A Prize Beyond Jewels. Carole Mortimer

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A Prize Beyond Jewels - Carole  Mortimer

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       ‘I don’t recall your having asked me to go out with you again,’ Nina drawled derisively. ‘But you’re quite right in assuming my answer would have been no if you had,’ she continued firmly as he would have spoken. ‘It’s time to get back to the real world.’

      ‘And your real world doesn’t have a place in it for me?’

      The only place Nina wanted Rafe in her life was one she could never have, and nor was it one he was interested in occupying. Rafe had never pretended to be anything other than what he was: a thirty-four-year-old very eligible and handsome bachelor, who enjoyed women—lots of them.

      Unfortunately Nina knew she wasn’t made that way—which was why it was better, for both of them, if this ended now. She had to end this before she lost her pride as well as her heart.

      She raised her chin determinedly. ‘Not at this point in time, no.’

      He raised dark brows. ‘And do you ever see a time when that might change …?’


      One night was all they would have.

      All they’d had …

      Because Nina had left him in no doubt that she considered the two of them already to be in the past tense …


       Sinners named for saints …

      Known around the world for the prestigious Archangel auction houses and galleries in London, New York and Paris, the D’Angelo brothers are notorious for their prowess in the art world … and even more so for their exploits in their personal lives.

      These Italian heartthrobs might have been named for angels, but their ruthless natures and powerful personas make them anything but angelic …

      Soar to LONDON for Gabriel D’Angelo’s story in: A BARGAIN WITH THE ENEMY February 2014

      Sail to NEW YORK for Raphael D’Angelo’s story in: A PRIZE BEYOND JEWELS March 2014

      Fly to PARIS for Michael D ‘Angelo’s story in: A D’ANGELO LIKE NO OTHER April 2014

      Enter the exclusive world of the D’Angelo’s in this dazzling new trilogy from Carole Mortimer!

      A Prize Beyond Jewels

      Carole Mortimer


      CAROLE MORTIMER was born in England, the youngest of three children. She began writing in 1978, and has now written over one hundred and fifty books for Harlequin Mills & Boon®. Carole has six sons: Matthew, Joshua, Timothy, Michael, David and Peter. She says, ‘I’m happily married to Peter senior; we’re best friends as well as lovers, which is probably the best recipe for a successful relationship. We live in a lovely part of England.’ Carole loves to hear from her readers. She can be reached at [email protected], or her website www.carolemortimer.co.uk

       Recent titles by the same author:


       (The Devilish D ‘Angelos) RUMOURS ON THE RED CARPET (Scandal in the Spotlight) A TOUCH OF NOTORIETY A TASTE OF THE FORBIDDEN (Buenos Aires Nights)

       Did you know these are also available as eBooks? Visit www.millsandboon.co.uk

      For Peter, as always.

















      St Mary’s Church, London.

      ‘IT’S NOT TOO late, Gabe,’ Rafe drawled softly. The church was packed with his brother’s softly chatting wedding guests as they waited for the bride to arrive.

      ‘I checked earlier. There’s a door at the back of the vestry where you can escape...’

      ‘Shut up, Rafe.’ His two brothers, one seated either side of Rafe, spoke together; Gabriel with the tension of the anxious bridegroom, and Michael with his customary terseness.

      ‘Hush, Rafe.’ Their father spoke with soft warning from the pew behind them.

      Rafe grinned unrepentantly. ‘The jet is just sitting there on the tarmac at the airport, Gabe, and instead of flying off to the Caribbean for your honeymoon, you could just get the hell out of Dodge.’

      ‘Will you just stop?’ Gabriel turned to glare at him, his face white and strained as he waited for the start of the organ music that would announce the arrival of his bride at the church. Bryn was already five minutes late, and each minute had seemed like an hour, deepening the lines of tension in his brow.

      Rafe’s grin widened as he relaxed back in the pew, having long considered teasing both of his brothers as being part of his role in life.

      ‘You and Michael would never have had any adventures at all if it weren’t for me!’

      ‘Marriage to Bryn is going to be biggest adventure of my life,’ Gabriel assured him with certainty.


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