Love At A Distance. A. C. Meyer

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Love At A Distance - A. C. Meyer

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      A.C. Meyer

      Love at a Distance.

      Copyright © 2020 by AC Meyer

      Translation: Leonardo Oliveira Pestana de Aguiar

      Cover: Luizyana Poletto

      Formating: Andréia Barboza

      Text revised according to the new Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement.

      This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or were used in a fictional way and should not be interpreted as real. Any resemblance to people, living or dead, real events, locations or organizations is purely coincidental.

      All rights reserved and protected by Law 9610 of 02/19/1998. Except for the use of short excerpts in reviews, it is prohibited to reproduce or use this book, in whole or in part, in any way, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder of this book.

      This book is dedicated to all professionals who are at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19. Doctors, nurses, technicians, receptionists, security guards, couriers, supermarket and pharmacy employees, and all those who, in some way, are exposing themselves so that we can remain at home. You are our superheroes…

      I hope time flies.

      So, you return

      So, I can hold you

      And kiss you.


      Nando Reis

      Chapter One

      After looking at herself for the fifth time in the mirror to make sure that her hair was still naturally straight, with no strands out of place and that her makeup was just as discreet, as if she wasn't wearing anything, Babi took a deep breath, took out her cell phone, opened her Instagram and turned on the camera.

      – Good morning, my da'lins! How are you, guys? Excited for the Backstreet Boys show later? – She smiled and winked with her usual charm. – I can't wait to see our boys up close! I promise to show you guys everything when I get to the arena, okay? I'll come back later to show my preparative and the look I'll be wearing. Kisses, Kisses! —She waved at the camera and turned it off, sighing.

      Ever since she posted a video on the internet of herself having fun with her friends, sharing a day when she was particularly excited about a party she was going to, Babi saw her social media grow wildly. Overnight, she was elevated to the status of digital influencer and now had her daily life closely monitored by millions of followers. She was sponsored by eighteen brands – ranging from cosmetics to food brands – and occasionally appeared on major celebrity portals.

      All this had come as a big surprise to her and her family. The shy teenager, born in a small town in the countryside of the state of Minas Gerais, who had grown up as a reserved adult focused on studies and who dreamed of having her own business – the reason why she went to study business management – has been a web celebrity for two years now. She lived in Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro, was responsible for the employment of 25 people and had a revenue she could never have imagined. How had that happened? She had no idea. When she thought about having her own company, she never imagined that she would be the product. But life followed that path and she took the opportunity.

      Gradually, with the aid of image and style professionals, she began to mold herself into the character that people wanted to see: the beautiful, well-groomed, cheerful and fun girl who was always present at the hottest events. The scriptwriter hired by Renata, her manager, created some of the catchphrases she used, like da'lins – the loving way to call her followers – and the kisses, kisses at the end of each video. Everything was carefully studied and planned to reach the final goal: increase the number of followers, engagement and views that turned into more contracts and growth in the revenue of the company that she needed to open to handle all of this.

      Babi placed the cell phone on the living room counter and rested both hands on the furniture. With her head down, she took a deep breath in and out, counting from one to five. She had the perfect life for her sweetscribers, except for the problems she needed to deal with behind the camera.

      – Are you alright, Babi? – Renata asked upon entering the room and seeing her in that position.

      – Did you read the newspaper? – she asked, feeling her heart racing. She lifted her head and looked at the manager. – More people are getting sick. I think I'd better not to go to the show.

      Renata rolled her eyes. That conversation again.

      – Dear, it's just a little flu. It's nothing. And it didn't even really get to Brazil. Besides, we have contracts to honor. It's not just a show, you know. It's a professional appointment that will cost us millions if you don't go. – The short-haired brunette picked her cell phone, opened on social media, touched the screen and showed it to her. – Lana Gouveia has done five stories today talking about the show. You know that…

      – Each view counts… I know it. – Babi sighed, tucking a strand of platinum hair behind her ear. – But I read in Folha that…

      – Stop. Reading. That. Fucking. Newspaper. Please. And also, Uol, Yahoo and any other fucking online news portal. – Renata raised her hands, out of patience. She was tired of having to deal with Babi's insane fears. With every news she read, especially those related to health, she snapped a little, which she needed to keep secret from the public. After all, no one wanted to follow the life of a hypochondriac with anxiety crises whenever they discovered a new virus on the other side of the world. – The government has already said we don't need to worry about that.

      Babi closed her eyes and took a deep breath again. The government…, she thought to herself and decided not to say anything. She didn't want to have that kind of argument again. Especially when her head was so full. She spent much of the night awake, reading the news about the new virus that had caused an outbreak of some type of flu in China and that had quickly killed thousands in the country. The virus appeared to be spreading all over the world and that week it had finally been reported in Brazil.

      What had lit a warning light in her brain was the fact that she read that the wedding of a fitness influencer's sister, to which she was supposed to have gone, but didn't due to already having a professional appointment scheduled long before the invitation arrived, had been the focus of infections of the virus in the state of Bahia. During the night, she chatted via messages with some friends who went to the party and discovered that five of them had symptoms and were waiting for exam results.

      – Luma is waiting for her exam's results…" she said, referring to another digital influencer whom she was very close to.

      – And she went to the Juiz de Fora concert. She's fine. Well-disposed and working. And she'll be going to Lucas Aguiar's birthday party later – Renata replied, smiling as she mentioned the party of the six o'clock soap operas lead. – Everyone is leading a normal life, Babi. And so, will you. – The tall, thin girl walked across the room and approached Babi, who continued breathing hard. She held the young woman's cold, sweaty hands and opened a comforting smile. – Calm down. No one young dies of a flu. Nothing will happen to you. Dr. Luiz has already said that your health is perfect.

      Mentioning Babi's trusted doctor seemed to work. She nodded, closing her eyes and counting to five as she tried to control her breathing.

      – It's going

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