Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake

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Visions of the Lamb of God - Andrew Scott Brake

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better home. To prove that, he came to live with us. He came to our level to show us the extent of God’s love and protection.

      Isaiah 11:4 says of the Branch that will come from the stump of Jesse, “he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall kill the wicked.” Also, of the servant of the Lord, we read in Isaiah 49:2, “He made my mouth like a sharp sword.” The authoritative word of Jesus is to be understood and received and believed over and against the false demands of the religions of the world and the fraudulent promises that the world offers. The word of Christ will ultimately prevail and only Jesus has the truth. Only Jesus is the truth. In a world that does not know truth anymore, this is a significant part of the picture of Jesus that we need to communicate. Jesus’ glorified face is a reinforcement of this truth. Like the brilliance of the sun, Jesus’ face is the glory of God. Jesus was revealed like this also during the transfiguration, a good example of Jesus’ declaration as the true Son of God.


      When presented this picture of Jesus, what is our response? Like John, I think if we saw Jesus in person, we would fall to our faces in fear. But we would also be recipients of his touch. When Jesus walked the earth, this is the picture of Jesus that demons saw. They were able to see the supernatural world. They saw not only the common-looking man that Jesus was on the exterior, but also the supernatural Jesus that John saw. What was their response? “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God” (Luke 4:34). They were terrified.

      Our world is in desperate need of an accurate picture of Jesus. What kind of picture are we portraying by our words and deeds? We want to make sure we lead people to the right plane with the right pilot. We can’t force them to get in. But we can at least try our best to present the correct picture of him. I believe that if people are truly seeking God (Proverbs 8:17), then this picture will be irresistible.

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