Real Stories of Academic Corruption in my Life. Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

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Real Stories of Academic Corruption in my Life - Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

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      Real Stories of Academic Corruption in my Life


      Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli

      [email protected]

      While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

      Real Stories of Academic Corruption in my Life

      Copyright © 2020 Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli.

      Written by Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli.

      1) Introduction

      In this report, I will speak about the academic corruption I saw in some universities and academic institutions according to my experience with them. The reason for writing the article is that I consider the covered academic corruption is the most critical issue that can affect our life.

      1 The report will consists from the following parts

      2 Academic Corruption in Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai

      3 Academic Corruption in University of Swaziland

      4 Some stories of corruption I met in Gaza Strip institutions

      5 General profile about my education and experiences with some stories of corruption I met.

      6 Academic Corruption in Palestinian Universities

      7 The corruption in Palestinian Energy And Natural Resources Autority – PENRA and Electrical Companies

      2) Academic Corruption in Higher Colleges of Technology in Dubai

      I am Dr. Hidaia Alassouli. I present in this video my detailed story about the academic corruption I met in higher colleges of technology in Dubai in 2017. My objective is to explore all type of corruptions that happen in academic institutions over the world.

      My story in higher colleges of technology in Dubai which is governmental institution was very bad and it shows that they give me work contract as trap to destroy me.

      1. Actually the higher colleges of technology in dubai gave me work contract for three years starting from 1 aug 2017 with probation period one semester where they can fire me without reason anytime.

      2. They put in the contract everything that protects them. And setup the regulations regarding our teaching in tough way to restrict us to move in the way they want with no freedom at all for us. The course work was 70 % in university while the final was 30 %. We must teach common materials over all campuss of higher colleges of technology hct. They wanted actually that when any teacher fired, they know what he taught because the teaching materials are common. We supposed to have common final and that was big restriction in our teaching. The teaching materials were too much difficult for second and third year student levels. I told them that students cant understand that level of materials and they did not listen. I had to move in the way they wanted as the final was common. So I was not having freedom to choose suitable materials to student’s levels. And that was the most complicated issues.

      3. The other teachers were not teaching everything in the course. They just cover simple things and give very simple tests yo please students and when the final comes they teach what will be covered in the final. I refused that and I insisted to teach every thing mentiontioned in the sylbus for sake of student knowledge. My exams were lengthy that covers every point that I was teaching. And that what made the students afraid as they got used on easy way to get A marks without study or hard exams.

      4. When I arrived UAE in 1-8-2017 they put me in hotel two weeks and they asked me to find accommodation myself. The housing contracts are so expensive in dubai. So i agreed with my relativetive to stay with him with monthly rent until i can find accommodation if i passed the probation period. I was worrying always that the university can fire me anytime in probation period.

      5. In second week one new hired teacher from jordan his name, Dr Taimoure threatened me that I will not stay in university long and the dean Dr, Mohamed Aljarrah is his friend and he can influence him about me. I surprised why he says that. I became upset and told him i dont like Jordan second day to show him that he is not giving good reputation to Jordan people. The other new hired staff members in the office went and wrote complaint that i said i dont like jordan and i surprised why they did that against me. The university gave me warning while I was insulted by that Jordanian. That warning showed me that university wants to get rid of me anyway.

      6. The head of department Dr. Waleed Zegalli gave all staff members 5 subjects without lab instructors. It was big load that cant be handled by any staff in world but I withstood. I had to prepare lectures and labs and tests and quizes. I had teaching load 6 hours continually most days. I was not sleeping all the time preparing and marking. In the same time I was always annoyed by head of department claiming students came and complain about very trivial things.

      7. First day I entered classes I had to teach 6 hours continuously. The students all were local emirate girls. I noted that the students had bad behavior and very week. I was explaining in arabic first lecture in order for them to understand, and I was explaining very easy things that any student even in school level can understand. I surprised the students get out without permission without respecting me and went to head of department to show him they refuse me. The head of department called me 4 ocklock and told me that they complained from trivial things, like i spoke Arabic. And claimed that I will get out of syllabus and that i wrote one word in English wrong, and that i pronounced one word in English different way. One time a student complained that she afraid that i will give them exam that can extend beyond 4 ocklocks and she will miss the bus. The head of department was annoying me with their stupid complains daily manner,and these were all lying things . They were not writing anything on board so i had to use projector all time and distribute the lectures electronically. They were getting out from class anytime without respecting me and I was not understanding why that bad behavior. When I told the head of department, he told me to leave them getting out as they might need to go WC.

      8. So it was clear students dont want to learn and they objection toward me because I wanted to them to learn and pass good exams. I was giving weekly quizes to assist them to study regularly but their level was week. They always were insisting to give them easy tests of multiple choice as other teachers so they pass without study but i refused that

      9. If you compare test 1 of my subject with test 1 of other teacher in same subject his name Dr qassim you will be chocked. His test was very simple consists of mostly multiple choice in four pages any student can solve it without study. While my test was 12 pages without multiple choices that covers every point they studied. When the student saw the difference they raised their objection why my tests lengthy and his test for his class easy.

      10. You surprise these week girt students were having excellent marks in all other subjects . I did not understand until i saw the tests of other teachers were very easy. Just 4 pages most of questions are multiple choice but my test was 12 pages with no multiple choices and covers all materials.

      11. In 7th week before end of drop after doing first test the students felt they may not pass because of my long tests and teaching strategy. They agreed to make drop in group decision. You supprise some students got 80 % in my first test that was lengthy and so they had good level and they dropped my course. So it was plan to drop togother in group to influence my reputation


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