Sweet As Sin. J. Margot Critch

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Sweet As Sin - J. Margot Critch Sin City Brotherhood

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and she made contact with his hard dick. Maria turned in his arms to face him, so his hand rested high on the curve of that deliciously round ass. Looking down at her, he was reminded that he was dancing with, had his hands on, was holding close, his best friend’s sister. Maria. But as much as he knew that he should push away from her, he didn’t want to. And instead of being smart, he pulled her closer. In her dangerously high heels, the top of her head only came up to his nose. He inhaled, pulling in the light, airy scent of her perfume, and he closed his eyes and savored it.

      Why didn’t he know she smelled so amazing?

      Who was he kidding—Alex had known exactly how amazing she smelled. He’d known for years. Only now would he let himself accept it. While his eyes were closed, she wedged his thigh between both of hers, straddling it, sliding herself up and down, her hips moving to the beat of the sultry music. Her touch was so damn hot, he had to look down to make sure she wasn’t singeing a hole right through his pants.

      Already sentenced to hell for what he was doing, Alex said a silent prayer and grasped Maria’s waist, small in his hands, and instead of pushing her away, he used his hold on her to swivel her body, rotating her hips, so that she ground against him more fully. Her lips parted, and he could see the heavy rise and fall of her chest. She was turned on just as much as he was. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled closer, almost lifting herself off the dance floor, putting her mouth near his ear. Over the music he heard a small gasp that escaped her lips as he thrust his thigh against her. It was all so wrong. He knew he was violating the guy code—no sisters! But he couldn’t bring himself to push Maria away. Goddammit, he wanted to hear that sigh again. He thrust his leg again, against the unmistakable heat of her pussy, rubbing her where he knew she needed it. The sigh became a moan. And her lips found the side of his neck, kissing his pulse point, which he knew was racing. He kept going. The muscles of his thigh continued to rub against her. He kept pace until her heavy breath stilled and her thigh muscles clenched around his. She threw her head back and exhaled roughly as small tremors still coursed throughout her body. He refused to take his eyes away from her as she came.

      And then the reality of what he was doing struck him. He froze in spot as he regained his senses. Maria smiled up at him, and she winked, clearly more relaxed than he was. His heart beat even faster as a deep sense of shame settled over him. He was with Maria. And he’d made her come on a crowded dance floor.

      Alex’s eyes dropped to Maria’s mouth, her full lips, that damned cupid’s bow that she’d covered in red lipstick, looked so delicious, and he wanted a taste. They stopped dancing, isolated in their dark corner, isolated from the rest of the dance floor, oblivious to everyone, everything. Both of them were breathing heavily, and with each breath she took, her full breasts brushed his chest. The air between them crackled with electricity, and he knew he had to push away from her before he burned himself, or her.

      “Maria,” he whispered. He reached out and swiped his thumb over her lips. The lipstick somehow didn’t smudge. Her lips parted, and she drew his thumb into her mouth. She sucked him, stroked him with her tongue. The air rushed from Alex’s chest, and his knees almost buckled. He closed his eyes and let himself feel her and wonder what it would be like to be fully surrounded with her heat. “Fuck, Maria,” he muttered. He needed to get away, but there was no way he could part from her. He was trapped on the crowded dance floor. Frozen in place; needing to get out of there, but completely helpless to her. Alex had been with his share of women, but he’d never been so enraptured by one, and he knew he was in trouble.

      Maria hummed around his thumb, the vibration waved throughout him, and he couldn’t handle it anymore. He pulled his digit from her mouth and before he could change his mind, he quickly replaced it with his lips. He took her bottom lip between his teeth and nibbled lightly until her lips parted, all the invitation he needed for his tongue to find hers, stroking against it. Tasting her. She was sweeter than anything he’d ever tasted, and he gripped her hips tightly, his fingertips digging in before they moved around to cup her ass in his palms.

      It was wrong, but goddammit, he didn’t care. He owed Rafael more than to be making out with his sister on a dance floor. But still he briefly toyed with how easily he could get Maria out of the club and back to his place.

      No! He couldn’t do that. A moment of clarity flashed behind his eyes, and he realized what he’d just done. The lustful fog that had muddied his brain cleared, and no matter how much he wanted to go further with her, Alex knew he had to end it. He released Maria, letting her fall softly, so that she was standing on her own. She looked stunned. But he didn’t look at the hurt in her eyes; instead, he took out his phone and messaged the car service that he and The Brotherhood kept on retainer for when they needed it. He ordered a town car to come pick up the women, and he looked at Maria. “I just called a car. Get your friends. You’re going home.”


      “DID YOU HAVE fun last night?” Rafael asked, his tone casual and innocent, as they took their seats next to each other at their table at Thalia, one of The Brotherhood’s restaurants, but Maria knew from experience that the conversation was beginning to exhibit all the earmarks of an interrogation.

      The waiter slid in her chair, and Maria sat back and watched her brother. He wasn’t the only one with an impassive poker face. Controlling her features, playing it cool, she wondered if he’d found out about the dance that she’d shared with Alex that brought her over the edge. She knew that there was no way Alex would have told him what had gone down between them. However, it wasn’t impossible that someone else at the club may have seen them. Did he know that Alex had kissed her? Or anything else? “What do you mean?” she asked.

      “Mr. Martinez,” the waiter thankfully interrupted them. “The rest of the party will be along soon.”

      “Thanks, Nick,” Rafael said. They were waiting for the rest of The Brotherhood. Rafael had convinced her to join him in their monthly dinners. “I meant exactly what I said. How was your night out with your friends?”

      She shrugged. “It was fine,” she told him, trying to keep her expression neutral. “Actually, Alex was there, and just so you know, he took the role of bodyguard very seriously.”

      “Oh really?” Rafael seemed surprised. “I saw him this morning, and he didn’t mention seeing you. I’ve no doubt he took good care of you.”

      A wave of heat flushed throughout her, and she knew exactly how well Alex had “taken care of” her. She still remembered the way his lips felt on hers, how his tongue had stroked hers. He’d made her come, for God’s sake. She’d never experienced anything quite like the wanton need she’d had for Alex. She had a wild streak, but she’d never had a guy get her off on a dance floor. And she wanted more like it. More Alex.

      “What time did you get home last night?”

      “Early enough, Mom,” she assured him, even though she’d regretted the late hour when she’d woken up tired and hungover that morning. Working with the children at the community center had exhausted her and, with a pounding head, had been a challenge until lunchtime, when her hangover had finally subsided. But she wouldn’t tell Rafael that. Not a chance. “I had fun. And despite having him loom over my shoulder, it was really nice hanging out with Alex again.”

      “I know you think I’m overbearing sometimes—”

      “All the time. You have to learn to trust me.”

      “Maria, I do trust you. It’s men I don’t trust.” When Maria rolled her eyes, he continued. “I

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