To Hear the Word - Second Edition. John Howard Yoder

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To Hear the Word - Second Edition - John Howard Yoder

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because he felt it was too methodologistic. Later, this material had been titled by Yoder himself as “How to be Read by the Bible.” The title needed changing because, according to Yoder, “the idea that what God is interested in is ‘reading me,’ is itself part of the problem.” He felt that it wrongly suggested subjectivism, as if he thought, as a pietist or a puritan, that the first agenda in Scripture reading is “my own being illuminated or ‘read’ or seen through.” By the time of his death, John had decided that “To Hear the Word” best expressed what he wanted these essays to address.

      John Howard Yoder understood himself as very concerned about logic and about detail in exposition and argument. He was “Pennsylvania dutch Midwest”; his father was the first of his line to grow up speaking English. Both his parents and early schooling taught him to be careful about language. Given this reality, if John had lived longer, there is no doubt this collection would have evolved under several “fine tunings.” As it stands now, we have what we have. Hopefully readers will find clarification and needful edification in these essays.

      Wipf and Stock Publishers

      For further bibliographic assistance regarding John Howard Yoder’s approach to reading Scripture, we highly recommend:

      Nation, Mark T. A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writings of John Howard Yoder. Mennonite Quarterly Review, January 1997. This is also available from the London Mennonite Centre, 14 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, London N6 5AQ, England.


      Michael J. Gorman

      Of very few people can it be legitimately said that their work fundamentally reconfigured the landscape of two theological disciplines. But if there is anyone in recent memory who would be worthy of such an accolade, it is John Howard Yoder. The two disciplines are, of course, theological ethics and biblical studies—though Yoder would cringe at their separation, and his work was both explicitly and implicitly a prolonged exercise in maintaining their indissoluble union. For him, to hear the word rightly was to do the word publicly. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

      While Yoder is not without his critics (though they number fewer today than when The Politics of Jesus first appeared), his influence is felt today across the Christian churches through the ongoing work of his Notre Dame students. It also persists indirectly through the students of Hauerwas. Many of their students now teach and/or preach in institutions of nearly every major Christian tradition, and their books and articles continue to reshape the disciplines of biblical studies, theology, and ethics. Not to be underestimated, as well, is the significance of Yoder’s impact on his less formal students, notably those who participated in ecumenical study and dialogue with him for several decades and, of course, those who have read his books for the last half-century.

      Some Themes in To Hear the Word

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