Healed By The Midwife's Kiss: Healed by the Midwife's Kiss. Fiona McArthur

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Healed By The Midwife's Kiss: Healed by the Midwife's Kiss - Fiona McArthur

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well. Ridiculously content, and I’m trying to talk Reg into coming away with me on a cruising holiday. There’s a last-minute deal that’s breaking my heart not to take.’

      Trina could see Myra at a Captain’s Cocktail Party, dressed to the nines in those stunning vintage outfits she seemed to source at will. Trina could never find anything when she looked in the pre-loved section. Or if she did she looked ridiculous. But Myra looked soft and elegant and stunningly stylish. She sighed and let the envy go. She hadn’t really thought much of clothes since Ed. ‘That sounds fun. Does he like the idea?’

      ‘More than I thought he would. But it all depends if he finds locum relief for the practice. I’m a little keen for him to scale right back but he’s become immersed in the bay and the hospital.’

      Trina could see why Myra wanted to play. ‘I haven’t seen him out on his surfboard lately.’

      ‘He still goes out every Sunday with his son. It’s lovely to see. Says he doesn’t have the need to get out of bed at the crack of dawn now—especially with me in it.’ Myra smiled with just a hint of pink in her cheeks and Trina smiled back.

      ‘Understandable.’ She thought of Finn. Her own cheeks heated and she dipped her head and took a sip from her mug to hide it. Of course he was the locum Myra hoped for, and of course she wasn’t blushing just because of Myra’s mention of mornings in bed. ‘Is he hopeful of the locum situation?’

      Myra sighed. ‘There’s a young doctor in town he’s had a chat with. Some family issue that’s keeping him from starting, but hopefully that will sort soon. If not, I think he should advertise.’

      ‘I met the one I think he’s talking about. Finlay Foley. He’s a single dad. Has a delightful little one-year-old.’

      Myra unwrapped the tart from its white paper bag and pushed it towards Trina. ‘That’s the one. That’s right—Reg said he had a daughter. What’s he like?’

      ‘He’s an amazing dad. Anyone can see that. It’s a wonder you haven’t seen him walking along the beach with his little girl on his back.’

      Myra’s eyes brightened. She lifted her head in delight and glanced towards the general direction of the beach way below, though she wouldn’t be able to see it. ‘Oh. I have seen him. Younger than I expected. I didn’t think of him as a doctor. Looks too young.’ She lowered her voice and said suggestively, ‘And handsome.’

      Trina laughed. ‘I used to see them in the mornings after work when I walked. Been here for a month but I’ve only really talked to him this weekend.’ Funny how it felt as if she’d known Finn for ages. What was that? ‘His little girl turned one yesterday. And I did mention Marni as a suggestion for childminding. He’s thinking about it.’

      ‘Oh, that’s marvellous news. And a really good idea. Marni is the perfect mother to those tiny boys. I might get Reg to give him a nudge—not a big nudger is my Reg. But I would like to catch that sailing if possible.’

      Trina laughed. ‘You might have a surprise when you get home, then.’ She picked up the tart and bit into the buttery pastry with slow enjoyment. The tang of Parmesan cheese, fresh spring onions and cream made her eyes roll. She took another bite and savoured. Before she knew, the tart was gone. ‘Goodness, Myra. I should have a standing order for those.’

      Myra laughed. ‘My man is a bit pleased with my cooking.’

      Trina picked up her coffee and then paused as a thought intruded. If Finn took over Dr Southwell’s practice while he was away, he’d be working in the hospital. And he’d probably walk through Maternity. Might even seek her out as a friendly face. Not that everyone wasn’t friendly at Lighthouse Bay. Maybe he’d even come over if they needed a third for a tricky birth. Their own personal paediatrician.

      Her belly seemed to warm and it had nothing to do with food and hot coffee, though they had been good. She finished the last of the coffee not quite in the present moment. It was all positive because he was a paediatrician. Good for those babies that didn’t breathe as well as you expected them to. Oh, my.

      ‘You look much better for stopping and eating,’ Myra said with some satisfaction. She stood up. ‘I won’t bother you any longer and let you get on before your afternoon midwives come on.’

      ‘You’re never a bother. More of a life-saver. Thank you.’ She glanced down at the empty crumpled white bag. ‘You’ve made my day.’ In more ways than one.

      * * *

      Trina finished work at five-thirty that evening and decided to walk quickly down the breakwall and blow the stress of the day away. The administration side of the maternity unit would take a little time to get used to but she’d mastered most of the things that had slowed her up. The joy of finishing work and not having to worry about sleep until it was dark felt like a sweet novelty. Especially when, on her way back, she saw that Finn and Piper, wrapped in scarves, were walking too. Finn swung along effortlessly, the bundle on his back wriggling when she saw Catrina.

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