Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

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Baba Malay Dictionary - William Gwee Thian Hock

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ada maksud with an intention; with an agenda

      ■ ada mata to be alive; to be in existence; to have respect

      ■ ada mata tengok, ada kuping dengair, ada mulot tutop to see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

      ■ ada naseb tua having good fortune at old age

      ■ ada perot sensitive to other's feelings; to act responsibly

      ■ ada rupa ada harga worth its value

      ■ ada ta'ah only that; except

      ■ ada tengkat having the correct etiquette

      adat / hadat (adat) custom; protocol

      ■ adat dulukala ancient custom

      ■ adat dunia that's the way of the world

      ■ tak adat rude; ill mannered

      ■ tak tau adat rude; ill mannered; lacking in protocol

      adek (adik) younger brother; younger sister; any young close relatives

      ■ adek angkat adopted younger brother or sister

      ■ adek beradek siblings

      ■ adek tiri younger stepbrother; younger stepsister

      adoey / adoh (aduh) an exclamation of pain (akin to ‘ouch')

      adohai see ayohai

      adu (adu) to pit one against the other

      ■ adukan pitting one against the other

      ■ adu chredek a calculative attitude

      ■ beradu to compete

      ■ mengadu to seek solace

      agair (agas)

      ■ agair-agair sandfly

      agair / agar (agar)

      ■ agair-agair agar-agar; agar-agar jelly

      agak (agak) to guess; to estimate; to conjecture

      ■ agak-agak to guess; to hazard a guess

      ■ agak jugak guessed so

      agar see agair

      ah (ah) cry of realisation

      ah ee [阿姨] mother's sister

      ah kong [阿公] children addressing their grandfathers

      ahn yes, there, there it is

      ahn [館] bun-filling (usually green bean paste)

      ah niok a Hainanese lad employed in the Baba household as a general helper

      ah pek [阿伯] term of address for an elderly Chinese gentleman

      ah teng [阿廚] general term for a Hainanese male cook employed in the Baba household

      ajair / ajar / hajair / hajar (ajar) to teach; to instruct

      ■ ajairan what is taught

      ■ belajair to study; to learn

      ajar SEE ajair

      ajat / ajait/ ajak (ajak) to bring along (a person)

      ajok (ajuk) to ridicule by mimicry

      ■ merajok to take childish offence

      akair /akar (akar) root

      akal / akair (akal) wit; intelligence

      ■ akal dia tajam he is sharp-witted

      ■ tak akal devoid of common sense

      akar SEE akair

      akherat (akhirat) the next world

      aksi (aksi) a put-on action

      ■ aksi borak to show off

      akim / hakim (hakim) judge; magistrate

      aku to vouch for; to guarantee

      ■ mengaku to admit

      ■ mengaku kalah to admit defeat

      ala expression of shock or regret

      ■ ala sayang sair what a waste, what a great pity

      alabangka (alabangka) crowbar

      alagoju sidekick

      alair / alas (alas) to lay on

      ■ alair perot to eat just sufficient to quell hunger pangs

      alamak (alamak) exclamation of surprise; what the...!

      alamat SEE ilamat

      alang-alangan / alang kepalang (alang-alangan, alang kepalang) half-heartedly; lacking in completeness and thoroughness

      alas SEE alair

      aleh (alih) to shift position

      ■ alehkan to move; to shift to another position; to transfer to another container

      alek SEE ulang alek

      alem (alim) pious

      alia (halia) ginger

      alipan (halipan) centipede

      aloji (arloji) a clock or any timepiece

      alus (halus) fine; delicate [of a person or product]

      am [飲] boiled rice-water

      am suk i SEE kerosi am suk i

      amah (amah)[阿嬷] female hospital attendant; female Chinese servant

      amboey (amboi) exclamation of surprise; astonishment; well, I never!; well well

      ambon SEE kueh

      ambong (ambung) a straw-basket pack of shrimp paste

      amcham / apacham (apa macam) how is it?

      amek (ambil) to take possession

      ■ amek ati to win over someone; to please

      ■ amek berat to take seriously

      ■ amek gambair to take photographs

      ■ amek jahat to be suspicious; to think of the worst


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