Natural Skincare Recipes. Jamie Geurtjens

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Natural Skincare Recipes - Jamie Geurtjens

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      Natural Skincare Recipes


      Jamie Geurtjens

      Copyright 2014 Jamie Geurtjens,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2272-5

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      In this book, you will learn how to easily create gorgeous skincare products for yourself and your family using safe, natural ingredients.

      The recipes that you will find in this book are made using absolutely divine, natural ingredients. This is important because choosing natural ingredients rather than artificial ingredients, is better for your health, as well as the health of the environment.

      Lip balms and oils are a great place to start, as they are so quick and easy while the chocolate peppermint lip balms, using real cocoa butter and beeswax, make a lovely gift for friends and family.

      Once you have mastered lip balms, you can move onto making your own hand and body creams, including the mouth-watering sweet orange and rosehip hand cream, and peppermint and lime foot cream.

      I can assure you that making your own skincare products can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. For me it was really life changing to begin creating wholesome, fragrant skincare products with natural ingredients. I was in my element.

      When I first started making my own skincare, I stuck to the basics and started with just four products. I made a lavender & lemon massage oil, a peppermint lip balm, a healing salve, and some aromatherapy bath salts.

      I was soon selling my handmade goodies down at our local river market. Be it rain or shine, I was there at my market stall on a Saturday morning, setting up next to other market goers who soon became good friends.

      There was no better feeling than having people test my handmade products right in front of me, getting instant relief for itchy skin, or melting away in a moment of bliss as they enjoyed the fragrant smells of the oils and salts.

      The success I had at the river market led me to start Clean Green Skincare, my organic skincare company.

      I went from having a stall at the local Saturday market, to having a successful online skincare business. As my business grew, so did my range of products.

      I now have a full organic face and body range with nearly 20 different products, and we regularly ship orders worldwide including to America, Germany, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

      You may or may not be aware of this fact, but many store-bought skincare products contain harmful ingredients, such as parabens, artificial colours, and fragrances.

      This is bad news for us because our skin is our largest organ. It is one of the main ways our body gets rid of toxins. Around 30 percent of what we apply to our skin is absorbed right into our bloodstream. It actually bypasses the digestive system and is circulated through our body. Harmful preservatives, such as parabens, can become stored within tissues and have the potential to cause cancer.

      It’s not just our food that can affect our health and our quality of life, it’s our skincare too.

      Also, some skincare companies are still testing their products on animals and are still using the likes of palm oil which has resulted in the destruction of the habitat for some of our most endangered animals.

      When I started making skincare, I wanted to prove to the big companies that beautiful and healing skincare can be made with naturally sourced healthy ingredients. I believe that I have succeeded.

      People tell me that by using the natural products that I have created, they get a better result than those chemical laden skincare products they paid twice as much for at the local chemist. Now that’s a great feeling!


      Experiment with your favourite oils, but ensure you always stick to the health and safety guidelines for essential oils.

      Essential oils can be therapeutic and healing, but should be used with caution.

      Children under 6 months should avoid any essential oils. The safest essential oils for young children over 6 months are lavender, chamomile, and mandarin.

      For pregnant or breastfeeding women, avoid peppermint, wintergreen, lemongrass, vetiver and ylang-ylang.

      Most essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before applying to the skin with the exception of lavender and tea tree (if skin is not of the sensitive nature).

      Never take essential oils internally, and always patch test your skincare products before applying if you suffer from any skin sensitivities.


      Making your own skincare is very rewarding.

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