Crystal Intentions. Lune Innate

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Crystal Intentions - Lune Innate

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humans had no way to observe? Now imagine that you can sense things before you observe them cognitively. Does that sound like magic? Or could it be just a highly evolved sense of intuition?

      People have a much less concrete nature than gemstones and crystals. Your vibration, energy, and mood all can potentially change from moment to moment. Your thoughts and actions can be influenced by your environment or by being around other people. Being in a stressful workplace or with people who regularly complain are common examples of outside influences affecting your energy. Because our energy is not fixed, if we are not aware of the way we feel when we interact with that stressful workplace, we will easily succumb to misalignment and the vibration of stress and discord.

      At the most basic level, the Law of Attraction suggests that your vibration can be most effective in a frequency which will attract to you the experiences you desire. Luckily for you, we are equipped with the ability to read our own vibration and assess where we stand in relation to our goals. We are emotional creatures. These feelings can act like a barometer to indicate the weather of our internal experiences. When you are feeling joy or cheer, things seem to just go “right.” When you are feeling frustrated or sad, it may feel like the day goes from bad to worse. Your emotions can offer a way to measure your metaphysical pulse on the types of experiences you may attract or reject during the day. To shake off the vibration of frustration, you will need some kind of intervention, like a crystal meditation, because now that frustration is what’s in your head. It takes a lot to get out of a negative mood. In the field of positive psychology, some studies suggest that negative emotions or “bad vibes” take longer to dissipate than the good vibes, and it can take as many as four positive emotional situations to rebalance a single negative one2. Abraham Hicks has stated that the best thing you can do on a day like that is go back to bed.

      At any time in your day that you are feeling uncomfortable emotions such as fear, anxiety, jealousy, rage, sadness, guilt, or frustration, you might see it as a signal that you are starting to go off track or moving away from what you desire to attract. It is important to feel our feelings all the way through and even lean into them, such as when grieving the loss of a loved one, and these emotions can also tell us where we are along the path. If you feel sad, it’s okay to feel sad; it also might be a signal that you should make a change. For instance, if you find yourself feeling gloomy when you first wake up in the morning and your thoughts go to the drudgery of your workplace, maybe that sadness is trying to tell you it’s time to look for a new job. On the other side of the spectrum, when you feel content, joyful, happy, or peaceful, this might be a signal that you are moving toward the goals you have set for yourself either internally or externally. When you feel good, it can be a sign that you are making choices that support your greatest good. If you wake up and feel happy and ready to start the day, perhaps your home or your workplace are the best they can be right now and that joy is a signpost reflecting that.

      Of course, this is an oversimplification, because there are so many ways that emotions may behave differently than you expect or ways that circumstances beyond your control can influence your emotions. Fundamentally, though, the emotional center is a compass—an instinctual, internal guiding system. As you move in the direction of your dreams, you should begin to experience harmony. Things should feel easier, and your desires and values should become clearer. Learning to master your vibe is a discipline and a practice. In other words, it doesn’t happen overnight; you have to keep at it, bring awareness to it daily and mindfully, and use the tools available to you that will help you regain that frequency of comfort and ease.

      Gemstones and minerals each have their own frequency and can be those very tools. You can learn to work with them to stabilize your vibration by aligning your own movement with the frequency or subtle movement of the stone you are using. Hold a stone in your hand which resonates with you personally. If Quartz Crystal does nothing for you, don’t use it. Even if this book suggests that Pearl might be a great mineral to use for generating peaceful emotions, you might have an aversion to Pearls and gravitate to another stone instead. That’s fine. What matters is how you feel about it, not what some book or expert says. There are no “right” stones. There are only stones that resonate with you or that don’t.

      Heart Crystal Vibration Exercise

      For example, Rose Quartz is known to have a vibration of love, comfort, romance, beauty, peace, and compassion. To sit for a few minutes with one nearby or, even more effectively, in your hands may help you bring your energetic vibration into the frequency of those qualities. If you hate pink, though, and holding this stone makes you twitch slightly with resentment, then Rose Quartz is certainly not going to help you bring in love and comfort. If you do experience an aversion to a stone, set it aside. It may serve another purpose on another day, but, for now, you need to trust yourself. Try holding different stones until you find one that does make you smile with self-love and compassion when you hold it. Who knows? Maybe for you, the stone of self-love is Jasper or even Petrified Wood. Go with it. This is your vibration. You’re the only one who can possibly know if it’s the right stone for you and your goal.

      Since we know solids, liquids, and gasses are composed of moving particles, imagine all the subtle ways you pick up on vibration. As we covered in the History of Crystal Healing, all of your senses are interpreting subtle vibrations, sometimes beneath your conscious awareness. Picture the sound wave or feel the rattling sensation of a drum. Gemstones can be used as a vibrational tool and energetic support. Music and sound therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy, and bodywork such as yoga, massage, and reflexology are also easily accessible tools with which to develop a practice to raise your vibration.

      There is a purpose to raising your vibration. When your vibration is humming at a frequency which serves your needs, you are able to move in ways that do not limit you. Decisions you make out of fear are made without clarity of purpose from a thought that something is too difficult. You must be proactive about your vibration. In this disempowered state, you may feel that you are a victim of circumstance and begin to see yourself as these emotional states. In no way are we minimizing the impact of mental health concerns, any more than we would wish to minimize physical health concerns. Conditions like depression and anxiety require qualified intervention, in the same way as conditions like cancer or multiple sclerosis do. Having said that, when you start to believe we are our conditions—“I’m just a depressed person,” or “There is no known cure for MS, so I’m only ever going to be sick,”—you start to internalize this belief, and it can impact your energetic experience as well. Anxiety, for example, can take over and become part of a person’s identity, impacting how she sees herself and the world around her.

      In addition to medical and therapeutic interventions to support positive health when experiencing anxiety, a person might consider also working on her energetic body and vibrational state. When she internalizes anxiety, she is also sending out a frequency throughout the day. Because anxiety is at the top of her mind, she will see her anxiety everywhere around her—a bit like a projection, which we describe in more detail in the chapter on meridians. Because she is projecting a vibrational energy of anxiety, it will be harder for her to see things which are not resonating at an anxious frequency. Even people who interact with her are likely to sense the vibration of her anxious energy and may unintentionally return that energy to her. It might make them uncomfortable even if they can’t pinpoint why in their conscious minds. As we said previously, our senses can subtly experience what our conscious minds may not register, and so other people may be encountering someone’s anxiety even if she never says a word aloud. Have you ever been in the room with someone who you could just sense was furious or disengaged, even if that person didn’t speak to you? You might say, for example, that you sensed the “vibe”? This experience may occur when you are in the presence of a person who has internalized her mental or emotional state. Many individuals are highly empathetic and pick up on other peoples’ vibration or that of an environment, and we can help others and ourselves by operating from a place of nonjudgment.

      Nonattachment Crystal Meditation

      Quartz Crystal is an excellent tool to assist with the process

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