Once We Were Sisters. Sheila Kohler

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Once We Were Sisters - Sheila  Kohler

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       Dreaming For Freud

       The Bay of Foxes

       Love Child

       Becoming Jane Eyre

       Bluebird, or the Invention of Happiness


       Stories From Another World







      Published in Great Britain in 2017 by Canongate Books Ltd,

      14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE


      This digital edition first published in 2017 by Canongate Books

      Copyright © Sheila Kohler, 2017

      The moral right of the author has been asserted

      First published in the United States by Penguin Books, an imprint of

      Penguin Random House LLC, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library

      ISBN: 978 1 78211 997 5

      Export ISBN: 978 1 78211 998 2

      eISBN: 978 1 78211 999 9

      Typeset in Janson

      Designed by Elke Sigal

      Some names and identifying characteristics have been changed

      to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.



       I: Snow

       II: Together

       III: First Glimpses

       IV: Suitors

       V: Tokolosh

       VI: Talk

       VII: Knowledge

       VIII: Weddings

       IX: Names

       X: Pregnancy

       XI: Voyages

       XII: Truth and Fiction

       XIII: Discoveries

       XIV: Death

       XV: Babies

       XVI: Escape

       XVII: Black and White

       XVIII: A Story

       XIX: John

       XX: Black-and-Blue

       XXI: Mother’s Secrets

       XXII: Houses

       XXIII: School

       XXIV: Bloodsuckers

       XXV: Finishing School

       XXVI: Advice

       XXVII: Identity

       XXVIII: The Other Woman

       XXIX: Enrico

       XXX: Double Agent

       XXXI: Rome Redux

       XXXII: Nel Mezzo del Cammin

       XXXIII: Drama

       XXXIV: Arrival


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