How to Survive the Kokoda Track. Richard Godden

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How to Survive the Kokoda Track - Richard Godden

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      I am Richard Godden and from 2001 to 2015, I was a guide on the Kokoda Track. During those 14 years I learnt a great deal about how to walk the Kokoda Track and get the most out of the experience. I retired as a guide when I was 73 years old.

      This little book started out in a village on the eastern end of Imita Ridge called Kailaki while visiting my friend Rueben Bagaga, my personal porter for the last 5 years of guiding.

      We got talking about all the experiences that we had on the track and thought that those experiences would help people who want to walk the track and have found that a lot of the information out there is rubbish. I have walked the track 75 times and have taken close to 1,000 people across.

      I hope the information will help you with your preparations and may even save you some money. I have not tried to give any of the history of the Owen Stanley Campaign. There are many books out there for you to read to get an understanding about the fighting.

      Richard at the memorial at Isurava

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