Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS. Arihia Witana

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Turning your TAONGA into a BUSINESS - Arihia Witana

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      Taku Taonga: My Gift / Treasure

      Taku Mōhiotanga: My Knowledge

      Taku Mātau ā-wheako: My Experience

      Before you start reading this book. Make sure your mind is clear and ear is open to receive knowledge. As the author I don’t expect you to take everything on board in this book. But, I hope that you can use this book from my experiences as a way of helping you to keep on searching for more knowledge or information to help you be successful in business. Each of us have our own story and in our own way we set the path and the example for others to perfect their own TAONGA. (Their own treasured possession / gift.) And turn that TAONGA into something beautiful.

      If in doubt always go through the right legal or professional channels to get the answers you need to make the right decisions whether you go into business or not. It’s good to have information that is relevant to now and the correct resources where to get your answers as business is always evolving.


      Some helpful tips to reading this book.

      1 For those that are still in the Business Idea Stage. Recommended to read page 3 then continue throughout the book when you are ready

      2 For those that want to Fast Track to Armor for your Business pages 10, 11, 12 & 13

      3 For those that would like to know How I put my business together pages 3,4,5 and 9

      4 For those that would like to just fast track to Sales, Marketing and technology pages 14, 16 & 17

      Being that this is a short book you may read all of it anyway as it is a pretty quick book to read. Hopefully you will get some enjoyment of reading this as much as I have putting this short self-help book together.

      HE Māori AHAU (I am Māori)


      Ko wai au? Who am I? Who am I in the Business World in another country? When you make that big step to move to another country, it’s not always green on the other side. You grow to really appreciate your identity as Māori when you must learn to adjust and integrate into another country and another system. We all have our reasons for moving away from home. Yes, there are many things we miss such as our whānau(family), hapu(sub-tribe) and iwi(tribe) environment, to the kai (food), to the feeling of belonging, the feeling of acceptance etc. For me it was starting a clean slate, wanting a change, wanting to do something better in the world. And a promise made between myself, my grandmother and aunty. When the opportunity was made available to move to Australia permanently nearly 11 years ago, I took it. The one thing we must remember is we need to be strong, reach those goals in business, maintain our identity. Yes, we get mamae(miss) for our whenua (land). But we are here in another country so we make the best of it. We haven’t got time to moan about what we don’t have. As our tīpuna(ancestors), koroua(elder male) and kuia (elder female) back home do. Be resourceful. Utilize the taonga (gifts) we have to make things happen. One saying that always resonates with me came from my mother:

       “Don’t be a jack of all trades and a master of none.” - (Robert green, 1592)

      For me in my terms don’t just have experience and no qualifications to back it up. Be the example and if need be getting up-skilled to support that taonga that I already possess. I made the decision right I’m going to challenge myself and get the qualifications to back up the experience I have in different industries. This pushed me to get 3 qualifications in 3 different industries as I didn’t want to be stuck in one industry. I’m in the process of completing my MBA here in Australia while conducting businesses and my taking care of my whanau(family).

       Something for you to think about.

      1 What taonga do you have? (It could be singing, cooking, helping others)

      2 What problems do others have that you know you can help with?

      3 How to incorporate your cultural identity into the mahi (work) that you do?

      4 What does your taonga have that stands out that others don’t have?

      5 What have you done successfully in the past that has resonated in the hearts of others?

      6 Ask your whanau or friends what taonga you have? They may notice what you don’t notice.

      7 Surrounding yourself with those who inspire and motivate you to be the best

      8 Are you ready to take the plunge and convert your taonga into a business?

      9 Do you want to do hard mahi (work) and work for someone else forever? (If “NO” It’s time to start turning that taonga into something that works.)

      10 Don’t limit yourself or your capabilities. If I can do it! You can too!

      Spend that necessary time with yourself to get that clarity, you need to sit down and make some hard decisions. But before you do that do up a plan of action, do the necessary research, trial, get the tautoko (support) you need to finalize the decisions that you are about to make.


      Every business starts with either a DREAM, GOAL, VISION or MISSION. Depending whether you are still trying to figure out what you want to do as a business; or you may already have something in mind in terms of what type of business you want to put together. I understand at the beginning it can be quite scary for some that have never started a business before. It is a combination of both scary and exciting. It is going into the unknown. Some have the stomach for it because they want to give it a shot. For others they may hesitate and check everything first in detail before they consider going into business as an option.

       What do you need to know?

      1 It's okay to be scared, excited, nervous and unsure. It is normal

      2 That without having a dream, vision, mission or goals for your business you won't have a sense of direction

      3 Ask yourself what is your aim for your business present and future?

      4 Remember this is your business. Don't allow others to tell you what kind of dreams and goals you should have for your business. You make the final decision. But make sure to get professional advice to ensure that it's okay if you are unsure.

      5 You can discuss your business dreams, vision , goals and mission with someone if you're unsure. It's great to get someone that can help you get some clarity

      6 Sometimes in business things change with trends or direction and your business dreams, goals, mission and vision may change from time to time

      7 That sometimes you have to make changes to reach certain goals and dreams so yes you have to learn to be flexible

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