Mah Jong for Beginners. Shozo Kanai

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Mah Jong for Beginners - Shozo Kanai

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player, who has a Pon in his hand, can pick up a discarded tile of the same kind by saying, "Kan" and melding the 4 tiles. The melding of a Kan makes one’s hand insufficient, and in order to remedy this defect one must pick an extra tile from the far end of the pile.

      The game goes on until there are 14 tiles left. If there is no winner, that is, if none of the hands can Go Ont (leaving 14 tiles), the game is over and the Eldest Hand, or East, is changed.




      There are four rounds of play and four games in each round, unless East, or the Eldest Hand, Goes Out, in which case he will remain East until some other player wins a game.

      Each round is called by the name of one of the directions. The first round is the East Wind Fight, or the East Round, the next is the South Round, then the West Round and the North Round.

      In the East Round, the East tiles are always Bonus tiles, that is, any one of the four hands that has a Pon of East tiles in the East Round, and Goes Out, receives a Bonus. In the South Round, the South tiles are Bonus tiles, followed, in the same way, by those of West and North.

      A Pon of the Seat Wind gives a Bonus to the player sitting in that seat, if he Goes Out. That is, if a player, sitting in the South Seat in the East Round, has a Pon of South tiles and Goes Out, he receives a Bonus,

      When the Round Wind and the Seat Wind are the same, the Pon of that Wind gives a double Bonus. For example, if a player in the South Seat makes a South Pon during the South Round, and Goes Out, he receives a double Bonus.

      The Bonuses will be explained later.



1.Melded Pon (set of 3 of a kind)Points
Numeral Tiles from 2- to 8- (Won, Bamboo or Ball)2
Wind or Color tiles4
1-s and 9-s4
2.Pon in Hand (not melded) - double Melded Pon Numeral Tiles from 2- to 84
Wind or Color Tiles8
1-s and 9-s8
3.Melded Kan (set of 4 of a kind) - double Pon in Hand Numeral Tiles from 2- to 8-8
Wind or Color Tiles16
1-s and 9-s16
4.Kan in Hand (not melded) - double Melded Kan
Numeral Tiles from 2- to 8-16
Wind or Color Tiles32
1-s and 9-s32
5.Pillow or Head
Wind or Color Tiles2
Double Wind Pillow4
Double Wind occurs when the Seat Wind and the Round Wind are the same.
6.Chi (sequence)
A Chi has no points. It is only an arrangement for Going Out.
7.For Going Out a player receives a Base of 20 Points. The Fundamental Points (F. P.) are equal to the Base of 20 plus the sum of Pon, Kan and Pillow.F. P. = Base + Pon + Kan + Pillow.

      Bonus tile Pon(s).

      A Pon of the Seat Wind, the Round Wind, or of Color tiles, doubles the Fundamental Points. When a player has one Bonus Pon, the F. P. are doubled.

       (Base 20 + Pon + Kan + Pillow) × 2

      When a player has three Bonus Pon(s), the F. P. are doubled three times. (Base 20 + 3 Pons + Pillow) × 2 × 2 × 2(or × 8).

      The above cases refer to the points in the hand, but the following four cases apply only in Going Out.

(1)When one Goes Out by making a pillow2
(2)When one Goes Out by completing a Chi by filling in an Intermediate tile2

      For example:—Completing a 4 - 5 - 6 Ball Chi by getting a 5 - Ball tile.

      Going Out by making a Pillow

       Going Out with an Intermediate

(3) When one Goes Out by completing a Chi with a Marginal tile 2

      For example:—7 - Won is the Marginal tile of the 7 - 8 - 9 -Won Chi. A 3 - Ball tile is the Marginal tile of the 1 - 2 - 3 -Ball Chi.

      Going Out with a Marginal tile

       This hand can Go Out with either a 4-Bamboo tile or with a 7-Bamboo tile

(4) When one Goes Out with a tile drawn from the pile 2

      For example:—with the above hand a player has two chances to Go Out. It he Goes Out by drawing either a 4 - Bamboo or a 7 - Bamboo from the pile he gets 2 points.

      The above points in Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are doubled if a player picks a tile from the pile to make up the pillow to Go Out, or if he picks an Intermediate or a Marginal tile from the pile to Go Out.

      If during the South Round, one of the players Goes Out by making a pillow of South tiles by picking up from the pile, he gets a total of 6 points.

Pillow of South tiles 2
Going Out by making a Pillow 2
Going Out by drawing from the pile 2
Total 6

      If a player in the South Seat, during the South Round, makes a Pillow of South tiles by picking up from the pile and Goes Out, he gets 8 points.

Pillow of South tiles 4
Going Out by making a Pillow 2
Going Out by drawing from the pile 2
Total 8

      Great care must be taken in counting the points because many times they overlap.

      The before-mentioned points are the points in the hand, but the following points are the Bonuses for Going Out.

      Four Chis and Pillow (no Letter tiles)

       Numeral tiles 2- to 8- only; Pon, or Chi and Pillow

       Numeral tiles 2- to 8- only, but having four Chis.


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