Book of Way and Might. Laozi

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Book of Way and Might - Laozi

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      Book of Way and Might

      Tao Te Ching

      by Laozi



      Translated by Tõnn Sarv

      Edited by Erik Wyatt


      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any

      mechanical, photographic or electronic process or in the form of

      phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system,

      transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use – other

      than for ‘fair use’ as brief quotations embodied in articles and

      reviews – without prior written permission of the author.

      © Tõnn Sarv 2020


      ISBN 978-9916-4-0114-9 (epub)

















      The walkable way goes nowhere.

      The spoken name names nothing.

      The beginning has no name,

      naming creates everything.

      Without desire, you see deep;

      desiring, you see shallow.

      It's one and the same,

      naming makes the difference.

      Together they go deep.

      The depth opens to an abyss.



















      Everyone knows beauty, hence ugliness.

      Everyone knows good, hence bad.

      If not one, then the other.

      Heavy weighs light,

      long measures short,

      up holds down,

      noise creates tones,

      back follows front.

      Therefore, do without doing,

      teach without words, create without excuses.

      What's born, is not yours,

      and can't be relied on.

      When finished, don't stop.

      Keep moving. Carry on.

















      Why career,

      – only for rivalry.

      Why wealth,

      – only for theft.

      Why desires,

      – only for unrest.

      To rule,

      keep minds empty, stomachs full,


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