Ascension Saga, Book 1. Grace Goodwin

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Ascension Saga, Book 1 - Grace Goodwin Interstellar Brides® Program- Ascension Saga

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away from my dad, you asshole.” Destiny took two steps forward, but the warrior standing next to her placed a massive hand on her shoulder to hold her back. She glared up at him, completely unafraid, and shook off his touch. But she stayed. Thank God. I didn’t want her to have to face murder charges if she decided she wanted to come back home. After.

      “Our father is safe. And the problem will be taken care of. You have my word on that, officer…” I doubted he’d give me a name. But he did. Kind of.

      “Agent Smith.”

      “Smith, huh? Right.”

      “Just as your name is Trinity Jones.”

      “It’s on my birth certificate.”

      “Of course. But we already know your father is not Adam Jones. His name is…” He looked down at an old-fashioned notepad. “His given name is Baxter Adam Buchanan, born in Boston. And your mother…” He looked at his notepad again. “Hmmm. Strange. We can’t find any verifiable record of your mother at all. Care to explain that, Miss Jones? Or the alien vessel that we tracked to your home early this morning?”

      They knew Dad’s real name? Shit. They’d dug deeper than I thought in such a short time. Not that it mattered. Nothing mattered now but getting off the planet and finding my mother. Yes, it sounded ludicrous… having to leave Earth, but reality proved we weren’t Disney princesses.

      “No, I don’t.” I stepped up to the big alien next to me and looked up, way up, into his face. If he’d been angry, or mean, he’d have been ten times scarier than the M-I-B who had just chased us down. But he was neither. He looked, curious—and ready to kill to defend me, which made me feel safer than I had for hours. Since those monsters had stormed the house and grabbed our mother, screaming, from her bed. Had it only been this morning?

      “I need to see Warden Egara, please,” I told him. “It’s an emergency.”

      While I found him attractive, my desire wasn’t all that strong. Sure, I wanted to have a man—or big, hot alien induced orgasm—but it wasn’t going to be from him. I saw no interest in his eyes. No heat, only duty. And while the need to fuck grew stronger every day because of the Aleran heat women went into, I wasn’t going to get it on with just any big cock. No, it had to be Aleran cock. Someone big and powerful and strong enough to survive me.

      Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have time to be going insane with lust.

      The alien bowed at the waist, breaking me from my thoughts. “Of course, my lady.” He held out his arm to direct me toward the building, all but ignoring Agent Smith and his sidekick, the other two guards staying behind until my sisters joined me. But Smith wasn’t done.

      “I’ll get answers, Miss Jones,” he called. “If not from you, from your father.”

      At the threat, I turned and let him see the rage in my eyes. “You will have your answers. I will return, Agent Smith. And when I do, if you have hurt one hair on my father’s head, I’ll kill you myself.”

      “Not if I find him first.” Destiny pulled her gun from one of the mystery pockets on her leather pants, only to have the giant next to her pluck it from her hands as if taking candy from a baby. She just grinned up at him, not a hint of apology in her eyes. “Sorry about that.”

      “Earth females,” he said, tucking the gun away, far away, from my bloodthirsty sister. Destiny wasn’t normally like this. In fact, she was a big softie. But hearing our mother’s screams this morning had flipped a switch in all of us.

      For years, Mother had told us stories of her home world, of the ancients who had helped her people, bestowed a royal necklace of magical stones upon her ancestors to help our bloodline rule. A citadel only those of royal lineage could enter. Of the attempted coup forcing her to flee, the death of my biological father, the king. How she’d come to Earth and met Adam, fallen in love, married him. Gave birth to Faith and Destiny. But her daughters—all three of us—had never belonged here, on Earth. She’d made that clear since the day we could understand language. In fact, she’d insisted we learn to speak Aleran from her. We weren’t completely fluent, and who knew what had gone on there over the last twenty-seven years, but we’d learned everything we could. She’d said our time would come to return to Alera. And now, here we were, whether we liked it or not.

      We were royal. We were from an ancient Aleran bloodline. Princesses. Mom hadn’t been taken by some idiot home invaders on Earth. The space ship in our front yard proved that. She’d been taken by someone from Alera, from home.

      Why now? She’d been pregnant with me when she left...twenty-seven years ago. That was a long time for a queen to be in exile.

      While we’d lived on Earth our entire lives, it was time for us to return. The people of Alera weren’t going to know what hit them when the Jones sisters arrived to find their mother, to save their queen.

      It was time to go to our home world and kick some serious ass.

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