The Tycoon's Secret Daughter. Susan Meier

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The Tycoon's Secret Daughter - Susan Meier Mills & Boon Cherish

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and have a tea party?”

      Excitement filled her eyes. She nodded and led him down the hall, into a family room that was neat as a pin except for toys littering the brown tweed sofa and chair. A red plastic child-sized table sat in the center of the room. Dolls and stuffed animals sat on the yellow, blue and green chairs surrounding it.

      Trisha plucked the toys from their seats and tossed them to the sofa before she pointed at one of the chairs. “You sit here.”

      He peered down at the little plastic chair.

      But before he could say anything, Kate said, “Maybe Daddy’s too big for a chair?”

      That blasted, unwanted anger surged in Max again. “You don’t need to answer for me. You’ve made enough of my decisions to last a lifetime.”

      Kate faced him, eyebrows arched as if asking if he really wanted to get into that fight now, and he immediately regretted saying anything. Especially in front of Trisha.

      He backpedaled. “It’s just that the chair looks sturdy enough.” And he could also keep his weight shifted in such a way he wouldn’t put too much stress on it. He smiled at Trisha. “It’s fine.” And back at Kate. “I’ll be fine.”

      Carefully, he lowered himself to the colorful chair and sighed gratefully when it held his weight. Though his knees were taller than the table and he felt like a giant, he was seated.

      Trisha held out her teapot to her mom. “Can we have some tea?”

      Kate took the pot. “Sure. I’ll get you some more cookies too.”

      While she was gone, Trisha kept her attention on arranging little cups and saucers. “This is my snack.”

      “Your snack?”

      She almost looked at him. “My afternoon snack.”

      “Oh.” He got it now. “So you’re not getting extra cookies.”

      She glanced up. Actually looked at him this time. “Too much sugar isn’t good for me.”

      He laughed, recognizing she’d probably repeated verbatim what she’d been told by her mom.

      He made himself a little more comfortable on the chair. Trisha finally sat. Thirty seconds went by with neither of them saying a word. Panic filled him, along with the fear of total inadequacy. How did a man parent a child he was only now meeting?

      Kate walked into the room carrying the teapot and a small plate with three cookies. She’d tucked her dark hair behind her ears, revealing the slim column of her throat. His gaze fell from her throat to her T-shirt, which perfectly outlined her breasts, to the trim line of her tummy exposed above the waistband of her jeans. His breath stuttered. His attraction to her sprang up like a lion that had been lying in wait in the African bush, confusing him. How could he be so damned attracted to a woman he was so damned angry with?

      “One cookie for you. Two for your dad.”

      Trisha sighed. “Because he’s bigger.”


      She offered the plate of cookies to him, standing close enough that he could smell her cologne.

      Telling himself he’d better get accustomed to being around her or he’d drive himself crazy, he took a cookie from the tray. “No cookie for you?”

      She walked away and began gathering the toys from the sofa. “Not hungry. Besides, this isn’t my party. It’s yours. With your daughter. Enjoy it.”

      Panic swamped him again. Unwanted attraction be damned. He needed Kate and she was deserting him.

      Trisha poured the “tea.” Wary of the cleanliness of the plastic cup and whatever was inside, he cast Kate a questioning look. “Am I allowed to ask when these little cups were last washed?”

      She laughed lightly. “We wash the tea set every time she uses it. It’s clean.”

      Still cautious, he took a sip and discovered the drink was actually a grape punch of some sort. Dark enough to look like tea, but not really tea. “It’s good.”

      “It’s the queen’s favorite.”

      He glanced at Trisha. “The queen?”

      Trisha pointed to an empty chair. “The queen comes to everyone’s tea parties.”

      So out of his element he had no clue what to say or do, he again looked to Kate. But she was busy gathering toys. Either not paying attention or deliberately forcing him to figure out something to say. With her arms full, he expected her to walk to a toy box, but there was no box. Instead, she stacked the toys in an empty corner.

      It suddenly occurred to him that she lived somewhere else. Somewhere so far away they’d never even accidentally bumped into each other. And she didn’t visit. So how did Trisha have toys here?

      He knocked on the plastic table. “Are these new?”

      Kate said, “Bought them our second day here. Trisha and I both needed a distraction.”

      Remembering her dad’s stroke, sorrow unexpectedly swamped him. “I … um … I really am sorry about your dad.”

      “He’ll be fine, but no one’s sure how long he’ll be in the hospital.” She reached for another toy. “So I took a three-month leave of absence so we can be here for Mom. That’s a long time to be away from home, and a little girl’s gotta be entertained, so we bought some stuff.”

      He blinked, taking all that in. “You’ll be here three months?”

      She picked up another toy. “Yep.”

      They’d be here three months. He had time. Blessed, blessed time. But he also understood why Kate believed Trisha would need to be entertained. And maybe that could be his avenue to getting visits alone with her. If he could take her while Kate was busy with her father, he could be a savior of sorts, not an interruption.

      “You know, if there’s ever a time when you can’t take her with you to the hospital or whatever, I’d be happy to clear my schedule and babysit.”

      She peered at him. “Thanks. But we already agreed that I’d be with you when you visited Trisha.”

      He should have known that wouldn’t work. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t do something to prove he would be there for them. “Is there anything else she needs?”

      Kate turned. “She’s right there in front of you. Ask her.”

      Annoyance skittered through him. He was trying to be nice and she was snippy? If he was inept in this situation, it was her fault. But he kept his cool, reminded himself that he had to take the blame for Kate’s distrust and be patient. No matter how unfair it seemed to him, he still had to play by her rules.

      He faced Trisha. “Is there anything you need?”

      “A pony.”

      Kate laughed. He shot her a look, but

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