Sexy Beast. Vivi Anna

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Sexy Beast - Vivi  Anna Sexy Beast

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their captives and Keisha’s injured shoulder had been properly cleaned and bandaged, after she and Anton had made love, they’d all shared the same bed. There’d been no sex among them then, merely loving, supportive bodies holding her close, helping her heal.

      Tonight, Keisha wanted more.

      Anton’s hands were roughly kneading her taut buttocks when Stefan slipped into the room and wrapped his arms around both Keisha and Anton. “Xandi’s on a grocery run. She’ll join us later.”

      Keisha turned to Stefan and kissed him. “Hmmmm. Poor girl doesn’t know what she’s missing.” Stefan’s tongue found the seam between her full lips. Practically purring with the sensual promise in his kiss, she welcomed him inside. Her mouth moved with his as Anton’s lips found the sensitive spot below her ear. Stefan’s hands worked the buttons on her blouse, Anton’s released the snap and zipper on her jeans.

      As if they’d rehearsed each move, the men stripped her clothes from her body, following each item of clothing with wet, openmouthed kisses and sharp little nips of their teeth.

      At the same time, Anton and Stefan shed their own clothing, helping one another until all of them were nude. Sandwiched between two hot, male bodies, Keisha gave herself up to pleasure.

      Not so long ago, the very fact that two men touched her, tasted her, loved her, would have sent her over the edge into mindless panic, dredging forth horrible memories of the night she was brutally raped by three men. Now, she reveled in not only the sensual touch, but her own healing. There was nothing she feared from these men she loved and trusted.

      Nothing she wasn’t willing, even eager to try.

      Stefan swung her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. Anton took her from Stefan and settled her on the cool sheets, on her back with her legs spread wide, bent at the knees. Both men knelt beside her. Keisha closed her eyes and, moving her injured shoulder carefully, reached over her head to grab the headboard railing. She knew her silent acquiescence would set them free to take her however they wished.

      She wanted whatever they offered. It wasn’t often Keisha got both men all to herself.

      Mouths, hot and greedy, found her breasts, suckled her nipples hard and deep, tongued the sensitive peaks, nipped at the turgid flesh.

      She cried out, aware of each man, how different, how similar their touch, their scent. Fingers stroked her hips, her thighs, teasing close to her center, then moving away. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, both men’s fingers came together in the nest of curls between her legs.

      The suction on her breasts grew stronger, the long fingers trailing between her legs crept deeper. Moaning, Keisha arched her back, begging silently for penetration. One hand circled her left buttock and she recognized Stefan’s touch. The other slipped between her swollen labia as Anton teased the creamy opening to her pussy.

      Together, both hands moved between her legs, two fingers slipped into her wet heat, twisting and turning deep inside her. Then only one remained, stroking very slowly, in and out. She felt the rough pad of Anton’s thumb against her clitoris, the damp tip of Stefan’s forefinger pressing gently against her anus.

      Anton slipped two more fingers inside her just as Stefan breached her ass and pressed deep. His finger slipped easily in and out, easing the taut ring of muscle. She felt him insert a second finger, then a third. Still, there was no pain, nothing other than a sense of pressure, of building excitement.

      She knew the men could feel each other through the thin wall of flesh, wondered if they would carry this further, something they’d never done without Xandi present.

      Anton’s thumb made wet circles around her clit, his fingers penetrated her dripping pussy, and his mouth suckled her nipple so hard he narrowly skirted the barrier between pleasure and pain. Stefan tightened his lips around her just as hard, then let her sensitive nipple slip loose, tugging it gently with his teeth before releasing her.

      His fingers, however, continued their relentless, rhythmic penetration, stretching her sphincter muscle, preparing her. Keisha arched her back, lifting her buttocks off the bed. Her stomach muscles rippled with the steady thrusts from both her lovers, with the hot suction from Anton’s mouth.

      Caught up in Anton’s touch, she was barely aware of Stefan, thought she heard the sound of foil tearing, was only truly certain he’d donned a condom when she felt him settle between her knees. Once more his fingers sought her, slick now with some sort of lubricant, something warm and soothing. He shifted and she felt the solid pressure of his erect cock against her ass as he sought entry where his fingers had been mere moments ago.

      She knew Stefan wanted this. No so long ago, he had prepared her so that she might take Anton without fear or pain. Because of his love, she could enjoy the act that had terrified her since her attack. After a moment of gentle teasing, Stefan’s cock speared her deep, filling her ass, a smooth, painless entry that left him supported tightly between her legs with his balls pressed against her buttocks.

      Her fingers tightened on the headboard. She moaned, then practically whimpered as Stefan carefully adjusted her legs, settling her even closer, filling her deeper.

      Keisha let the sensations flow over and through her. She actually felt Stefan’s cock expand even more, now he was inside her. Felt each ridge, even the thick vein throbbing with blood against her sensitive tissues. His balls were warm, the soft fur covering them tickled her ass.

      Filled with Stefan, she jumped when Anton twisted his fingers deep inside her, turned them to touch the back wall of her vagina. He was stroking Stefan! Anton’s fingers, buried in her pussy, traced the contours of Stefan’s huge cock through the fleshy barrier.

      Anton opened his thoughts to her, allowed Keisha to share the sensations with him, the hot, wet sheath a nerve-laden boundary between Anton’s supple fingers and Stefan’s pulsing cock.

      Stefan groaned, leaned over and bit down on her nipple then suckled it against the roof of his mouth. He thrust harder, then slowly withdrew, as if loath to give up either Keisha’s heat or Anton’s touch. At the same time, Anton pulled his fingers slowly out of Keisha and released her nipple with a wet sounding pop.

      Stefan licked the very tip of Keisha’s breast, then released it. He lifted her hips and sat back on his heels, at the same time pulling her away from the headboard so they were centered in the middle of the bed. His big hands grasped her buttocks while her legs dangled over his forearms, his cock filled her ass, slowly entering and then withdrawing. She felt Anton shift over her body and smiled when his cock brushed her lips.

      A not so gentle hint, my love? She drew the hot crown between her lips and sucked hard, tonguing the sensitive tip before drawing him deep into her mouth.

      I’ll make it worth your while.

      His thought had barely entered her mind when Anton’s tongue circled her clitoris. His silky hair tickled her belly and thighs and she wondered how it felt for Stefan, wondered at the sensation of his cock buried deep in her channel with Anton’s mouth locked on her pussy. Did Stefan feel Anton’s hair brushing his groin? Did the silken strands drift across Stefan’s hard thighs with the same soft sweep as Keisha felt?

      The image of the two men she loved, each loving her in his own way, took Keisha higher, sent her blood running hotter with each lick and thrust. Stefan continued his slow, deep penetrations, but it was Anton, his tongue and teeth, his warm lips and hot breath, taking her faster, farther into oblivion.


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