8 to Your Ideal Weight. MK Mueller

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8 to Your Ideal Weight - MK Mueller

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feel so blessed to have been on this journey with 8 to Your IdealWeight. I have learned so much about myself through this life-changing process. This week I was able to buy birthday treats for my daughter without feeling the need to partake! I love the feeling of having power over food instead of food having power over me. I like to tell people my weight release of 40+ pounds to reach my IdealWeight is a very happy side effect of learning to love myself. Many thanks to MK, my partner and our small group. Today I’m truly living my IdealLife!”

      As Cathy demonstrates, our journey together will not only end your cravings for sugary sweets, it will also build a clear path back to self-love. As we release the shame, guilt, regrets, blame, worry, fear and limits that we have worn as a wall of protection around our bodies, our freedom and power will return. With them will come a strong inner confidence - and the assurance that nothing can ever take our power away again.

       PRONG I: Real Food

      Releasing Our

      Sugar Addiction

      Let’s start by asking the question:

      Am I Addicted to Sugar?

      Answer “Yes” or “No” to each item below.

      1. Do I feel compelled to drink diet or regular-sugared soft drinks throughout the week, often going out of my way to get them?

       Yes No

      2. Do I find myself thinking about sweets and desserts, or even anxious if they’re not served?

       Yes No

      3. Do I regularly wake up groggy or hit a mid-afternoon energy slump?

       Yes No

      4. Am I unable to resist bread or salsa chips on the table at a restaurant?

       Yes No

      5. Do I find myself feeling guilty after eating certain foods, and/or sometimes eating even more out of guilt?

       Yes No

      6. Do pictures or even talking about sweets trigger my cravings?

       Yes No

      7. Do I find myself reaching for every candy dish I pass?

       Yes No

      8. Am I unable to have sweets or desserts in the house without dipping into them?

       Yes No

      9. Do I have trouble stopping after one bite of sweets or chips?

       Yes No

      10. Do I find myself eating certain foods even when I’m not hungry because of cravings?

       Yes No

      If you checked “Yes” more than once, don’t be discouraged. Freedom from sugar addiction awaits you through this powerful process.

      Note: When participants start our 8-week program, their average score is 9 out of 10 Yeses. After they complete 8 weeks or more, their average score is 1 out of 10.

      The Top 10 Reasons Sugar Isn’t Sweet

      1. It is addictive - 8 times more than cocaine - making us want more and more and more.

      2. It causes inflammation and joint pain.

      3. It turns to belly fat, the most dangerous fat storage for our health.

      4. It is the leading cause of obesity in America, which is one of the fastest growing causes of death in the U.S.

      5. It is the leading cause of diabetes, the prevalence of which has doubled in the past two decades. Diabetes left untreated can cause kidney disease, blindness, heart disease, neuropathy, stroke or even death.

      6. It creates “brain fog,” which prevents clarity and mental awareness.

      7. It rots our teeth.

      8. It causes fatigue from blood sugar spikes and drops that make us tired just an hour after a full meal.

      9. It overrides Leptin, a hormone that acts as an “I’m full” indicator switch, leading to overeating due to never feeling full.

      10. It promotes wrinkling and aging skin.

      These are just the top 10. There are dozens more, including a 40 percent increase in despair and depression impacting millions like you and I every day.

      As Lynn wrote in a fun Facebook post, sugar is anything but sweet.

      “I realized I was ready to shed the full length ‘cover-up’ I was wearing to the beach. Thanks to 8 to Your IdealWeight, my belly fat is now out of my ‘Protection Collection.’ That outfit was so last year!”

      - Lynn M.

       PRONG II: Real Self-Love

      The Lies We Believe


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