The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (Rediscovered Books). Catherine Ponder

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The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity (Rediscovered Books) - Catherine Ponder

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      The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

       Forces That Bring Riches to You

      by Catherine Ponder

      Rediscovered Books

      Copyright © 2014 by Rediscovered Books

      Cover image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / frenta

      Rediscovered Books

      PO Box 632

      Floyd, VA 24091-0632

      All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

      ISBN 13: 978-1-633-84430-8

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

      Table of Contents

       Introduction: There’s Gold Dust in the Air for You!

       01. The Shocking Truth about Prosperity

       02. The Basic Law of Prosperity

       03. The Vacuum Law of Prosperity

       04. The Creative Law of Prosperity

       05. The Imaging Law of Prosperity

       06. The Prosperity Law or Command

       07. The Prosperity Law of Increase

       08. Prosperous Attitudes

       09. Work: A Mighty Channel for Prosperity

       10. Financial Independence Can Be Yours

       11. The Prosperity Law of Love and Good Will

       12. The Prosperity Law of Prayer

       13. The Prosperity Law of Self-Confidence

       14. Your Genius Powers for Prosperity

       15. Your Special Powers for Prosperity

       16. The Prosperity Law of Persistence

       17. What about Indebtedness?

       18. Health and Prosperous Thinking

       Conclusion: When the Gold Dust Settles


      There’s Gold Dust in the Air for You!

      This book is the result of several recent recessions and many years of lean living. Nobody likes recessions and nobody likes lean living–and indeed nobody should like them. For fifteen years I tried to find such a book as this one. During those years of searching the bookshelves, I found that there are many books which give various ideas, but in none of them did I find a set of compact, simple laws for assuring success. I began searching for a book such as this after having been widowed and left with a small son to rear and educate. Since I had no training for work and no means of income, I would have given anything to have known then about the power of prosperous thinking.

      For a while I experienced depression, ill health, loneliness, financial lack and a sense of complete failure. It seemed that the whole world was against me, and that everything that I did went wrong. But with my son to provide for, I could not settle for failure. I had to succeed for his sake as well as for my own. Finally, when I was at my lowest ebb emotionally, physically and financially, I learned about the power of thought as an instrument for success or failure. I came to realize that the right use of my mind could become the key to healthy, happy, prosperous, successful living.

      As soon as I grasped this wonderful success secret, the tide began to change!

       The Birth of Prosperous Thinking

      You’ve heard much in recent years about positive thinking. Out of the recessions and lean years another term has been born “prosperous thinking”. The word “prosper” means “to flourish, succeed, thrive, to experience favorable results”.

      You are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, and plenty in your world. While prosperous thinking means many things to people, basically it gives you the power to make your dreams come true, whether those dreams are concerned with better health, increased financial success, a happier personal life, more education and travel, or a deeper spiritual life.

      This book plainly shows how prosperous thinking has helped people in every walk of life to experience these results. Furthermore, it shows how prosperous thinking can do these things for you, too! As you read this book, chapter by chapter, you will automatically begin to develop the power of prosperous thinking, and, almost as easily, you will begin to reap a harvest of prosperous results.

       The Salesman With the Golden Touch

      Years ago, a salesman used the power of prosperous thinking, although he may not consciously have been aware of it. When people asked him, “How’s business?” he always gave this standard answer: “Business is wonderful because there’s gold dust in the air!” For him it seemed to certainly be so–every contact became a sale. After a while, whenever his name was mentioned, people always said, “Yes, everything he touches turns to gold”.

       The Laws of Prosperity

      During my first year in the ministry, one of the most severe business recessions since World War II hit this country. Members of my congregation began asking for lectures on ways to survive this difficult period. It was then that these dynamic laws of prosperity began to take form. And, with breathtaking rapidity, these ideas worked–for all types of people!

       How the Laws Have Worked for Others

      For instance, within a week after the first lecture, two secretaries had received increases in pay, one with a promotion and new title. A stockbroker soon reported that he had more business than he had dared hope for, although most of his fellow workers were comparatively idle. One client whom he had not seen for several years appeared and handed him a check to invest for $200,000! A month after beginning to deliberately invoke prosperous thinking, his income was four times its usual amount. A lawyer, who had several industrial clients then on strike or out of work, reported that the recession was suddenly over for him. His income zoomed upward into the $2,000 a month bracket, which at the time seemed a great increase, though later after he established a definite pattern of prosperous thinking, it seemed only normal.

      A steel manufacturer’s agent, whose business was affected by the recession, reported that he unexpectedly received an order amounting to $4,500 which he had not solicited. One woman was a saleslady in a department store which employed more than 100

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