Lone Star Legacy. Sara Orwig

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heard his name read by Grady and listened, remembering when his father had called him and told him about his inheritance, which would increase Will’s sizable fortune considerably.

      “To my son William Lucius Delaney, I hereby give and bequeath the sum of four billion dollars,” Grady read.

      Will listened to details and the bequest of the family home, which would eventually revert to Caroline. Zach would get a summer home in Italy. Ryan would get a Colorado home. Garrett would get the ranch.

      Next, Grady read Zach’s and Ryan’s inheritances, equal to Will’s. A trust was left for Caroline, to be managed by Will, which he already knew. Grady moved on to Garrett.

      Twenty-five million was left to their mother. When Lauren’s name was read, the attorney representing her sat straighter. Grady announced the sum of one dollar, and the man stood, striding out of the room and slamming the door. Before he moved on to their father’s brother and his family, Grady looked up and his gaze ran over all of them.

      Will had returned to thinking about Ava, seated with Caroline in her sundress, so enticing this morning. He wanted to be through with this and get home where she was.

      Grady caught Will’s eye and Will stopped thinking about Ava. There had to be something unexpected in the will, because Grady was giving them a warning in his own quiet way.


      Grady won Will’s full attention. Will’s mind raced, trying to think what else could be in the will.

      Grady looked down at the paper spread before him. “To my daughter, Sophia Marie Rivers, I hereby bequeath—”

      There was an audible gasp from the beneficiaries. Startled, Will glanced at Zach. “We have a sister?” Zach whispered, leaning in front of Garrett. Will’s mother cried out in surprise. She stood, her cheeks flushed.

      “Grady, what are you talking about? A daughter? I’m the mother of the only children he had.”

      “No, Lois, you’re not. If you’ll be seated, I’ll continue reading.”

      She clamped her mouth closed and sat while his uncle put his arm around her to pat her shoulder.

      Zach leaned slightly in front of Garrett to look at Will. “What difference does it make to her now?”

      Without answering, Will turned back to listen because Grady waited for quiet. “To my daughter, Sophia Marie Rivers, I hereby bequeath three billion dollars.” Will stiffened at the amount being given to a woman none of them had even known existed.

      “In order to bring Sophia into the family,” Grady continued, “she is to become a member of the Board of Trustees for the Delaney Foundation. She has one year from the reading of this will to become a member. If she does not become a member of the board, Sophia, as well as my sons, Will, Zach and Ryan, will forfeit their inheritances. If this happens, the money is to be given to the following charities…”

      Stunned, Will didn’t hear what Grady read. They would have to meet this half sister. Meet and welcome her into the family and get her on the family board.

      His head swam. What had his father been thinking?

      He turned to look at Zach, who stared back with as much shock in his expression as Will felt. Ryan sat rubbing his jaw, glancing at Will and then at Zach.

      His mother cried with a handkerchief to her face while his uncle continued to pat her shoulder.

      Sophia Rivers. A stranger they had never met, even if they had the same blood in their veins. Three billion dollars given to her. Shocked, Will wasn’t aware of what Grady read.

      Sophia Marie Rivers. He, Zach and Ryan had a half sister. How old was she? Who was she? Where did she live? Questions bombarded Will and he didn’t hear what Grady read as he got to Will’s uncle and the uncle’s family.

      Finally Grady finished and adjourned, walking around the desk to get to Will before anyone else. “You dropped a bomb,” Will said.

      “I know, but that’s the way he wanted it. I talked to your father about this. Your mother is less than happy, which he expected, and I know she’s going to be even less happy when she discovers your half sister’s age is the same as Ryan’s.”

      “In other words she was born while Mom and Dad were still married.”

      “That’s right.”

      “Grady, why did he want to bring her into the family now when we’re all grown?”

      “I asked him, and he was determined about it. He said it would bring his family together.”

      “Damnit. He should have brought her into the family years ago if he wanted family togetherness. She might not want this, either. Though I can’t see anyone turning away that kind of money. Well, hell. Was he close to her?”

      “I couldn’t get much out of him about that. I don’t think he was. I think she resented him from the way he talked. I know he provided for her and her mother generously all Sophia’s life.”

      “He might as well have had you toss a bomb into the room today. Except if we lived through a bomb, we could get over it. I don’t know about this. Grady, Mom is bearing down on you. Come out to the house if you can. We’d be happy to have you.”

      “Thanks. Sorry to surprise you, but he wanted it that way.”

      Will shook his head. “My dad. He had an ornery streak.”

      “Grady,” Will’s mother said behind the attorney, her voice sharp.

      “Sorry, I won’t be able to join you, but thanks,” Grady said and turned away.

      “We have a half sister,” Zach said as he, Ryan and Garrett gathered around.

      “Did you know about this?” Will asked Garrett, who shook his head.

      “No. Absolutely not.”

      “Why on earth didn’t he tell us?” Zach asked. “Or at least tell you?”

      Will shrugged. “Maybe he didn’t want any criticism or to have to answer questions. I’m surprised she wasn’t here, because she had to have been notified about this reading.”

      “You’re right,” Zach said. “I’m asking Grady.”

      “You’ll have to get in line behind Mom,” Will said.

      “I’ll catch him,” Zach replied, leaving to cross the room to Grady. In minutes he was back. “I asked Grady why she didn’t come. She didn’t want to. She doesn’t want her inheritance.”

      “If she turns down her inheritance, we lose ours,” Ryan said. “That’s way too much money to lose. We’ll have to talk her into accepting her bequest. Why on earth would she turn down three billion?”

      “Because she’s angry, most likely,” Garrett remarked dryly. “She’s obviously illegitimate. You’ve never heard of her, much less met her.”


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