Gifts from Muhammad. Khurram Murad

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Gifts from Muhammad - Khurram Murad

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those whom I clothe; so ask Me for clothing and I shall clothe you. My servants, you sin by night and by day, yet I forgive all sins; so ask Me for forgiveness and I shall forgive you.

      ‘My servants, you can do nothing that could harm Me, neither can you do anything that would benefit Me.

      ‘My servants, even if the first and the last of you, all the human beings and the jinn, become as righteous as the one with the most righteous heart among you, that would add nothing to My kingdom. My servants, if . . . [all of you] . . . become as wicked as the one with the most wicked heart among you, that would diminish nothing from My kingdom.

      ‘My servants, were . . . [all of you] . . . to stand in one place and ask Me whatever you wished, and were I to give everyone what he asked for, that would not diminish what I have any more than a needle would when put into a sea.

      ‘My servants, it is only your deeds which I put into your account, and then pay you in full for them; so let him who finds good thank and praise God, and let him who finds other than good blame no one but himself.’

      (Muslim: Abu Dharr)


       The Prophet: God’s Mercy and Guidance

      The Prophet, bpuh, said: ‘I have been told a parable about myself: A lord built a house, laid a feast in it, and sent an emissary to invite everybody to the feast. Anyone who accepted his invitation, he entered the house, ate of the feast, and earned the lord’s pleasure; but the one who did not accept his invitation, he did not enter the house, got no share of the feast, and incurred the lord’s anger.’

      He, then, explained thus: ‘The lord is God, the emissary who issues the invitation to the feast is Muhammad, the house is Islam, and the feast is the Paradise.’

      (Darimi: Rabi

a al-Jurashi)

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