Heterosexual Histories. Группа авторов

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Heterosexual Histories - Группа авторов NYU Series in Social and Cultural Analysis

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in their lives that seemed, at least in retrospect, happy and carefree. In 1813, when the Philadelphia Quaker Henry S. Drinker came across a letter written by his dear friend Richard Thomas twenty years before, it still touched him deeply: “it spoke to my heart’s best feelings, as I well remember, and I now again read it with emotion.” At Drinker’s request, Thomas then unearthed the response that Drinker had sent to that letter. “How sweet to the heart is the interchange of such kindness,” Thomas now wrote, “such ‘flow of soul’ as melts in these letters.” Since his departure from Philadelphia, separation from his “favorite friend and brother” had resulted in “gloom” and “depression.” His chief pleasure in life now was correspondence with Drinker and other friends “whose hearts are susceptible of the sorrow and distress of others, and who are kind enough to allow me that intercourse.” In Drinker’s original response, he had celebrated “a social sympathy which heaven has implanted in the feeling heart, in mitigation of its own sufferings.”29

      The postrevolutionary press actively encouraged and celebrated loving and sympathetic friendships between men as the quintessence of republican masculinity. One particularly vivid essay exemplified this idealization of male friendship and its tone of unabashed sentimentality:

      Tell me ye of refined feelings—have you ever found pleasures equal to those derived from friendship? What can be more delightful to the eye of benevolence than the prospect of a connection where the sentiments and affections are sweetly united? Picture to yourself, reader, two young men mutually bound by a sacred friendship—a friendship established upon the experience of years. See them with interlocked arms walking the pleasant grove, reciprocally breathing forth, without reserve, the sentiments of their bosoms! Observe the essence of benevolence glowing on their cheeks, and the gleams of participated ecstasy sparkling in their eyes. View them sweetly seated at the enchanted shrine of their goddess—friendship—unbosoming every sensation, and even mingling heart with heart! Notice them saluting each other after being separated for a season by the calls of interest—with what cordiality—with what emotions of joy—with what exquisite delight they embrace.

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