LOST IN TIME 2. Richard Lowe

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LOST IN TIME   2 - Richard Lowe

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      Re- cap

      Richard, John, Sam, Luke, where best mates at UNI. Luke girl friend died a few years back and she was carrying Luke's baby. Richard found a old Book at the Professors house about some lost caverns and people at the North Pole that have advanced Technology. the four guys brake in to the Professors house and steal the book. now there heading to the North Pole. they meet up with Jack the Dog-Man and learn how to ride the sledges and control the dogs, they leave to go out on there own but Sam get attacked by wolves.


      Richard called out "are you their Guys I can't see you", then with great relief, John calls out "over here mate, Luke and Sam are here too." everything was bright around them and hazy at the same time which made it very hard to see them. I told them to follow my voice as I can't see them. Then all of a sudden, I could see three shapes coming towards me, "is that you Guys." I heard "Yes, mate, it's us". I am glad you are all are ok. What the hell happened?, all we can remember is hearing the Girl's screaming out, get out of there. Sam replied, "yes me, two". Right, let's see if we can find them, hope this haze goes soon so that we can see a bit clearer. Sam started to call out "Jill were are you" but nothing, no reply. We called out twenty to thirty time and still no response. This is crazy mate it's as if no one is there anymore. Well Guy's, we know we were standing in the middle of the Drawing on the floor, so if we all walk over to where the wall was, we should bang right into it.If we walk slowly and feel around, so we won't trip over anything, Good idea mate. But we all stay close, Ok ready let's walk. Taking our time, we slowly walked over to the wall, and walked and walked where is that wall Guy's we should have reached it by now. John commented, "maybe we have missed the wall and walked right out the doorway, and we are in the passageway". You could be right. How about we all hold hands side by side extend our selves out sideways, then we take two steps to the right and see if we can touch the wall. And if we can't, we take two steps back again, then do the same thing going to the left as the passageways were not that wide. Ok let's do it, then nothing this way, that’s alright we will try the other way. Still, nothing what is going on Guy's. Right, let's stop and rethink and clear our heads. Now it's still hazy, and we can't see too much in front of us. So we will need to hang on to each other, so no one gets lost. Then we will keep walking slowly until we see someone, or walk into a wall. That all I can come up with, so anyone else has an Idea better than that one. Ok let's start walking and hang on to each other. as we were walking Sam remarked "have you noticed we couldn't hear any other sounds like voices of the others. We should have by now", " and I have tried thinking of Jill but no reply from her". Yah your right Sam, but the haze is starting to clear up, if it keeps doing it we will be able to see where we are. Luke but's in "well that will make it easier to find the others, and we can get some food as I am Hungry". The haze had almost gone, but where were we, as this is not the home ship. As we were looking around it was starting to get lighter, then we saw a person walking over to us. We had not seen him before. As he got closer to us, he called out "sorry I did not know you were arriving today". We just looked at him "what do you mean I called out", he thanked us for being so patient, we introduced ourselves to him and told us his name was Joe. Then asked us to follow him, and he would take us to our rooms then we can sign in. We just shook our heads as if we were saying did I hear that right, we went with him as it might be more comfortable, that way we might find out where we are. As we got to the place, he was talking about, It was a big white building. As we walked inside the floor was made from white marble and very shiny. We just followed Joe over to a stand which had a large book on it. Now Joe asked: "what are your names again." we looked at him shook our heads, and repeated them to him again. Joe looked at us with a weird look on his face. "ok something is not right, you are not on my list". John blurted out "ok what the hell are you talking about not on your list, what list is that and what for", Joe remarked back "ok settle down I'll work it out". Sam looks over to us all, shaking his head "Joe can you please tell us where we are and what is that list for, please I don't think that is too much to ask for do you". Well the list is for all the ones that will be arriving here, and your names are not on the list. I thought it was funny that you came, and I did not know you were coming, as I usually do know all that are arriving. And there was no family waiting for you". Sam asks "Ok now you have explained that part of it now where are we, please as we would like to know that so we can get back to where we belong. "Well, Joe where are we", "um well you are in Heaven, not the real Heaven yet just the beginning of it"., We all looked over "what are you talking about in Heaven but not the real one. Have you lost your mind? Joe, hasn't anyone told you that you have to be Dead to get there", "Yes I do know that, Joe replies that is my Job here checking everyone in, and making sure they go to the right part". Now don't worry I will get everything sorted out for you lot. For now, feel free to walk around and mix with some of the others here, and I'll get back to you later about what we can do. "Luke asked if there is someplace, we can get something to eat and drink while we are waiting, yes there is, if you go over there to that place, all the food and drinks are there, and they are all free. well, that sounds good for a start come on Guys let's eat. How can you be Hungry at a time like this mate, "well it helps me to think". well ok, let's go and get something to eat while we wait for Joe to get back. On the way over to get the food we passed a few people, so we nodded and said how are you doing today, but they just looked at us, with a very lifeless expression over there faces, "nice to be made welcome" Luke remarked. John answered "don't worry, Luke it's a dead place here anyway", we all looked over, well-said mate you are right there. As they walk into the place where the food is. Luke's eyes almost popped out of his head, as he looked at the amount of food that was on the tables. and it's all free. Luke yells out "woo I am in Heaven now". we all looked at him and said "yes you are mate", Ok let's have something to eat and hope Joe can find out what happened. anyone would think Luke had not eaten for weeks the way he got stuck into the food. after a while, we had enough of eating and drinking, so we decided to try and find Joe, hoping he has found something out for us.We just walked around as we did not know where to go to find him, then we saw Joe waving to us as he was walking over our way. we called out Joe have you got any information for us yet.Sorry not yet, But they have given permission for you to see what is happening to your friends, back home. that way you will know that they are alright. we just looked at him. I asked "how is that going to help us" Joe replied not much really, but at least you will know there all ok down there. "Thanks, Joe we know you are trying to help us, just give us some time to think by ourselves then we will let you know what we want to do, is that ok with you Joe." "Ok with me That means I can get on with my other work". Right Guys" let's find somewhere to sit down, and think clearly about all of this. Sam calls out over there are some seats, and it looks quite there". ok let's walk over there then, that way we can still our minds and think a bit about what we are going to do, then we can talk about what Ideas we have come up with, that might help us all"."That sounds good to us mate" they all replied.

      The only good thing about this place so far was its tranquility, but all the others here were like Zombies, not a smile to be seen anywhere it gives me the creeps. After a while, we commented this is crazy mate. We can't think of anything because we don't know how to get out of here especially if this is really Heaven, because you have to be Dead, and if your Dead, that means we are all stuck here. "Come on guys don't be like that, we are not Dead. Look I will prove it to you, anyone got something sharp like a pin or a knife", Sam answered got a pin", ok parse it here. Now watch I'll prick myself, and if I bleed, it means I can't be dead because Dead people don't have Blood in them right. And then you can all do the same, see Blood now you lot do the same. John your turn, see Blood, next Sam well you are alive Blood, now it's you Luke "I am dead look no blood", you have to prick your finger mate, let me do it for you, see you have Blood which means we are all still alive. So if we are not Dead, how are we in Heaven. Richard commented now as far as I know, according to Joe, we are at the beginning of Heaven, not the central part of it. So it's the cross over area. John asks how you know that, well I did a bit of reading about things like this in a Book called Time To Rethink. Now I can remember reading, it said some cross over by accident, and they have a choice to stay, or they can go back and finish there life. Now we are still alive right, and we had an accident with the Transporter,

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