A Planet to Win. Kate Aronoff

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A Planet to Win - Kate Aronoff

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climate politics around would be transformative. If the United States joined (and prodded) Europe and China in prioritizing climate-friendly green investment, more than half the global economy would be invested in climate action. Our chapter on the Green New Deal’s global implications focuses on how US-based movements might connect to worker and community struggles elsewhere.

      A final caveat: This book is full of “shoulds,” and even the occasional “must.” Please forgive our enthusiasm. We don’t mean to lecture, but to enrich debate with clear arguments for what we might accomplish. We hope that in the best case scenario we’ll only be a little bit wrong.

      The Road to the Green New Deal

      We can start by learning from recent climate policy failures. Many Democratic leaders still simultaneously argue that we should blame the lack of climate action on unwavering Republican climate denial, and that bipartisan compromise is the best hope for getting climate legislation passed. Their track record doesn’t inspire much confidence.

      The Obama administration did pour $90 billion into clean energy measures through the stimulus package. It included clean energy research and development, subsidized wind and solar build-out, and allocated billions for high-speed rail (most of which wasn’t built). Thanks to Fox News, the bankruptcy of stimulus-funded Solyndra grew infamous, while few knew that the same stimulus established Tesla with billions of public dollars. ARRA really was good for wind, solar, and batteries. So centrists defend Obama’s green stimulus on the grounds that it was better than it gets credit for. What they never consider is that he didn’t try to make green investment viscerally popular, by tying his clean industrial policy to a transformative government jobs program and housing rescue.

      On the contrary, Obama’s team fastidiously avoided anything that smacked of socialism. In the eyes of top advisors like Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner, this precluded nearly all major public interventions into the economy. Recall that in late 2008 and 2009, the federal government and Treasury had poured trillions of public dollars into rescuing Wall Street and real estate, effectively putting the government in charge. Obama chose not to use that power to implement Left populist policies that would have helped millions struggling to survive, building the appetite for more aggressive action. He fired Van Jones, his “green jobs czar,” to appease the conservative media mere months after taking office. He declined to directly hire millions of workers to make needed infrastructure repairs and restore ecosystems. (In 1934, FDR temporarily hired four million workers to relieve devastating unemployment.) Instead of directly stemming foreclosures through aggressive government action, Obama implemented convoluted and ineffective programs. And he signed onto the Bush administration’s wildly unpopular bank bailout, emphasizing continuity for Wall Street’s benefit. He wouldn’t even restrict bonuses for bank executives saved by bailouts. As he told financial CEOs in early 2009, “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” Frankly, he should have put unemployed people to work in a solar-powered pitchfork factory.

      In his second term, Obama accelerated regulations to make the economy more energy efficient and shut down coal plants. He signed the Paris Agreement, a modest achievement hyped as a major victory. The low-carbon pledges made by signatory countries failed to match the Agreement’s stated goal of keeping warming below 2º Celsius. The biggest bottleneck in global climate politics remained the United States.

      Today’s young climate activists have seized the baton and turned it into a torch. In that, they’re joining the broader wave of movements that have shaken the post-Katrina, post-2008 world, declaring that business as usual must end if we’re to have a future.

      The resolution calls for massive public investment to get the US economy to net zero carbon in the 2030s (the exact timeline is ambiguous). Connecting the climate crisis to economic misery, it calls for a job guarantee, wherein the public sector would provide a job to any US resident who wants one. The resolution also echoes legislation in California and New York State by prioritizing clean energy and resiliency investments in racialized and working-class communities, and it calls for expanding and improving access to a huge range of social services through programs like free public college tuition and Medicare for All. Other issues, like housing and agriculture, are mentioned in passing. Environmental and climate justice movements, progressive greens, and some major labor unions have organized around these ideas for decades. Their arguments were finally reflected in a high-profile national policy framework.


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