Offer Them Life. Dan W. Dunn

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Offer Them Life - Dan W. Dunn

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target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_16685043-7eb5-5af1-9d8e-400ec0306739">67. Eichrodt, Theology of the Old Testament, Vol. II, 509.


      Old Testament Exploration of the Life Theme

      The premise of this book is that the biblical theme of life is one of the primary themes of the Bible, and as such, provides a helpful foundation for the theory and practice of evangelism. It is essential, therefore, to explore the life theme from the perspective of biblical studies, which I will do in chapters 3 and 4. Because it is impossible to engage in a comprehensive survey of all the resources available in the field of biblical studies, I will emphasize selected Old Testament scholars in this chapter and selected Johannine scholars in the next.

      Klein: Life Is the Goal

      Earlier I referred to the 1991 article by Charles Scobie that mentions a 1983 article by Hans Klein in which life (Old Testament) and new life (New Testament) are proposed together as offering a centralizing theme for biblical study. Klein does not view life/new life “as the centre (Mitte) of the Old Testament and New Testament respectively but rather as the goal (Zielpunkt) which they envisage.”86 This supports my earlier claim concerning the relationship between life and the kingdom of God, in which life may be considered to be the ultimate goal for human beings and creation, with the kingdom viewed as either one of the instruments God chooses to bring that goal to fruition, or as the arena in which God’s full-life intentions take place.

      In assessing Klein’s proposal, Scobie applauds Klein’s attempt to use life as the leading idea of the Bible because it acknowledges the strong differences between the Old and New Testaments, while at the same time highlights that “all areas of life belong to life under God.”87 One may appreciate Scobie’s recognition (through Klein) concerning all of life belonging to God. This is one of the reasons that a strong emphasis on the biblical theme of life provides a significant foundation for evangelism. Even for persons who prefer not to view life as the principle theme of the Bible, a strong emphasis on that theme reminds us that evangelism begins with God’s intention to create, bear, and nurture life. Evangelism is intrinsically connected not only to God’s creation, but also to God’s creative intent. This is a point that merits serious consideration in evangelistic theory and practice.

      It Starts with the Living God, and We Are Included

      Otto Baab emphasizes that “perhaps the most typical word for identifying the God of the Old Testament is the word ‘living.’”88 As the living God, God acts in history, displays power, and delivers. Of special importance is how the Old Testament characterizes all other gods (idols) in comparison to the living God. Other gods are lifeless, dead, weak, and inadequate.89 Only the living God, Yahweh, could help, save, and deliver, and only Yahweh had helped, saved, and delivered. Based on their personal experience with the living God, therefore, the Old Testament writers conceived of God as being active in history and active in their personal and corporate lives. Baab writes that “since God is a living God, he is unavoidably involved in all of the complexities and uncertainties of life. His life interacts with that of his people.”90

      Edmond Jacob also places a strong emphasis on the theme of God as a living God. Previously we noted Jacob’s contention that “the idea of eternity is secondary to that of life. God is not living because he is eternal, but he is eternal because he is living.”91 Jacob expands on this idea by stating that “life is what differentiates Yahweh from other gods.”92 Moreover, he shares Baab’s perspective that there is a strong link between God’s

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