Fantômas: 5 Book Collection. Marcel Allain

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Fantômas: 5 Book Collection - Marcel Allain

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who comes is a society lady, I am sure: she always has her veil down and passes by my lodge ever so fast, and never has any conversation with me; free with her money, too: it's very seldom she does not give me something when she comes."

      The stranger seemed to find the concierge's communications very interesting, but they did not interrupt his mental inventory of the room.

      "In other words, your tenant does not keep too sharp an eye on his money?" he suggested.

      "No, indeed: the rent is always paid in advance, and sometimes M. Gurn even pays two terms in advance because he says he never can tell if his business won't be keeping him away when the rent falls due."

      Just then a deep voice called up the staircase:

      "Concierge: M. Gurn: have you any one of that name in the house?"

      "Come up to the fifth floor," the concierge called back to the man. "I am in his rooms now," and she went back into the flat. "Here's somebody else for M. Gurn," she exclaimed.

      "Does he have many visitors?" the stranger enquired.

      "Hardly any, sir: that's why I'm so surprised."

      Two men appeared; their blue blouses and metal-peaked caps proclaimed them to be porters. The concierge turned to the man in the soft hat.

      "I suppose these are your men, come to fetch the trunks?"

      The stranger made a slight grimace, seemed to hesitate and finally made up his mind to remain silent.

      Rather surprised to see that the three men did not seem to be acquainted with each other, the concierge was about to ask what it meant, when one of the porters addressed her curtly:

      "We've come from the South Steamship Company for four boxes from M. Gurn's place. Are those the ones?" and taking no notice of the visitor in the room, the man pointed to two large trunks and two small boxes which were placed in a corner of the room.

      "But aren't you three all together?" enquired Mme. Doulenques, visibly uneasy.

      The stranger still remained silent, but the first porter replied at once.

      "No; we have nothing to do with the gentleman. Get on to it, mate! We've no time to waste!"

      Anticipating their action, the concierge got instinctively between the porters and the luggage: so too did the man in the soft hat.

      "Pardon," said he politely but peremptorily. "Please take nothing away."

      One of the porters drew a crumpled and dirty memorandum book from his pocket and turned over the pages, wetting his thumb every time. He looked at it attentively and then spoke.

      "There's no mistake: this is where we were told to come," and again he signed to his mate. "Let's get on with it!"

      The concierge was puzzled. She looked first at the mysterious stranger, who was as quiet and silent as ever, and then at the porters, who were beginning to be irritated by these incomprehensible complications.

      Mme. Doulenques' mistrust waxed greater, and she sincerely regretted being alone on the fifth floor with these strangers, for the other occupants of this floor had gone off to their daily work long ago. Suddenly she escaped from the room, and called shrilly down the stairs:

      "Madame Aurore! Madame Aurore!"

      The man in the soft hat rushed after her, seized her gently but firmly by the arm, and led her back into the room.

      "I beg you, madame, make no noise: do not call out!" he said in a low tone. "Everything will be all right. I only ask you not to create a disturbance."

      But the concierge was thoroughly alarmed by the really odd behaviour of all these men, and again screamed at the top of her voice:

      "Help! Police!"

      The first porter was exasperated.

      "It's unfortunate to be taken for thieves," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Look here, Auguste, just run down to the corner of the street and bring back a gendarme. The gentleman can explain to the concierge in his presence, and then we shall be at liberty to get on with our job."

      Auguste hastened to obey, and several tense moments passed, during which not a single word was exchanged between the three people who were left together.

      Then heavy steps were heard, and Auguste reappeared with a gendarme. The latter came swaggering into the room with a would-be majestic air, and solemnly and pompously enquired:

      "Now then, what's all this about?"

      At sight of the officer every countenance cleared. The concierge ceased to tremble; the porter lost his air of suspicion. Both were beginning to explain to the representative of authority, when the man in the soft hat waved them aside, stepped up to the guardian of the peace and looking him straight in the eyes, said:

      "Criminal Investigation Department! Inspector Juve!"

      The gendarme, who was quite unprepared for this announcement, stepped back a pace and raised his eyes towards the man who addressed him: then suddenly raised his hand to his képi and came to attention.

      "Beg pardon, Inspector, I didn't recognise you! M. Juve! And you have been in this division a long time too!" He turned angrily to the foremost porter. "Step forward, please, and let's have no nonsense!"

      Juve, who had thus disclosed his identity as a detective, smiled, seeing that the gendarme assumed that the South Steamship Company's porter was a thief.

      "That's all right," he said. "Leave the man alone. He's done no harm."

      "Then who am I to arrest?" the puzzled gendarme asked.

      The concierge broke in to explain: she had been much impressed by the style and title of the stranger.

      "If the gentleman had told me where he came from I would certainly never have allowed anyone to go for a gendarme."

      Inspector Juve smiled.

      "If I had told you who I was just now, madame, when you were, quite naturally, so upset, you would not have believed me. You would have continued to call out. Now, I am particularly anxious to avoid any scandal or noise at the present moment. I rely on your discretion." He turned to the two porters, who were dumb with amazement and could make nothing of the affair. "As for you, my good fellows, I must ask you to leave your other work and go back at once to your office in the rue d'Hauteville and tell your manager — what is his name?"

      "M. Wooland," one of the men replied.

      "Good: tell M. Wooland that I want to see him here at the earliest possible moment; and tell him to bring with him all the papers he has that refer to M. Gurn. And not a word to anyone about all this, please, especially in this neighbourhood. Take my message to your manager, and that's all."

      The porters had left hurriedly for the rue d'Hauteville and a quarter of an hour went by. The detective had requested the concierge to ask the Madame Aurore to whom she had previously appealed so loudly for help, to take her place temporarily in the lodge. Juve kept Mme. Doulenques upstairs with him partly to get information from her, and partly to prevent her from gossiping downstairs.

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