Leviticus - Handbook of the Priests. Kenneth B. Alexander

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Leviticus - Handbook of the Priests - Kenneth B. Alexander

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The Book of Leviticus

      Handbook of the Priests

      High Priest Performing His Duties

      By: Kenneth B. Alexander J.D.

      Book Three – Bible Book By Book Series

      Table of Contents

      Title Page – The Book of Leviticus – The Handbook of the Priests

       By: Kenneth B. Alexander, J.D.

      Table of Contents


      Introduction to Series - Bible Book By Book

      Introduction to Leviticus

      Basic Sacrifices

      Duties of the Priests

      Consecration of the Priests

      Strange Fire

      Laws of Purification


      The Law of Holiness

      Conclusion to Leviticus

      Bibliography and End Notes


      Thanks to John Robert Stevens, Pastor and My Mentor, deceased; Pastors Gary and Marilyn Hargrave; The Living Word, a World Wide Fellowship of Churches (thelivingword.org); Logos Bible Study System 5; Fellow Believers

      ©Author: Kenneth B. Alexander, JD

       [email protected]

      Web: www.christianfreelance. vpweb.com

      Scripture references: The New American Standard, 95 ed; The New American Standard,

       1977 ed.; King James Authorized Version; Unless Otherwise Noted

      “Scripture References In Italics” and “quotation marks”

      Bold Emphasis Author’s Discretion


      Man or Men when used alone is gender negative and is meant to include: men, women, mankind, humanity etc.

Introduction to Series

      Bible Book By Book

       This Series of Books will treat the scriptures and the Bible as the full and complete Word of God compiled by God through the pens of men inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Bible says this about itself: “All Scripture is inspired [God breathed] by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). God left for us a record of all that is needed to be known to enable His people full access to His salvation and entrance to His glorious Kingdom. Each scripture, group of scriptures, each Book as a whole has a point; it is saying something from God that we can take away with us just as if God Himself descended and spoke to us in person. It speaks both to the beginner in Christ and to the most mature. Its meaning is ever expanding according to the spiritual growth of the individual.

       Christ Himself quoted scripture on many occasions. In his very first public appearance He spoke scripture. “THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE DOWNTRODDEN, TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD” (Lk 4:18–19). He quoted Old Testament scripture written down by Isaiah from the Book of Isaiah 61:1-2. Christ went on to say: “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Amazingly enough Isaiah spoke this scripture a millennium before Christ and a millennium before Christ fulfilled the words. Many, many times you will read in the scriptures of Christ fulfilling a prophecy that was spoken millenniums before His birth.

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