Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling. Bruno Castanho Silva

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Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling - Bruno Castanho Silva Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences

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      Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences


      1 Analysis of Variance, 2nd Edition Iversen/ Norpoth

      2 Operations Research Methods Nagel/Neef

      3 Causal Modeling, 2nd Edition Asher

      4 Tests of Significance Henkel

      5 Cohort Analysis, 2nd Edition Glenn

      6 Canonical Analysis and Factor Comparison Levine

      7 Analysis of Nominal Data, 2nd Edition Reynolds

      8 Analysis of Ordinal Data Hildebrand/Laing/ Rosenthal

      9 Time Series Analysis, 2nd Edition Ostrom

      10 Ecological Inference Langbein/Lichtman

      11 Multidimensional Scaling Kruskal/Wish

      12 Analysis of Covariance Wildt/Ahtola

      13 Introduction to Factor Analysis Kim/Mueller

      14 Factor Analysis Kim/Mueller

      15 Multiple Indicators Sullivan/Feldman

      16 Exploratory Data Analysis Hartwig/Dearing

      17 Reliability and Validity Assessment Carmines/Zeller

      18 Analyzing Panel Data Markus

      19 Discriminant Analysis Klecka

      20 Log-Linear Models Knoke/Burke

      21 Interrupted Time Series Analysis McDowall/ McCleary/Meidinger/Hay

      22 Applied Regression, 2nd Edition Lewis-Beck/ Lewis-Beck

      23 Research Designs Spector

      24 Unidimensional Scaling McIver/Carmines

      25 Magnitude Scaling Lodge

      26 Multiattribute Evaluation Edwards/Newman

      27 Dynamic Modeling Huckfeldt/Kohfeld/Likens

      28 Network Analysis Knoke/Kuklinski

      29 Interpreting and Using Regression Achen

      30 Test Item Bias Osterlind

      31 Mobility Tables Hout

      32 Measures of Association Liebetrau

      33 Confirmatory Factor Analysis Long

      34 Covariance Structure Models Long

      35 Introduction to Survey Sampling Kalton

      36 Achievement Testing Bejar

      37 Nonrecursive Causal Models Berry

      38 Matrix Algebra Namboodiri

      39 Introduction to Applied Demography Rives/Serow

      40 Microcomputer Methods for Social Scientists, 2nd Edition Schrodt

      41 Game Theory Zagare

      42 Using Published Data Jacob

      43 Bayesian Statistical Inference Iversen

      44 Cluster Analysis Aldenderfer/Blashfield

      45 Linear Probability, Logit, and Probit Models Aldrich/Nelson

      46 Event History and Survival Analysis, 2nd Edition Allison

      47 Canonical Correlation Analysis Thompson

      48 Models for Innovation Diffusion Mahajan/Peterson

      49 Basic Content Analysis, 2nd Edition Weber

      50 Multiple Regression in Practice Berry/Feldman

      51 Stochastic Parameter Regression Models Newbold/Bos

      52 Using Microcomputers in Research Madron/Tate/Brookshire

      53 Secondary Analysis of Survey Data Kiecolt/ Nathan

      54 Multivariate Analysis of Variance Bray/ Maxwell

      55 The Logic of Causal Order Davis

      56 Introduction to Linear Goal Programming Ignizio

      57 Understanding Regression Analysis, 2nd Edition Schroeder/Sjoquist/Stephan

      58 Randomized Response and Related Methods, 2nd Edition Fox/Tracy

      59 Meta-Analysis Wolf

      60 Linear Programming Feiring

      61 Multiple Comparisons Klockars/Sax

      62 Information Theory Krippendorff

      63 Survey Questions Converse/Presser

      64 Latent Class Analysis McCutcheon

      65 Three-Way Scaling and Clustering Arabie/ Carroll/DeSarbo

      66 Q Methodology, 2nd Edition McKeown/ Thomas

      67 Analyzing Decision Making Louviere

      68 Rasch Models for Measurement Andrich

      69 Principal Components Analysis Dunteman

      70 Pooled Time Series Analysis Sayrs

      71 Analyzing Complex Survey Data, 2nd Edition Lee/Forthofer

      72 Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression, 2nd Edition Jaccard/Turrisi

      73 Understanding Significance Testing Mohr

      74 Experimental Design and Analysis Brown/Melamed

      75 Metric Scaling Weller/Romney

      76 Longitudinal Research, 2nd Edition Menard

      77 Expert Systems Benfer/Brent/Furbee

      78 Data Theory and Dimensional Analysis Jacoby

      79 Regression Diagnostics Fox

      80 Computer-Assisted Interviewing Saris

      81 Contextual Analysis Iversen

      82 Summated Rating Scale Construction Spector

      83 Central Tendency and Variability Weisberg

      84 ANOVA: Repeated Measures Girden

      85 Processing Data Bourque/Clark

      86 Logit Modeling DeMaris

      87 Analytic Mapping and Geographic Databases Garson/Biggs

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