Sexy Beast. Vivi Anna

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Sexy Beast - Vivi  Anna Sexy Beast

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rhythm. In, out, penetrating both passages, slow and deep, his thumb pressing against his fingers through the thin wall of sensitive flesh inside her body.

      Gasping for air, Keisha spread her legs even wider, flattening her belly hard against the tile. Once more she tried to reach Anton’s thoughts.

      Still she found them closed to her.

      Her climax was rushing forward, but she heard the sound of his zipper, the rustle of cloth and Anton’s body was there, the broad head of his cock pressing hard against her wet and waiting pussy, her swollen and sensitive lips parting, giving Anton passage.

      His body, but not his thoughts. His skill as a lover, but not his love. Suddenly Keisha understood as awareness flooded her mind, left her soul wanting, her heart hurting.

      This was not an act of love at all, at least not love as Keisha expected it. No. This was something darker, something ancient and ritualistic.

      This was something she must fight or accept, the way of Chanku.

      The way of the alpha male subduing his bitch.

      Pressing Keisha flush against the smooth tile until her breasts were flattened and her cheek rested on the hard surface, Anton thrust hard and fast, establishing his dominance, his power and physical strength over his mate.

      Keisha thought to struggle, then accepted. He might be physically stronger, yet she was the winner, the one who cried out in mindless pleasure when Anton pumped his seed into her, the one who begged for more, then milked him with powerful muscles until his legs quivered and he leaned across her back to keep from falling to the floor.

      The one who opened her mind at the point of climax and found his waiting—conscience-stricken, apologetic and remorseful beyond description.

      Each harsh breath forced his chest against her back and her tight vaginal muscles continued their steady contraction and release around his shrinking cock.

      Anton sensed no anger from her, no fear, no emotion beyond love and her underlying compassion.

      He couldn’t believe what he’d just done! This was no better than rape, this harsh and forced lovemaking…no, he couldn’t begin to call it lovemaking. Keisha would never forgive him.

      She shouldn’t forgive him.

      How would he go on living if she didn’t?

      He raised his head, spread his palms out on the cool tile to separate himself from Keisha’s warm body.

      “No. Please. Not yet.” She turned and smiled at him. “Damn. You feel too good inside me. Don’t go yet.”

      “But…?” Anton frowned. “You’re not…?”

      “Not what? Pissed?” She grinned, a lopsided smile that tore at his heart. “A little. On the other hand, if I’d wanted to stop you, all I needed to do was tell you to stop, right?”

      He thought about that a minute. He would have quit in a heartbeat, no matter how angry, if he’d thought she wanted him to. “Okay, that’s true, but…”

      Keisha reached up and brushed her knuckles across his chin. “I didn’t ask you to stop, Anton. I love you. We were both a bit overdosed on adrenaline. Do you love me?”

      You know I do. I love you more than life itself.

      Then why did you block your thoughts?

      Anton sighed, then slowly withdrew from her body. He grabbed a yellow washcloth, held it under running water a moment, then wrung it out and handed it to Keisha. She turned around, leaned against the counter where they’d just had the most amazing sexual encounter, and unselfconsciously began to clean the semen and fluids from between her legs.

      Anton watched her for a moment, mesmerized by the sweep of the damp yellow cloth against her dark skin and realized he wanted her again. He would always want her. He sighed, took the washcloth after she rinsed it in the sink and held it. “I didn’t want you to see an anger I couldn’t fully comprehend, didn’t want you to think less of me, to realize I can’t always control the beast inside.”

      Keisha grinned, grabbed the washcloth hanging limply in his hand and began to wash his no longer limp cock. “You control the beast admirably, my love. Just don’t try to control me.”

      She raised her head and gazed at him for a long moment. Anton watched her perfect breasts rise and fall with each breath she took, then looked up, into her eyes. “If you do,” she said, and her voice was tight with emotion, “you’ll lose me forever.”


      “I don’t like it one bit. What’s a few more days?” Anton practically growled at her. If he’d been in wolf form, Keisha knew his hackles would be up. Obviously, their explosive lovemaking right after the shooting hadn’t had the impact on Anton she’d hoped for.

      Standing face to face with her lover in their large bedroom, Keisha held her ground and glared at Anton. Her shoulder hurt and she had one hell of a headache, but she was not giving in on this. “It’s the difference between doing my job right and not. You of all people should understand that.”

      Anton sighed and pulled her gently into his arms. “I do, sweetheart. I really do. I don’t have to like it, though.”

      She went willingly, her anger evaporating as quickly as his. “You said your meetings in Boston will be over by Friday. You can join me this weekend. It’ll give me time to get my work done without a lot of, um, distractions, okay?”

      “But I love distracting you. I’ll worry. It’s dangerous for you. Stefan suspects Burns might be behind the poachers.”

      “Then it’s probably safer in San Francisco than here.” She leaned back in his embrace and smirked. “I’ve never been shot at in San Francisco. Kidnapped, assaulted, but never shot.”

      Anton shook his head, obviously unhappy. She rarely made reference to her deadly attack and wished she could take back the words said half in jest. Now wasn’t the time to remind Anton of what she’d barely survived just a few short months ago.

      Keisha rubbed her bandaged shoulder, then closed the gap between them and brushed her lips over Anton’s. “The dedication’s scheduled for the first Sunday in June. With travel, that gives me less than a week…not a lot of time for me to make sure everything is ready. This is important to me, Anton. I have to go. I promise I’ll be careful.”

      “I know.” He leaned close, his lips softly brushing hers.

      She tilted her hips forward, pressing her pubic bone against his growing erection, at the same time sending out a silent call to Xandi and Stefan.

      This would be the last night for all of them to spend together for more than a week. If nothing else, she knew sex with her packmates was a sure cure for the headache that lingered.

      Anton smiled against her mouth. He’d obviously caught her signal to the others. She knew nothing pleased him more than when she initiated a night of pleasure for the four of them.

      Unless of course, it was just the two of them, perfectly in sync.


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