The Hotel Magnate's Demand. Jennifer Rae

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The Hotel Magnate's Demand - Jennifer Rae

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had met a few hot men in Sydney to relieve the pressure, but she’d found it difficult to meet someone she was interested in dating. She’d found it difficult ever since Laurie, really. The men she met seemed interested in her looks and where she lived, but she hadn’t actually met anyone interested in her.

      ‘Sure I do. My new account is with a hotel chain, so I’d love to hear about your work, actually. I have absolutely no idea about the industry, so I’ll be hanging off your every word hoping you let some juicy PR secret out.’

      Truth was, she liked to listen to him talk. He was one of those rare men who actually had something to say.

      ‘Feel free to drop in to my office here in Sydney any time and talk to my PR. Tonight I don’t want to talk shop, though. I just want to get drunk and relax.’

      The booze had relaxed him, but for the first time Amy noticed the dark circles under his eyes. He ran a hand absently thought his hair. He looked tired and worn. Something he’d never looked eight years ago. Weeping Reef had been his first proper management job and back then he’d taken it very seriously. You didn’t step out of line when Luke was in charge or you were out.

      ‘Hard day at the office, dear?’ Amy teased, and Luke glanced her way with a smile.

      ‘Hard few years, more like it.’

      ‘So does that mean your home is here now…for a while?’

      Amy didn’t want to sound anxious, but she was. Although she knew she could never be with Luke the way she wanted, the idea of him being close was strangely comforting.

      ‘For a while.’

      He smiled directly at her. That killer smile he’d used on the island when things had been going well.


      ‘Why’s that good?’ His green eyes darkened.

      Amy couldn’t help it. She shifted forward till their knees touched. She just wanted him to know. She wasn’t sure if it was the tequila or loneliness or nostalgia, but she wanted Luke to know that she was glad he was staying and that her foolish girlish heart still found him hotter than a car bonnet on a summer’s day.

      ‘It’s good because it might be nice having you around. I’ve kind of missed having you tell me what to do, and criticising my work, and the way you used to say, “Not again, Lollipop.”’

      He laughed out loud when she lowered her voice to mimic the way he spoke.

      ‘I did used to say that a lot, didn’t I?’

      ‘At least once a day. You were a horrible boss.’

      ‘I was a very tolerant boss, if I remember, and you were a terrible receptionist.’

      ‘I was the resort’s greatest asset.’

      ‘You certainly knew how to keep the guests entertained.’

      Amy stilled.

      ‘Don’t go getting all offended again, Lolli. You know I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was that our rebooking rate was one hundred per cent because of you and the way you kept in touch with every guest—emailing them about special deals and sending them postcards saying we all missed them on the island. Those ideas were marketing genius. If you’d put that much effort into filing your paperwork maybe you wouldn’t have had to spend so much time in my office.’

      Amy laughed. ‘Maybe I stuffed up the filing because I wanted to spend more time in your office.’

      She winked and Luke’s brow furrowed.


      ‘You know…’

      ‘Know what?’

      ‘About my mad crush on you.’

      ‘Yeah, right. I think you may have had a mad crush on just about everyone back then.’

      ‘Maybe. But you were my maddest. And don’t say you didn’t know. I practically threw myself at you. How about the way I used to wear my shirts unbuttoned almost to my belly button?’

      ‘Yeah, you did. I was forever telling you to dress yourself properly.’

      ‘And all those after-hours bar dances. They never happened when you weren’t there.’

      ‘Sure they did.’

      ‘No. They didn’t. I could tell you about a hundred times when I embarrassed myself, trying to get you to notice me—but you never did, did you?’

      ‘Sure I did. I noticed. I noticed an extremely pretty girl who had a lot of growing up to do.’

      ‘Well, I’m all grown-up now.’

      ‘Yes, you are.’

      They sat like that for minutes—too many minutes.

      Then Chantal and Brodie called from the other end of the table. They were leaving. Amy pulled her eyes from Luke’s and checked her phone. Midnight. She had to go into work tomorrow—she really should think about going home too. But something about Luke made her want to stay. She wanted to be close to him, to be near him. He made her feel…something she hadn’t felt in a long time. Something comfortable and warm and exciting all at the same time.

      ‘We’re moving on, Ames—you coming?’

      Willa stood to leave. She and Rob and the others would probably end up at Milly’s—the nightclub around the corner where they often partied until daylight.

      ‘Not tonight, Wills. I have to get up and work tomorrow. I think I might have to call it a night.’

      ‘What?’ Jess was very drunk. Her hair had come loose and she’d spent the last ten minutes hugging everyone in the bar goodbye. ‘No! Come on, McCarthy—we’re going out!’

      ‘No—no, I’m not.’

      Those words were hard to say, and they tasted strange coming out of her mouth. But she had to say them. Despite wanting to kick the party on with Jess, and despite the irresistible pull towards Luke. She was a grown-up now. Her bosses really were expecting her to nail this account, and she really couldn’t let them down. She had to leave.

      ‘You can’t go home alone, Ames…’

      ‘I’m a big girl, Willa.’

      ‘I know, but you really shouldn’t travel by yourself.’

      Amy rolled her eyes. She’d managed to get herself around Sydney every day and night for the last nine months, but Willa still worried about her. It was sweet, but unnecessary.

      ‘She won’t be travelling by herself. I’ll take her home.’

      Amy’s head whipped round at the sound of Luke’s deep voice.

      ‘No, Luke. You don’t

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