New Perspective. CJ Mac

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New Perspective - CJ Mac

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      This world consists not only of the natural world, where we live, but also of beautiful intelligence and wisdom to help people to succeed in life, if people cooperate with them.

      Intelligence and wisdom were also required to design and build the universe, our planet Earth, its nature and life incl. mankind, animals and plant life. I call these the natural intelligence and wisdom. (Refer to Attachment 1.)

      This new perspective about our world is based on over 40-year research, testing and practical experience about the matter. Based on this research the original natural intelligence and wisdom want to help mankind in its poor state. They offer to help people with their wisdom and understanding, how people can improve their health and life towards a better future.

      The natural wisdom would like to communicate heart-to-heart with people through their conscience. People would need to have will and desire to learn, how it works. It is natural and easy, when you get used to it, because:

       It is not spiritual nor religion. It is factual and it works and succeeds in reality.

       It is the wisdom that comes naturally from a pure conscience.

       It gives visions and dreams into a person's pure heart and they stay there.

       It makes these visions and dreams come true, when you cooperate and work diligently to achieve the desired results.

       It is always trustworthy and always succeeds over time.

       It is also wisdom that is always prepared to help a person, when the person is willing to listen and accept the guidance.

       It communicates with positive and inspiring wisdom sayings.

       It desires a person to demonstrate understanding, friendliness, forgiveness and daily encouragement towards others.

       It is wisdom that mankind has unfortunately overlooked and neglected for centuries, but it is thoroughly explained in this booklet.

      If a human being was interested in discovering, understanding and applying this offered natural advice, new opportunities would open up for that person including improved, healthier and longer life.

      To fix problems we can sometimes think outside the norm by pondering natural wisdom's principles in positive and inspiring wisdom sayings and then creating strategies and solutions to resolve problems in reality.

      This booklet explains, how this and more are possible. Your own pure conscience will tell you, as the sixth basic sense, if my writings are correct and true, when you read these pages and also ponder the many wisdom sayings in this booklet.

      It is based on people's pure conscience that is able to discern right from wrong and also communicate natural wisdom affectionately to them. You may have experienced this partly many times before in the past, when your conscience was not happy with, what you were doing.

      In addition, a pure conscience is also able to tell, which natural wisdom principle and guidance would be right for decisions that influence health, work, past time and also otherwise life.

      It would therefore, at first, be important to gain a pure conscience that works with the natural wisdom in cooperation. This has also been clarified in detail in this booklet.

      Next, however, here is the background for this research.

      Planning and Implementing “impossible” Projects

      I have somehow been able to manage many projects over the years, which others have considered to be impossible or of which others have said that I should not even attempt. These projects have given me satisfaction.

      They have helped me during my career towards project directorship and working in four countries on major projects over more than 40 years.

      This has also led me to explore the beauty of the nature in three different continents: Europe, Asia and Australia.

      Furthermore, these difficult projects prepared me for this really special “New Perspective” - project that was initially “impossible” and out of this world. It, however, gradually over more than four decades has led to a beautiful natural reality, surprising successes and writing of this booklet.

      I see this as the natural progression of my management career. I have liked this journey, because it has been fun and enjoyable and it has led to good results.

      Another “impossible” project has been the establishment of the “New Reality” for my family,which I have implemented based on my conscience's advice. It has been ultimately much easier than, what I expected. One day, after a few months, I just realised that we were living in it, when everything fell into place. It, however, requires constantly some attention based on this booklet's wisdom principles, in order to function well. (Refer also to attachments 2 and 3, how we got there and what the “New Reality” is.)

      These have been exciting times and they continue.

      Wisdom Sayings

      Over the decades, I have researched, how wise advice from an honest and pure human conscience and also, how its good influence into human behaviour can improve quality of life, health, results at work and also possibly lengthen human life to live longer. I have come to surprising conclusions.

      Based on my experience, a human being and a whole family can reach the “New Reality”, when they are guided by a pure conscience and they are considering natural wisdom's advice. It is a much better state of affairs in life, than just living by reason.

      My conscience's advice is that ignoring the natural wisdom's guidance leads to too early ageing, sicknesses and death. Mankind has, unfortunately, been ignoring natural wisdom's guidance since the very early days of our existence preferring human reason, money, greed, ambition, culture, heritage, atheism, one-sided science, deceitful and lying religious and spiritual guidance etc. to give direction for life.

      Natural wisdom together with pure and natural conscience and good healthy reason, however, guide towards a much better, healthier, more sustainable and thus longer life.

      Natural wisdom communicates mainly through wisdom principles expressed in respective sayings, but also in many other ways. A human being's own conscience would like to guide the person to understand this communication. (Refer to attachments 4 and 5.)

      This booklet explains in detail what is expected from a human being to gain a pure and natural conscience and to achieve a better quality of life, sustainable health and longer life with the help of the natural wisdom.

      Confirmation of this New Perspective

      Right in the beginning, I wanted to confirm this new perspective into life in practice and reality. I wanted to find good enough confirmations that applying natural wisdom's principles would have positive influence on my and my family's health, life, work and lifestyle towards a better future and would also possibly help us to reach a healthier and higher age.

       Childhood and Youth

      I pondered and weighed my past life and remembered that every

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