turned away from her distraught father. Looking up, she saw a surly sky forming — a southeaster was coming in. That could bring cover and a good wind for an escape. Perhaps she could make it all happen, after all. Slowly, optimism began to fill her as she contemplated the implications of the advancing storm. She walked nervously past the heavily guarded priest’s house used as a headquarters by the British, and studiously avoiding eye contact with the soldiers, went straight to the spot in a field where her best friend, Jocelyne, was picking corn. On reaching her friend, she whispered nervously, “Jocelyne, have you heard about the escape plan?”

      “Yes, Nola, my mother told me. Our parents have come up with an excellent plan. It’s scary, but I think we can do it. There are only three hundred soldiers here, and we’re almost three thousand. It won’t be easy. Those soldiers are tough, and they aren’t playing games. Some of the meaner ones seem to enjoy harassing us.”

      “I know what you mean. Yesterday one of them tried to touch me, but I shrieked so loudly he ran off. It was lucky for me

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