The Rancher's Nanny Bargain. Sara Orwig

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The Rancher's Nanny Bargain - Sara Orwig Mills & Boon Desire

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crying great-grandchild as she crossed the room. “Amelia is up from her nap and occasionally she doesn’t wake easily.”

      “I’ll take her,” Cade said and instantly she handed Amelia to him. He spoke softly to his little niece while smoothing her pink jumper. Black curls framed her face and tears spilled from her big blue eyes. He kissed her lightly on the forehead while patting her back and talking softly to her for a minute before looking up.

      “Grandmother, meet Luke’s younger sister, Erin Dorsey. Erin, this is my grandmother Margo Wakely,” he said, continuing to pat Amelia’s back.

      “I’m sorry for your loss, Mrs. Wakely,” Erin said.

      “Thank you. It’s still difficult and so sad for Amelia.”

      “Here’s our baby,” Cade said, looking at Amelia who continued to cry. “Usually she’s a sweetie who’s happy.” He shrugged. “This isn’t good timing.”

      “I’ve had lots of experience with babies. Let me take her.” She took Amelia from Cade and walked with her. In seconds Amelia quieted while Erin lightly patted her and walked back to Cade and his grandmother.

      “Luke was right,” Cade said, looking at her handling Amelia with more ease than his grandmother had and far more ease than he felt. “You’re good with babies.”

      “With my younger siblings I’ve been around babies since I was two. But don’t let a few minutes fool you. Sometimes they cry with me, too, although usually they don’t cry a long time. Probably because I’m relaxed around them. Besides helping with my younger siblings, I did a lot of babysitting, helped with the nursery at church, that sort of thing.” She looked down at Amelia, talking to her softly. “You’re right—she’s a sweetie.”

      Amelia babbled, reaching out a small fist to grab Erin’s suit lapel and tug on it.

      Erin picked up a pink rattle from toys spread on a nearby table and in seconds Amelia focused on the rattle. She took it in her chubby hand, making it spin and shake.

      “She likes you,” Margo said. “I haven’t seen you in years, Erin. I remember one time when Cade left his books at your house and your brother drove over. I answered the door and you handed me his books while your brother waited in the car. You seemed a lot younger than Cade or Luke.”

      “I am younger. Eight years, to be exact,” she replied and Cade was surprised because she was older than he had guessed.

      “Now you’re all grown up and a beautiful woman,” Margo said, causing Erin to smile another dimpled smile that carried an impact Cade tried to resist.

      “Thanks, Mrs. Wakely.” She gazed down at Amelia who was happily playing with the rattle. “Look at those big, dark blue eyes. Such a beautiful little girl.”

      “I have to agree,” Margo replied, smiling at Erin, then casting a nod to Cade, as if giving him her seal of approval.

      Cade wholeheartedly agreed. Erin was perfect for the job.

      As she looked at Amelia, Cade’s gaze raked over Erin. There was only one drawback. His attraction. There could be no flirting with her—something he never thought would be a problem where Luke’s younger sister was concerned. And no kissing, he thought as he watched her full red lips graze Amelia’s soft cheek. Talking to Luke last week, Cade had dismissed anything sexual between them. Now he realized he had probably never in his life been as wrong about something.

      He just had to remember Luke was her brother. Other than his brothers, Luke was his best friend, and Cade was not about to jeopardize their long-standing relationship for a brief flirtation that would be forgotten when Erin left for grad school.

      Not one bit. Telling himself he could do this, he cleared his throat and got the attention of the two women.

      “Grandmother, we’ll give Amelia back to you because Erin has limited time.”

      “Thanks for quieting her down,” Margo said as she took the baby. “You have a nice touch and she likes you.”

      Erin smiled again. “She’s a sweet and beautiful baby.”

      “She looks a lot like her father and she has a resemblance to her uncle,” Margo said, smiling at Cade.

      “Grandmother, I’ll be back soon. Call Maisie if you need some help,” Cade said, referring to his cook. He had already made arrangements for her to help his grandmother with Amelia when she needed it.

      “I always call Maisie when I need her,” Margo said.

      As he walked with Erin into the hall he said, “Amelia sleeps through the night, but it’s still a lot for Grandmother to take care of her. I try to be here as much as possible so I can take care of her in the evenings, but because of business, there are times I can’t be at the ranch. I need a nanny as soon as possible. You saw both of us with her. I’m a novice and Grandmother has forgotten what she knew about childcare,” he admitted.

      “You’ll learn what to do.”

      “It’s scary. When Amelia cries, I feel like I’m failing her and Nate and Lydia.”

      “Relax a little, Cade. You take care of a lot of things on this ranch that are far more difficult and complicated. She’s just a little girl.”

      “I meant it when I said that I don’t know anything about babies or kids. And I especially don’t know anything about little girls,” he confessed. Then he rolled his eyes and let out a groan. “I can’t bear to think of trying to deal with a teenage girl.”

      Erin laughed softly. “She won’t be a teen for a few years so stop worrying about that. You’ll get accustomed to Amelia in no time.” Erin paused in the hallway to face him and her expression sobered. “I’m sorry I can’t do this. While I’d love to take care of Amelia and it would fit with my future career, living on your ranch or driving back and forth to my home in Dallas every day would be too much of a hardship. And I make a very good salary where I am. I wish you luck.”

      He looked into those deep green eyes that he knew he wouldn’t forget for a long time and he knew what he had to do. “At least hear my offer before you turn me down.”

      He needed Erin. Amelia needed Erin. At the same time, he had known since she walked through his office door and he got his first sight of her, that resisting the urge to have her wouldn’t be easy. But he hoped it would be possible. Besides, it was only a few months, not long enough to be much of a temptation.

      “Come on,” he said, turning toward his office and feeling her follow behind him. “Is there anyone you’re seeing who’ll be upset about you accepting a job on a ranch or being away from Dallas all week?” he asked as they walked.

      “No, there isn’t,” she replied. “Luke leaves this week for the Antarctic and isn’t scheduled to be back for the rest of the year. Mom is visiting her sister who lives in Arkansas—” She stopped, as if she suddenly thought of something. “I guess you weren’t talking about my brother and family.” She shook her head. “There’s no man in my life.”

      “At the moment that works out better.”

      They entered Cade’s office and sat in the leather chairs again. She crossed her legs and looked at him expectantly.

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