Fantômas: 5 Book Collection. Marcel Allain

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Fantômas: 5 Book Collection - Marcel Allain

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my shoulder roughly, and I will stumble; when I do, slip the bracelets on."

      From the mouth of the tunnel the plate-layer, the foreman and the navvies all followed with their eyes the unintelligible conversation passing between the gendarme and the tramp a hundred yards away. Suddenly they saw the man try to get off and the sergeant seize him almost simultaneously. A few minutes later the individual, with his hands linked together in front of him, was obediently descending the steep slope of the embankment, by the gendarme's side, and then the two men disappeared behind a clump of trees.

      "I understand why that chap was not very keen on getting taken on here," said the foreman. "His conscience was none too easy!"

      As they walked briskly in the direction of Beaulieu Juve asked the sergeant:

      "What has happened at the château, then?"

      "They know who the murderer is, Inspector," the sergeant answered. "Little Mlle. Thérèse —— "


       "Fantômas, it is Death!"

       Table of Contents

      Hurrying back towards the château with the sergeant, Juve ran into M. de Presles outside the park gate. The magistrate had just arrived from Brives in a motor-car which he had commandeered for his personal use during the last few days.

      "Well," said Juve in his quiet, measured tones, "have you heard the news?" And as the magistrate looked at him in surprise he went on: "I gather from your expression that you have not. Well, sir, if you will kindly fill up a warrant we will arrest M. Charles Rambert."

      Juve briefly repeated to the magistrate what the sergeant had reported to him, and the sergeant added a few further details. The three men had now reached the foot of the steps before the house and were about to go up when the door of the château was opened and Dollon appeared. He hurried towards them, with unkempt hair and haggard face, and excitedly exclaimed:

      "Didn't you meet the Ramberts? Where are they? Where are they?"

      The magistrate, who was bewildered by what Juve had told him, was trying to form a coherent idea of the whole sequence of events, but the detective realised the situation at once, and turned to the sergeant.

      "The bird has flown," he said. The sergeant threw up his hands in dismay.

      Inside the hall Juve and M. de Presles ordered Dollon to give them an exact account of the discovery made by Thérèse in the course of the previous night.

      "Well, gentlemen," said the old fellow, who was greatly upset by the discovery of the murderer of the Marquise de Langrune, "when I got to the château early this morning I found the two old servants, Marie and Louise, entirely occupied attending to the young mistress. Marie slept in an adjoining room to hers last night, and was awakened about five o'clock by the poor child's inarticulate cries. Mlle. Thérèse was bathed in perspiration; her face was all drawn and there were dark rings under her eyes; she was sleeping badly and evidently having a dreadful nightmare. She half woke up several times and muttered some unintelligible words to Marie, who thought that it was the result of over-excitement. But about six o'clock, just as I arrived, Mlle. Thérèse really woke up, and bursting into a fit of sobbing and crying, repeated the names of her grandmother and the Ramberts and the Baronne de Vibray. She kept on saying, 'The murderer! the murderer!' and making all sorts of signs of terror, but we were not able to get from her a clear statement of what it was all about. I felt her pulse and found she was very feverish, and Louise prepared a cooling drink, which she persuaded her to take. In about twenty minutes — it was then nearly half-past six — Mlle. Thérèse quietened down, and managed to tell us what she had heard during the night, and the dreadful interview and conversation between M. Rambert and his son which she had seen and overheard."

      "What did you do then?" enquired M. de Presles.

      "I was dreadfully upset myself, sir, and I sent Jean, the coachman, to Saint-Jaury to fetch the doctor and also to let Sergeant Doucet know. Sergeant Doucet got here first; I told him all I knew, and then I went upstairs with the doctor to see Mlle. Thérèse."

      The magistrate turned to the police-sergeant and questioned him.

      "Directly M. Dollon told me his story," the sergeant replied, "I thought it my duty to report to M. Juve, who I knew was not far from the château, on his way to Verrières: M. Juve told me last night that he meant to explore that part in the early morning. I left Morand on duty at the entrance to the château, with orders to prevent either of the Ramberts from leaving."

      "And Morand did not see them going away?" the magistrate asked.

      Juve had already divined what had happened, and replied for the sergeant.

      "Morand did not see them go out for the obvious reason that they had left long before — in the middle of the night, directly after their altercation: in a word, before Mlle. Thérèse woke up." He turned to the sergeant. "What has been done since then?"

      "Nothing, Inspector."

      "Well, sergeant," said Juve. "I imagine his worship will order you to send out your men at once after the runaways." As a matter of courtesy he glanced at the magistrate as if asking for his approval, but he only did so out of politeness, for he took it for granted.

      "Of course!" said the magistrate; "please do so at once." The sergeant turned on his heel and left the hall.

      "Where is Mlle. Thérèse?" M. de Presles asked Dollon, who was standing nervously apart.

      "She is sleeping quietly just now, sir," said the steward, coming forward. "The doctor is with her, and would rather she were not disturbed, if you have no objection."

      "Very well," said the magistrate. "Leave us, please," and Dollon also went away.

      Juve and M. de Presles looked at one another. The magistrate was the first to break the silence.

      "So it is finished?" he remarked. "So this Charles Rambert is the culprit?"

      Juve shook his head.

      "Charles Rambert? Well, he ought to be the culprit."

      "Why that reservation?" enquired the magistrate.

      "I say 'ought to be,' for all the circumstances point to that conclusion, and yet in my bones I don't believe he is."

      "Surely the presumptions of his guilt, his pseudo-confession, or at least his silence in face of his father's formal accusation, may make us sure he is," said M. de Presles.

      "There are some presumptions in favour of his innocence too," Juve replied, but with a slight hesitation.

      The magistrate pressed his point.

      "Your investigations formally demonstrated the fact that the crime was committed by some person who was inside the house."

      "Possibly," said Juve, "but not certainly. The probabilities do not allow us to assert it as a fact."

      "Explain yourself."

      "Not so fast, sir," Juve replied, and getting up he added: "There is nothing for us to do here, sir; shall we go

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