Don't Close Your Eyes. Sara Orwig

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Don't Close Your Eyes - Sara Orwig Mills & Boon Desire

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bathed and dressed Jessie in a pink jumper and shirt, carrying her to the nursery and sitting on the floor to play with her, leaving Colin to entertain himself. If she had just looked away, she wouldn’t have had to explain herself. But she hadn’t, and that was that.

      “I wondered where you two had gone.”

      She turned to see Colin in the doorway, dressed in clean jeans and a T-shirt, leaning one shoulder against the jamb. He held his oatmeal-covered clothing balled in his hand. “Where’s the washer?”

      “Come join us,” she said while Jessie clapped her hands and held her arms out to him.

      Isabella pointed. “Right through that door in the utility room. As soon as you put your clothes in to wash, come join us. Jessie likes you,” she said, and he shook his head.

      “I don’t know why,” he said upon his return. “Unless she hopes to throw some more oatmeal my way.” He didn’t make a move to pick up Jessie and she lost interest in him, turning to play with a ball that was in front of her. He looked around the pink nursery and then back at Isabella.

      “You look like you belong in here.”

      “I should. I’ve been dealing with little brothers and sisters all my life.”

      He crossed the room to pick up a picture of Mike, Savannah and Jessie. “I like this picture. Cute family.”

      “Thank you for the first. I took the picture.”

      His eyebrows arched and he looked back at the picture again. “You’re talented.”

      “I wish you would reconsider and let me take your picture.”

      He turned and shook his head. “Nope. I’d make a poor subject.”

      She nodded because she could understand his reluctance. She raised her head when she heard a car. Instantly, Colin moved to the window. “What kind of car does Mike drive?”

      “They’ve taken the sports car. It’s green.”

      “That’s him,” Colin said.

      “Want me to go break the news that you’re here? He’ll be a little shocked if you meet him at the door.”

      “Mike can stand shock. You did without batting an eye.”

      “Come on, sweetie,” she said to Jessie. “Mommy and Daddy are home. Let’s go see them.”

      Jessie laughed, repeating Mama and Dada as Isabella carried her downstairs.

      “It was interesting Isabella, seeing you again,” Colin said, falling into step beside her. “I won’t forget you.”

      She glanced up at him. “I won’t forget you, either, Colin. I think I remembered you better anyway, than you did me.” His gaze lowered to her mouth and her pulse jumped. Was he remembering their fiery kiss? She was and she could barely get her breath. In just minutes he would be busy with Mike and then he’d be gone forever.

      Another twinge of sadness gripped her because it seemed such a waste for him to go off to some remote corner of the world to live.

      He made his own choices, she reminded herself. He was no part of her life and she shouldn’t worry or care what he did. He certainly wouldn’t give a thought to anything she was going to do with her future.

      “You’re certain you don’t want me to tell him?” she asked again. “After all, everyone thinks you’re dead. And you are buddies.”

      She gazed into his smoky eyes. They were so striking and unforgettable. Too much about him was unforgettable.

      His lips firmed while he mulled over her question. “You may be right. Go ahead and break the news. I’ll wait in the living room.”

      He turned and was gone. He moved with the silence and ease of a cat. She shifted Jessie in her arms and went to the kitchen to wait.

      She could see the Remingtons heading toward the house and thought they were a striking-looking couple because Savannah was as blond as Mike was dark with his tanned skin and black hair. He was loaded down with bags and boxes and Savannah carried a few boxes, as well.

      Isabella hurried to hold the door open, then followed them into the kitchen.

      As they walked into the room, Jessie squealed with joy and held out her arms.

      Dressed in yellow slacks and a matching yellow silk blouse, Savannah had her blond hair fastened behind her head. She looked beautiful and immaculate, too much so to have a baby in her arms. Regardless she caught up Jessie to hug her, eagerly fussing over her and laughing with the baby. Tall, black-haired Mike set down his armload of boxes and packages and bags. His brown-eyed gaze was friendly as he smiled at Isabella.

      “We’re here to rescue you. Bet you were counting the minutes.”

      “No, I wasn’t,” Isabella said. “Jessie’s a delight and no trouble at all. Did you have a pleasant trip?”

      “We had a great time,” Mike said. He flung a broad-brimmed Western hat on a hook and shed a jacket. He wore jeans and a plaid shirt and radiated vitality. Smiling, he turned to take Jessie from Savannah to hug his little girl.

      “How’s my baby?” he asked, nuzzling her and making her squeal with laughter as she grabbed fistfuls of his hair. “We brought you something,” he said, looking at the pile of luggage and bags and sacks and boxes he had carried inside and dropped by the door. He picked up a present wrapped in pink paper. “Just for you, Jessie, darlin’,” he said.

      Jessie grabbed the present and began to eat the paper. Laughing, Savannah took the present from Jessie. “Set her down and show her how to open it.”

      “And here’s something for you, Isabella,” Savannah said, handing a gift to Isabella.

      “Thank you, but you shouldn’t have,” Isabella replied, taking a beautifully wrapped box of silver paper with pink roses and tied with silver ribbons. “Before I open this, there’s something you two should know.”

      Both of them looked at her with curiosity in their gazes.

      “Mike, you’re in for a big surprise,” Isabella said solemnly. “There’s an old friend here to see you. I thought I should tell you before you saw him.”

      “This sounds interesting,” Mike said, glancing beyond Isabella and then looking back at her again with a curious expression. “So who is he and where is he and why the fanfare before I see him?”

      “Because you don’t know he’s alive. Everyone thought he was dead,” Isabella said quietly, knowing from Mike’s expression that Colin had entered the room.

      “Colin!” Mike blinked and his mouth dropped open and he paled. “Colin?” The two men crossed the room in long strides and hugged each other.

      They stepped apart. “I can’t believe it!” Mike exclaimed, placing his hands on his hips. “You’re alive and well. Damn! What the hell happened? Why didn’t you let us know? Where have you been?”


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