An Accidental Mother. Katherine Anne Kindred

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An Accidental Mother - Katherine  Anne Kindred

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      An Accidental Mother

       Katherine Anne Kindred


      Earlier versions of the essays “An Accidental Mother”

      and “I Will Not Lie” were combined as one essay titled

      “The Accidental Mother” and published in

      the Spring 2008 issue of Memoir (and).


      Unbridled Books

      Denver, Colorado

      Copyright © 2011 by Katherine Anne Kindred

      Drawings by Michael

      All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be

      reproduced in any form without permission.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Kindred, Katherine Anne.

      An accidental mother / Katherine Anne Kindred.

      p. cm.

      ISBN 978-1-60953-058-7

      1. Motherhood. 2. Parenting. 3. Separation

      (Psychology) I. Title.

      HQ759.K543 2011



      1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

      Book Design by SH • CV

      First Printing


      Dedicated to the little boy who gave me the greatest gift of all—motherhood.

      Near or far, I will love you always.



      Kate! There’s a monster in my room!”

      Still mostly asleep, I notice that without the help of my conscious mind to direct them, my legs have somehow begun on their own, swinging over the side of the bed, moving me toward the door of the room as my arms reach out in the dark for the small boy I know is somewhere near. I take his hand as my pupils begin to dilate enough to allow me to see down the hallway toward the glow of his bedroom nightlight.

      “Let’s go see,” I whisper, and pull him gently along, reaching for the light switch the moment we pass through the doorway. The room is suddenly filled with light, and my eyes squint as I look around. I see an unmade bed with a Spiderman pillow in the middle, tiny jeans lying on the floor next to the laundry basket, storybooks on the table beside the bed.

      “I don’t see a monster,” I say, and look down into the tear-filled eyes.

      “It was in my dreams!” he tells me, and I notice he’s been dragging his teddy bear along with him the whole time.

      We’re making progress, I think. For a long while he’s been convinced that the monster is somewhere in his room. That he understands it’s only in his dream is a giant step forward.

      I pick him up to comfort him; he just turned five and is almost too big to hold, but he wraps his arms and legs around me and lays his head on my shoulder. I notice he is trembling. It only takes me a few minutes to get him snuggled back into bed, to reassure him that the monster dream is over, to tell him that instead he can dream about Grandma and Papa’s house and going to the movies with his cousins.

      I return to our bedroom and climb back into bed, now wide awake.

      “Thanks for getting up with him,” a voice whispers beside me.

      “You’re welcome,” I whisper back.

      That’s when I realize the boy called out for me, not his dad, to protect him from the monster.

      Me. Kate. Not his real mother, his accidental one.

      I’ve never made any apologies for the fact that my only “child” turned out to be a border collie named Annie. I adopted her when she was two years old. Having come from an abusive home, she was skittish and needy. She’s been with me for more than a decade, and I’m certain it’s because of my patient nurturing that she now feels so well loved and secure that she disobeys nearly every command I offer—unless, of course, a biscuit is involved. She is smart and manipulative and I love her all the more for it. Yet she’s well behaved enough that she travels with me everywhere and even comes to work with me every day.

      We survived two failed relationships together, and after the second ended in divorce, I realized my opportunity to have children of the human kind had just passed me by. I accepted this fact without regret, content to consider Annie proof that had I wanted to, I could have raised a kind and loving child. Knowing my eggs weren’t getting any younger, I opted for tubal ligation, certain that I could live a full life without experiencing the need to procreate or the pain of giving birth. This did not, however, mean I embraced a life of postdivorce solitude. Welcoming a barrage of blind dates, I soon learned that being childless at forty is a rarity. At my age nearly everyone single has at one point been married, and most of those marriages have resulted in a child or two. I joked to my girlfriends that surely I was meant to be a stepmother instead of a birth mother. Someday I would meet someone with two teenagers on their way to college who did not need a new mother and whose father was financially and emotionally prepared for a long-term casual commitment.

      Obviously, I hadn’t fully evaluated other possible outcomes.

      Welcome Michael, just months shy of four years old, with dark-blond hair and big blue eyes, in dire need of a mother. Oh, and did I mention Jim, the ever handsome and charming father of said boy? The first time this child tested me with the word “mom” and then looked up into my eyes with a little grin, waiting, waiting, waiting to see what my response was going to be, I knew I was in deep trouble. His inquiries have continued, albeit with modifications along the way. Once I was paging through a magazine while he sat beside me with a coloring book and crayons, and he stopped to ask me if he had come out of my stomach.

      “No,” I told him, “you came out of your mother’s stomach.”

      “But I want you to be my mother!”

      I hesitated, then pulled out the bottom of my sweatshirt to make myself look pregnant. “Okay, get in my stomach.”

      Michael giggled. “Kate! You can’t go backward!” And then, just as I begin to worry that the joke was improper, he asked, “What should I color next?”

      As recommended by the family counselor, his father has provided Michael with a brief explanation,

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