Ryszard Kapuscinski. Artur Domoslawski

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Ryszard Kapuscinski - Artur Domoslawski

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Life in Africa

       17 Objects of Fascination: The African Icons

       18 Life in Africa, Continued

       19 In the Corridors of Power

       20 Lapidarium 3: The Reporter as Politician

       21 On the Trail of Che Guevara

       22 Legends 3: Che, Lumumba, Allende

       23 On the Trail of Che Guevara, Continued

       24 Objects of Fascination: The Latin American Icons

       25 On the Trail of Che Guevara, Continued Further

       26 Zojka’s Escapes

       27 A Committed Reporter, a Black-and-White World

       28 Christ with a Rifle in a Czech Comedy at the Emperor’s Court

       29 On Love and Other Demons

       30 The Final Revolution, the Final Coup

       31 Worth More Than a Thousand Grizzled Journofantasists

       32 Lapidarium 4: Why Did Kapuściński Have No Critics in Poland?

       33 The Reporter Amends Reality, Or, Critics of All Nations, Unite!

       34 Legends 4: Kapuściński and Kapuściński

       35 Our Friend Rysiek

       36 Where to from Socialism?

       37 Lapidarium 5: Was Kapuściński a Thinker?

       38 Where to from Socialism? Continued

       39 The File

       40 Legends 5: The Price of Greatness

       41 Maestro Kapu

       42 Unwritten Books

       43 No Strength to Furnish the Face




      The Smile

      More than anything, one is struck by the smile. Always the same smile, everywhere, as if that face were never sad, worried or angry. And if it wasn’t smiling, it was pensive or focused instead. Or sheepish. ‘I’m not disturbing you, am I?’ he would ask whenever, whether unheralded or even if expected, he dropped in at the newspaper office and stopped by someone’s desk or room. And there was that smile again: apologetic, very slightly embarrassed. It was a defensive smile that kept the door open for retreat.

      How many times did I hear him effusively greet a friend he had known for half a century, a female acquaintance he saw from time to time, an editor with whom he needed to negotiate, or a student he’d never met before who had come to show him her dissertation on his work – and always with that same smile on his face?

      ‘Oh, how modest he is.’

      ‘He always listens so carefully to what you have to say.’

      ‘Oh yes, we’re friends.’

      Everyone who ever talked to him had the same impression.

      And so at the start of this journey through his life I am surprised when some of his old friends struggle to fish the anecdotes and situations from their memories, and finish their story before the story I am expecting to hear has even begun.

      ‘Oh God, we knew each other for decades, but I know so little about him – nothing really. How sad!’

      They came away from every encounter feeling that they had had a fascinating, unforgettable conversation. Now they are realising that they did all the talking. He said nothing – he just listened.

      ‘The smile you mentioned was a mask that became natural to him over the years,’ says an old friend who really did know him well. ‘Modesty? That was a mask too,’ she says. ‘There are various things you could say about him, but not that he was modest. He had a high opinion of himself – he believed he had things to say that other people have no idea about.’

      We agree that his mild manner and friendliness, the fact that he was not full of himself, were taken for modesty.

      I say I don’t know where to start my account of him; perhaps it will begin with some impressions on the theme of his smile. Because when someone has the same smile for everyone, it cannot be just friendliness – there has to be more to it, doesn’t she think?

      ‘He used that smile to disarm the world when it could have done him harm. Those soldiers, who let him pass through prohibited zones in Africa, but who could have shot him. The Communist Party decision-makers who sent him out into the world. The potentially jealous people, who are all too common in the journalist’s profession. Why not try to find out if he learned that smile during a war? Did that smile ever save his life?’


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